Beautiful and original girls names modern - list, features and meaning

In the old days, parents did not have to come up with a name for their child. During the baptismal ceremony, the clergyman himself named the child by a certain name. In Russia, it was believed that the name was able to determine the history of a person in advance, so it was best to entrust such an important burden to the representatives of the church. After the ceremony, the child had two names: personal and Christmas time.

Difficult decision

Difficult choice

Nowadays, fortunately, parents can choose their own name for the child. However, this task continues to be extremely difficult. There are a huge number of modern Russian rare and beautiful names for girls, the choice of which can be very quickly confused and confused.

If you are waiting for a girl in your family, gathered a cradle for her, prepared miniature dresses, dresses and booties, it is time to think about her name as well. When choosing modern names for girls, their meaning is important for every parent to understand. It is much easier to prepare a dowry for a baby than to find a name with which both father, mother, and other family members will agree. What should I focus on? What rules and fashion trends hover around this issue?

How to help in making a decision?

Of course, there are mothers who, even before pregnancy, know what they will call their baby. And as soon as this happy moment arrives, a happy woman with just a rounded belly will talk, speaking by name.

But many women cannot come to a single decision in such a short time. They try to choose the best, unique and modern Russian names for girls. Some are trying to associate with their loved ones and from personal experience to seek an answer. And someone wants to find the most original option to stand out among others.

The final decision with long deliberation can be made by the father or the eldest child. Do not hesitate, they have their own ideas and plans for a little daughter / sister. Nevertheless, the choice of a name for the newborn will become one of the most discussed and interesting topics for several months to come.

Tips for Parents

Parents should choose beautiful modern names for girls based on the following principles:

  1. The name must be approved with the general consent of both parents. The father and mother of the baby should unanimously love the chosen option.
  2. The name should be selected, taking into account the harmony of its sound with the name and patronymic of the child. Alexandrova Alexandra Alexandrovna is not the best option for a girl, agree.

Modern names of girls are not always easily perceived by other relatives, because in our country new trends and changes are often not to everyone's liking. However, only parents know what they want to name their daughter. Therefore, do not let anyone make you doubt it. Many people prefer to return to their roots, choosing Old Slavonic names, for example, Zora, Krasimir, Beloslava and others.

Choose a name based on its value

blond hair girl

Modern beautiful Russian names for girls carry a certain meaning and significance, so the choice should be as meaningful as possible. It has been repeatedly noted that children often adopt the qualities and abilities that the name bears in itself.

Choosing one of the many modern names of girls, you need to further clarify what exactly it carries in itself. It is possible that when you read the description of the name, you will feel and understand something - that is the kind of child you want. Let us dwell on the secret meanings of some names:

  • Adele - refers to the noble strata of the population;
  • Alice - attractive, irresistible;
  • Vasilisa - belongs to the royal family;
  • Gayana - is part of the earth;
  • Gloria is glorious;
  • Day is divine;
  • Dina is a pious girl with strong faith;
  • Eve - mischievous, gives life;
  • Elizabeth - worshiping God;
  • Zoya - exudes life;
  • Oia - violet;
  • Kira is the sovereign;
  • Constance - does not submit;
  • Liliana - fragrant like a flower;
  • Melania - swarthy;
  • Nika is the winner;
  • Regina is a regal girl;
  • Selena - lunar;
  • Sofia is fair;
  • Felicia - gives happiness;
  • Florina - forever young;
  • Elvira - exudes calm;
  • Juno - protector of marriage;
  • Jaromira - brings light and peace to life.

Choose a name for the girl, according to church calendars

If you want to find rare modern Russian names of girls, then refer to the Orthodox calendar. Over the past few years, it is precisely such variants of the name that are gaining great popularity in our country. Calling children based on church holidays and celebrations becomes relevant again. There are many such options, here you can find only a small fraction of them:

  • for January girls, the names are suitable: Eugene, Augustus, Emilia;
  • for February: Faith, Mary, Xenia;
  • for March: Marianne, Ulyana, Iraida;
  • for April: Veronica, Sofia, Lydia;
  • for May: Muse, Julia, Pelagia;
  • for June: Nick, Susanna, Elena;
  • for July: Valentine, Mina, John;
  • for August: Daria, Anna, Anfisa;
  • for September: Irina, Vera, Tatyana;
  • for October: Ustin, Ariadne, Zlata;
  • for November: Olga, Cleopatra, Pelagia;
  • for December: Tamara, Catherine, Marina.

