Greek braid weaving

Almost always, one of the main adornments of a woman was beautiful and well-groomed hair. It’s not so important if you are blonde, brunette or red-haired - the silky luxury of short or long curls can always attract the attention of everyone around.

You can often hear that the owners of long hair are asking a question that concerns what can be done with them. Unfortunately, in most cases, such girls decide to go to the hairdresser and get a short haircut. It should be noted and warned women that such an argument is not at all enough to deprive oneself of the opportunity to do amazing hairstyles on long hair. Moreover, to grow such wealth again is not very easy and rather problematic. Thus, girls who want short haircuts need to look at the different braids that have become very popular nowadays. Such works of art look better on more fluffy and longer hair. For example, you can pay attention to the Greek braids. After viewing the various options for weaving, any girl changes her mind to go to the hairdresser.

Let's move on to the hairstyle itself. Weaving a Greek braid will require a hairdryer, a regular styling tool, a sharp-edged comb and “invisible” hairpins. Before creating this hairstyle, you need to wash your hair and apply foam, gel or mousse on them for styling. The tool should be evenly applied to wet curls. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of cosmetics, because after that, the hair may look unnatural. Then you need to blow dry your hair.

Next, you need to separate the curls with a transverse parting at the level of the ears. The hair left behind this “separation” should be fixed with a clip so that it does not interfere. Above the left ear, you need to select a strand, divide it into three parts and start weaving the braid on its side. In this case, it is necessary to make a "spikelet" and each time add new hair strips. In order to make it convenient to weave the Greek braid, the front part of the curls can be combed towards the right ear. After the "spikelet" is brought to the right border of the hair, from the rest of the curls you need to make an ordinary braid of three strands. The tip of the hairstyle should be secured with hairpins.

Greek weaving can be done without the usual pigtails, i.e. free curls can be left loose. This version of the hairstyle is romantic. Weaving a Greek braid of this type is perfect for a date.

Such a hairstyle is beautiful in that there are a large number of options for its creation. All you need is a manifestation of your imagination. Below are some options for Greek weaving.

In the "spikelet", which is done from the left to the right ear, you can add all the hair. The end of the pigtail will need to be fixed with a small rubber band. In the hairstyle, you can add small multi-colored hair clips. With such a pigtail, you can safely go to a solemn event. If you add hair clips in the form of white flowers to this Greek “spikelet”, you get a beautiful wedding hairstyle.

Instead of one pigtail that you want to weave on the side, you can make two pigtails, which must be directed from the ears to the center. Then you need to create one from two "spikelets". The end of the hairstyle needs to be fixed with hairpins.

In order to add a bit of negligence, some strands can be gently pulled out of the “spikelet” using a pointed comb. In this case, the curls do not need to be "pulled out" to the end.

Weaving a Greek braid is uncomplicated. It does not require the presence of a large number of styling products. It should also be noted that in order to create this hairstyle, you need to spend only 15-20 minutes of your free time.


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