How to make a pokeball - a ball for catching Pokemon?

At the end of the twentieth century, an animated series about Pokemon appeared on blue screens. He became so popular that according to his plot dozens of kinds of various games were later released.

Who is Pokemon?

"Pokemon" is a kind of creature that has supernatural powers. In appearance, these are Japanese animated characters. The plot of the game was reduced to the fact that coaches prepare Pokémon for battle. And they must defeat other Pokemon other trainers.

The more Pokémon the trainer has and the more wins of his Pokémon, the higher the level of the trainer in front of others. This is both excitement and adventure. And of course, have a good time.

To make Pokemon more, they must be caught in the wild. In this trainer, existing creatures help. Defeating wild Pokemon, a device in the form of a small ball rushes into it. It serves to carry captured monsters. This device is called pokeball. If a wild creature cannot escape from pokeball, it will belong to the trainer.

how to make pokeball
You can catch a large number of Pokemon. But only six pieces are allowed to carry. The rest will be in a specific repository. If desired, one trainer can exchange his Pokémon with another.

How to make do-it-yourself pokeball (out of paper)

This question arises before all fans of Pokemon. To understand how to make a pokeball, you need ingenuity and the necessary materials. Most importantly, pokeball should have a spherical shape. You can use any ball, fruit and so on.

Consider several options for making pokeball:

  • 1 way. An ordinary ball is taken (tennis, foam or plastic). One part of the ball (half of the ball) should be white, the second part should be red (both hemispheres are decorated in the corresponding colors). Next, the boundary between the hemispheres is determined. It is painted in length in black, with a width of about five millimeters. But the two ends of this border should not be in contact. A white circle is drawn between them, the size of a fifty-cent coin. The border of the circle is also painted black.
  • 2 way. Any round item should be taken. For example, an orange. White tape is glued to one hemisphere of the circle, red tape is glued to the other, and the border is glued to black tape. Next, a white circle is glued, and the pokeball is ready.
  • 3 way. The paper is taken on which the pokeball pattern is drawn. It can be downloaded from the Internet. But it will not be spherical, but in the form of a cube. Of course, throwing him into wild Pokemon does not work, he can immediately fall apart. But you can use it as a keyring or just a toy.

how to make do-it-yourself pokeball out of paper


From the above methods, you can determine how to make pokeball more durable. Of course, the first method will last longer, and the second and third can be used as a souvenir.

Having understood how to make a pokeball, you can play this game with your friends. Undoubtedly, it will deliver a lot of impressions.


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