What will the horoscope say?

Zodiac signs

Modern Russian names for girls can be chosen based on horoscopes. Many people sincerely believe in the power of astrology. A personal horoscope for a child will help not only to narrow the radius of searches for a name, but also to slightly open the veil of what life awaits her.

Knowing what month you are in, it is easy to calculate the estimated date of birth of the baby and what zodiac sign she will have. Based on this knowledge, you can make the most powerful union of the zodiac sign and the name of the girl.

Here are a few modern names of girls that refer to the various constellations of the horoscope:

  • Aries is a friendly and sociable girl who will be best characterized by such a name as Alice, Raisa, Alla.
  • Taurus is often a stubborn and ambitious girl, her name always sounds proudly: May, Angelica, Diana.
  • Twins are girls who have duality in every way. The best names for them will be Elsa, Gloria, Taisia ​​or Aksinya.
  • Cancer is often a touchy and very impressionable girl, balance for her will bring the name of Bogdan, Selena, Aelita or Melania.
  • Leo is always independent and beautiful. Such a girl bears the name of Emma, ​​Aurora, Eleanor or Isabella.
  • Virgo is meticulous and pedantic, the name Gerda, Edith, Vit or Lind will help her relax.
  • Libra is extremely narcissistic and damn charming. This zodiac sign loves the names Veronica, Bella, Milena, Zlata or Snezhana.
  • Scorpio is a girl with a heavy character, for whom the names Marta, Elina, Zara, Seraphim are suitable.
  • Sagittarius is an eternally active and restless girl who will love names like Jeanne, Marianne, Violet or Patricia.
  • Capricorn is sweet and unflappable; she will bear the name of Cyrus, Nora, Renat or Varia.
  • Aquarius is a constant fighter for freedom, the name Lolita, Frida or Gloria will help her in life.
  • Pisces - girls are creative and interesting, their inspiration will come with the names of Eve, Adeline, Amelia or Venus.

Most original names

Beautiful modern names for girls often sound not only original, but also extremely unexpected. It is worth noting that over the past few years, only in Moscow have such names as Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Angel Maria, Alyosha-Kaprina and others been registered. There will always be a mom who loves outrageous and originality. Increasingly, young parents are trying to choose an unconventional name that has not had time to become boring, to "blur" a rumor. Girls are called by names, which can sometimes seem very strange. Below you can find a similar list of female names:

  • Bozena;
  • Bagheera;
  • Spring;
  • Cleopatra
  • Byzantium;
  • Rosalia;
  • Lei.

Moreover, more and more amazing names appear that really expand the boundaries of choice for future parents:

  • Joy;
  • Goluba;
  • Cherry;
  • Alice-Nefertiti;
  • Raspberries;
  • Legend;
  • Moon;
  • The ocean.

What makes parents go to such an extreme?

First of all, this is the desire to highlight your child, to emphasize his personality. Also, many parents try in this way to fill the lack of attention that they themselves want to receive. It may sound selfish, but such is reality. Nevertheless, you can name your child by the name that you like most. It is important to navigate a few years ahead, when the baby is already growing up.

Many psychologists believe that such an extraordinary name can be a significant problem for the child when she tries to adapt to the new team. Often children negatively perceive what they do not know and are not familiar with. A rare and unusual name can make a girl a black sheep. Of course, our society is gradually developing, new changes are quickly adapting, but it takes time for everything.

Commonly Used Baby Names

smiling girl

If you are interested in the most common modern names of girls, then, according to studies, in 2017, most girl names were distinguished by their warmth, sincerity and femininity. The following are the three most commonly used names:

  1. Sofia. A girl with this name is often famous for her prudence, calmness and heightened curiosity. The baby is very much attached to her mother, she considers her her authority and the closest person in the world. Despite her gentle and soft features, Sofia cannot sit still. Tolika of patience and pedantry will come to her only with years and experience. Stars predict a strong and happy love for a girl, as well as a long marriage.
  2. Maria. And also Mashenka, Masya or Mashunya - this name carries many warm and gentle variations. The baby immediately conquers everyone with her kindness and calmness. However, she is very sensitive to criticism and extremely vulnerable. Parents should definitely consider this in the process of her upbringing. Masha will gradually build up self-confidence and firm character traits. Such women, as a result, become delightful wives and fair mothers.
  3. Daria. Girls with this name are always active and energetic. From time to time, excessive impulsiveness can cause trouble for a girl, but all this is compensated by economic traits and prudence. Life at Daria is developing very favorably. Regardless of the real age, the girl will always be distinguished by the presence of some kind of childish immediacy. This will certainly attract many cavaliers to her person.

