The rarest eye color - what is it?

As you know, the eyes are a mirror of the human soul. It is on them that we pay special attention in the process of interpersonal communication. And the owners of an unusual eye color will inevitably attract many surprised and admiring glances. So what is the rarest eye color?

The rarest eye color
Answering a curious question about which eye color is the rarest, you must first mention what the shade of the iris depends on . It's all about the pigment called melanin - its amount forms the color of the eyes and is determined by hereditary factors. The more melanin in the body, the darker the person’s eyes.

Living creatures characterized by the absence of this pigment are called albinos and have red eyes. Studies show that it is the dark shade of the iris that is dominant, which explains its apparent predominance over the light. Therefore, there are many more dark-eyed people in the world. The accumulation of melanin can be accompanied by a gradual change in eye color throughout human life. Closer to old age, their shade may become faded, which is associated with a loss of transparency of the so-called mesoderm layer.

What is the rarest eye color
So, as statistics show, the rarest eye color on Earth is green. Only 2% of the population possesses it, mainly residents of northern Europe. Also, the rarest eye color is inherent in Turks and Icelanders. The body of these people is genetically predisposed to produce less melanin.

The most common is brown. If we talk about the population of our country, approximately half of it has gray eyes. Brown-eyed is a quarter of the inhabitants of Russia, blue and blue shades of the iris are characteristic for 15-20% of the population. The rarest eye color for Russians is again green.

Rare eye color
Another rare eye color resulting from genetic mutations is purple. A child born with such a deviation, when born, has an absolutely standard shade of the iris: blue, gray or brown. But over the course of six months, it gradually changes, acquiring a purple color. The peak of this process occurs during puberty, when the eyes acquire a dark purple or violet-blue tint. Such a pathology has absolutely no effect on human vision, which cannot be said about the cardiovascular system (many owners of violet-colored eyes suffer from unpleasant diseases in this area). Their brightest representative is the legendary Elizabeth Taylor.

In conclusion, it should be noted that there are relatively few primary eye colors. These include brown, blue, gray and green. But there are a huge number of their shades, and each of them is unique. If we talk about unusual eye colors - purple and red - then they are more likely a consequence of pathologies and are considered a manifestation of atypical changes in the body. In this case, the rarest eye color - green, resulting from a small amount of melanin, can not be called any deviation from the norm.


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