What is the lobby in DotA?

Today, there is a huge number of MMORPGs that are not very different from each other. It's just that developers are trying to use absolutely all the features while this genre is popular. Indeed, to create an online role-playing game does not require too much - some features are hung on the familiar base so that the project does not look so similar to all the similar ones, and - you're done! However, there is another type of role-playing online toys - this is MOBA, in which the action takes place not in the game world, but exclusively in the battle arena. Characters also gain experience, gain various skills, pick up items and weapons, but each party is single and complete, not connected with others. And the most popular game in this area today is Dota, in which special lobbies are created and battles are held in them. What is interesting about this project, what is the lobby, and how to play on the network - every fan of online battles should know all these questions.

What is a lobby?

The best MOBA game

In fact, Dota is not an independent project - it was originally released as an addition to the third part of Warcraft, which had a storyline campaign and strategic multiplayer. However, one feature unusual for the series was introduced here - the presence of the main character, special abilities and objects. Therefore, the developers introduced a separate mode in which gamers could confront each other in network battles, omitting the strategic component and turning exclusively to role-playing. Network mode was not the most standard, which raised questions about what the lobby is and why it is needed at all.

What is the DotA Lobby?

The lobby is not like a hotel

Many users are confused by the name. Most people know what a hotel lobby is, for example, but a computer game lobby is something new and different. In fact, everything turned out to be much simpler. So in โ€œDotAโ€ is called the usual room, which is created for players who want to have a duel. Of course, she has her own characteristics, which, in fact, allow her to be called differently, but the principle is approximately the same. Let's take a closer look at what the lobby is and how to use it in the game.

What is a hotel lobby?

We are preparing the site ...

Novice players may not immediately understand the mechanics of creating rooms in DotA, so itโ€™s worthwhile to dwell in more detail directly on the process itself. Everything is much simpler than you can imagine - you just need to click on the "Play" button, and then find another icon, which will be called "Create Lobby". After that, a small window opens in which you are given the choice between creating a regular and local lobby. When you make a decision, a screen will appear in front of you, which will give you an answer to the question of what the lobby is. You will see two graphs of five slots, each of which can display a player who belongs to one or the other team. There is also a separate column in which the nicknames of those players who have not yet been assigned to the teams will be located. Well, of course, there is a column with translators that show the passing match on their channel and comment on it - after all, โ€œDotaโ€ is nothing more than a full-fledged e-sports. This is exactly what the main lobby window looks like, but it also has an auxiliary settings window, which is very useful for you.

Attention! Settings!

When you find out what the lobby is in the DotA, you will naturally want to create it and customize it to your taste, and this is entirely possible thanks to the wide settings provided by the game interface. Firstly, you can set a name for your room, as well as set a password (in case you want only trusted players that you trust to join you). Secondly, you can enable the use of cheat codes, set the complexity of the bots and choose the type of match. At the same time, emergency measures are also provided if one team is obviously stronger than the other. To do this, there is a system of fines that can be set in the lobby settings. As a result, you can greatly influence how the match will look and go, just by changing a few points in the parameters of your room.

how to create a lobby in DotA

Create a local game

In the first versions of DotA, users suffered very much due to the fact that the network game was available exclusively for use on the Internet. Imagine: you know how to create a lobby in DotA, but you canโ€™t do it because you, for example, have tariffed Internet access or a very slow connection. This issue was resolved fairly quickly, and one of the first updates introduced the ability to create local lobbies. They differ from the standard ones in that they can hold matches without an Internet connection, and through a local network, if you have one.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25599/

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