Why do I need a German consulate in Almaty?

Most of the countries of the Schengen agreement were limited to only one embassy in Kazakhstan. Germany is one of the rare states that has also opened a consulate general. Why do I need a German consulate in Almaty?

The point here is not only in the high tourist potential of Germany and in warm Kazakh-German political relations. Everything explains the story.

Ethnic Germans of Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, a large number of ethnic Germans remained, forcibly deported from the Volga region in 1941-1942. Despite the fact that many of the descendants of the immigrants of that time today already live in their historical homeland, their friends and relatives still remained on the territory of Kazakhstan. This explains the continuous flow of citizens of Kazakhstan who want to visit their friends and relatives in Germany.

Germany on a map of Europe

That is why it would be difficult for one embassy to cope with such a large amount of work on processing visa documents.

Consulate of Germany in Almaty

Mostly citizens of Kazakhstan apply for a visa based on a guest invitation issued in Germany. Less often, the German Consulate in Almaty receives visa applications for tourism or treatment.

Consulate General of Germany in Almaty

Reception is from Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 17:00 (break 12:00 to 12:30), and on Friday - from 7:45 to 13:45 (break from 12:00 to 12:30).

The German Consulate General in Almaty is considering documents for a Schengen visa both from Almaty residents and residents of nearby regions. Any citizen of Kazakhstan has the right to apply not only to the described body of foreign relations, but also to the embassy located in Astana.

The consulate's residence is located at: Almaty, md. Mountain giant, st. Ivanilova, 2.

Since August 2016, Mr. Jorn Rosenberg has been Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Almaty.

Since April 4, 2018, all documents for a Schengen visa are accepted along with the German Consulate in Almaty by the Visa Center, which, incidentally, charges a fee for its services. Its function is to accept, verify and then transfer the package of documents to the consulate for further consideration. Citizens who have submitted documents to the visa center will receive passports in it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25646/

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