Which company is better toaster: rating, reviews, selection rules

Surely for many, a cup of coffee with slices of toasted bread is the only way to wake up and raise your mood a little. Choosing a toaster is a simple matter. Here it is important to understand not which company is the best toaster, but what is the determining factor in this enterprise. You can completely do without any functions in order not to overpay a lot of money, but most importantly, the device should be reliable and safe.

which company is better toaster

Let's try to figure out and decide which company is best toaster, which appliances are worth buying, and which to bypass. All models will be presented in the form of a rating, the creation of which experts in this field and ordinary owners of toasters had a hand in the creation, along with their feedback and suggestions.

Choose a model

Before choosing a toaster and paying money to the cashier, it is necessary to take into account some points that are, if not critical, then important. If there are small children in your house, then it will be useful to check with the seller if the device has a thermally insulated case, otherwise the outer shell can severely burn a curious child.

Also, the function of adjusting the degree of frying does not hurt. That is, in this case, you yourself will choose the intensity of the “goldenness” of the toast. An automatic raising of cooked slices will not be a superfluous addition, because morning picking out fresh toasts from the device is not the best occupation of awake.

how to choose a toaster

Be sure to check the presence of the “Stop” button in order to stop the roasting process at any stage, since unnecessary control will never hurt. An intelligently organized compartment for the cord will be useful, that is, with additional adjustment of the length, so that everything in the kitchen is ergonomic and nothing superfluous hangs around the table. Keep this in mind before choosing a toaster.

As for the appearance, then everything is at your discretion. Evaluate the interior where the device will be installed, draw the appropriate conclusions and buy your favorite model.

Which company is better toaster

These devices are produced by almost all manufacturers of kitchen appliances. In our country, the assortment of toasters is represented by the brands Mulinex, Bosch, Philips, Polaris and Panasonic. They practice the release of various kinds of devices and modifications that differ in their price tag. Budget options on the market are presented by Supra, Scarlett, Vitek, and Maxwell.

Tefal toasters are a little more expensive, but if you need chic and the perfect combination of qualities, then please - KitchenAid models are waiting for you. That's just the price tag of such equipment is kept at the level of a good refrigerator. So you have to choose and decide which company is the best toaster.

Rating models

Below will be presented the most high-quality and popular models among a wide range of consumers who have distinguished themselves by a good cost / return ratio, as well as an acceptable pricing policy.

The best models of toasters:

  • Redmond RT-403.
  • Maxwell MW-1501.
  • Scarlett SC-112.
  • Polaris PET 0702L.

Redmond rt-403

This device is a representative of the Ecology Series model range, which means that you will not find any substandard materials in its design. The toaster is equipped with a convenient LCD display, which indicates one of the nine selected degrees of frying slices, and the indication on the LEDs visually displays the time until the end of the frying.

toaster redmond

Toaster Redmond RT-403 is equipped with a defrost function, which allows you to cook toast from frozen bread. First, the device starts defrosting, and then switches to frying mode. The presence of a heating function allows you to heat the cooled slices. If a special stand was supplied with the appliance, then you can preheat rolls, croissants and other bakery products corresponding to the dimensions of this stand.

Owners speak warmly about the model. Users appreciated the style, ergonomics and low cost of the device. The bread is fried evenly, without burning around the edges. The same is true for defrost function. This also includes a 25-month warranty and a large number of service centers. No critical flaws were noticed.

Maxwell MW-1501

Toaster Maxwell MW has a simple form and simple design. With this machine you can easily and quickly cook your favorite toasts. One of the main advantages of the device is six operating modes that will make your culinary fantasies a reality, and adjusting the degree of roasting will help you to adapt to any type of bakery products.

There is a special tray for collecting crumbs, which is quickly removed and easily cleaned. There is also a special compartment for the cord, which allows not to litter the space on the table.

toaster maxwell

Owners in their reviews appreciated the benefits of the MW-1501. Users liked the speed of making toasts, ease of operation, compactness and simple cleaning of the device. Some complain about a spring that is too tight, which throws the slices high, but after a few weeks of functioning, it is run-in, and the discomfort disappears.

Scarlett SC-112

The Scarlett SC-112 toaster of the Russian-Chinese production is a device for the whole family, created in compliance with all safety measures and rules. The device has a plastic and thermally insulated case, coupled with a smooth adjustment of the temperature of the toasting slices of bread. The Stop button is also available on the model’s case.

It should be noted that many Russian consumers choose “Scarlett” toasters for themselves. This is due not only to the affordable price, but also to the presence of the Extra Lift function in the models, which allows you to fry and then quietly remove even the smallest slices of bread.

toaster polaris

Owners speak about the model mainly in a positive way. They appreciated the speed of making toasts along with simple and uncomplicated controls. Arranged for the Russian consumer and the cost of the device, coupled with a calm and versatile design. Some complain of uneven browning, as a result of which it is necessary to control the intensity of frying.

Polaris PET 0702L

The Polaris toaster of the PET series from an international holding is a universal and extremely popular apparatus for making toasts in our territory. It can safely defrost, heat and fry almost all types of bakery products to the desired condition.

Additionally, the toaster is equipped with a centering system, which helps to prepare slices with a golden crust, and the upper grill allows you to warm buns, croissants and other goodies for breakfast.

toaster scarlet

The Russian consumer speaks warmly about the model and the series as a whole. The owners are quite happy with the price policy of the holding, the quality of the materials used and the frying process itself. Some consumers note the “thoughtfulness” of the device and the too loud and unexpected ending of cooking. But it’s difficult to call these shortcomings critical, so you can recommend Polaris to anyone who wants to get delicious breakfast toasts.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2563/

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