Foreign children's names

An equally popular trend for young parents is to call their children names that were borrowed from foreign culture. This can be explained by the fact that English is more and more actively entering our everyday life, and the culture of foreign countries is no longer something closed and distant to us. Everything new is extremely interesting and exciting for many, so more and more foreign names appear, for example, Monica, Nicole, Stephanie, Jasmine or Bella.

Going through all such names is extremely difficult and time-consuming. Of course, parents have to spend long days in search of the most successful and interesting option. Some are stocked with church calendars, others are looking for an answer in star charts. And this is not surprising, the name carries a great sense and significance, no one can deny this, so the decision must be justified.

Muslim girl names

muslim girl

Modern Muslim names for girls will also please future parents with their diversity. In the Muslim religion, the name for the child, as well as for an adult who accepts Islam, plays a crucial role. It is an integral part of a person, describes the character and personality, and also partially predicts fate. Muslim families give names to their children, not based on the beauty of their sound. First of all, you need to pay attention to the true meaning of the option that you liked. It is also important to take into account traditions related to religion or the history of the family.

Modern Muslim beautiful and rare names for girls are presented in a wide variety. They combined the Arab and Turkic roots. It is also worth noting that this category of names contains only those options that do not contradict the norms of Islam.

Beautiful and modern Muslim girls' names are not uncommon, so any of the parents will be able to easily choose the most vivid and memorable for their child. An interesting fact is that not only residents of Islamic countries choose them for their children. Many European women admire the bewitching and interesting sounds of such names. They often praise certain traits of a person’s character, notice attractiveness, nobility and charm. Modern Muslim names for girls are distinguished by their "floral" motifs; they compare a woman with a fragrant and beautiful bouquet.

Popular names:

  • Huda - “the good way”;
  • Bursha - “good news”;
  • Ayia - comes from a particle of the word, which means "righteousness";
  • Khairiya - “that which benefits”;
  • Muhsina - “doing good”;
  • AIChE - “life”.

What are modern Kazakh names for girls?

Tatra girl

Many girls give their charm and appeal to their names. This also applies to Kazakh names. When you pronounce them, you often get the impression that you hear pleasant, gentle music. The following are examples of modern Kazakh names for girls : Aysula, which means "beautiful as the moon," and Aidai, "moon-like." Kazakhs are an ancient nomadic people, spent a lot of time in the open steppes and often admired the open night sky. It is from here that they have such a love for heavenly bodies, even in names.

According to popular tradition, jinxing a girl is much more difficult than a boy. In this regard, for them it was possible to select the most pleasant and easily pronounced names. Modern Tatar names for girls are also very similar to them. Often there are such names as Zhibek, which means "silk", Raushan - "beautiful rose." Often girls were named after noble metals or jewelry: Altyn, which means “gold,” Gauhar, “emerald,” Marzhan, “pearls,” and Kumis, “silver.”

Tatar girl names

Kazakh girl

Beautiful and modern Tatar names of girls are not uncommon. Parents can choose from a large number exactly the option that is best for the baby. For instance:

  1. Asel translates as "honey." A girl with this name will be distinguished by a gentle and pleasant character, will be responsive, with a soft character. Asel will always be ready to help her loved ones.
  2. Idelia loves freedom, an active lifestyle and is famous for its attractiveness.
  3. Alsou or the "pink-cheeked". Despite the fact that the name is more popular now thanks to the famous singer, it was extremely popular before. Such girls are always famous for their curiosity and ability to defend their own point of view.

Modern rare Muslim names for girls please not only with their originality, but also with melody. Of course, it is important to pay attention to the meaning of the name. As already mentioned, it plays a significant role in the life of the child, so this is a big responsibility. The most important thing is to choose a name, wishing your daughter love and happiness, then you will certainly be able to find a suitable option. Do not listen to anyone other than your own parental heart - and then everything will be fine!


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