Water station for home: installation, connection and reviews

The popularity of country houses and detached cottage villages entailed the spread of systems that ensure the autonomy of communication content. Separation from the central water supply makes many private homeowners turn to alternative sources of vital resources. Moreover, not a traditional well or tanks with coolers comes to the fore in such searches, but a water pumping station, which works from its own well. Automatic sampling saves the user from constant monitoring of equipment - the main thing is to choose an aggregate of sufficient power and correctly install it with the connection. But first of all, you should understand what such systems are and what their work is based on.

Device and principle of operation

water station

Although this equipment is significantly different from the usual devices for pumping water, their base is still formed by the pump. It is also worth noting the presence of a hydraulic accumulator, pressure sensors, control relays and pressure tank. Small water stations for the house have a membrane reservoir in design, which is divided into two halves. One of them is filled with air under pressure, and the second part receives water.

The relay indicates the upper level of air pressure in the tank. When this limit is reached, the pump automatically shuts off and then the collected water can be used. There are different approaches to operating modes. For example, if small amounts of water are consumed, then the pump does not start operation after each consumption session. It turns on when the lower pressure limit is reached. In order for the water station to operate in optimal operating mode, you should initially determine the volume of the accumulator. The pump activation frequency will depend on its value - accordingly, the larger the volume, the less often the unit turns on.

What are the water stations?

water stations for home

For a private house, you can use a household or sewer station. In the first case, it is possible to provide uninterrupted water supply to a summer house or cottage. The supplied resource is used for domestic use, for heating systems, watering works and other household purposes. These are water stations for the home, which supply clean water with a minimum content of foreign impurities. But there are sewer stations that carry out the removal of contaminated and fecal masses. Typically, such units are installed in the local area, after which they are also operated in automatic mode. If necessary, the sewer station can also be used to supply water from a well or a well, but it can only be used for household needs.

Also, such equipment is divided into console and monoblock installations. The monoblock station is equipped with an electric motor, which is located on the same shaft with hydraulics. Console models have a similar device, but they are more often used to service aggressive environments. One way or another, the water station should provide the ability to rise to a sufficient height. There are units capable of taking water to the level of the earth's surface, to the first floor and so on.

Unit Installation

water pumping station

When installing a station, some conditions must be met. First, the unit should be located as close to water as possible. Secondly, it should be isolated as much as possible from mechanical influences. As a rule, equipment is placed in the basement or in a special room. The main thing is that the water station is installed on a special stand. It should protect the system from direct contact with groundwater. The contact of the unit and its components with the walls should also be excluded so that the risk of transmission of vibrations is excluded. The room itself must be heated - depending on the model, maintenance of a certain temperature regime may be required.


installation of a water station

Work begins with the assembly of the ejector, to which the mesh filter is connected . This is followed by the connection of the socket of the required length - in this way, a flange of optimal diameter is formed, which is subsequently reduced to a plastic pipe. At the same time, ditches are being dug in which the connection to the well will be laid. It is important that the connection of the water station is carried out in compliance with the complete tightness of the connections. The assembled ejector is immersed in the well to a depth corresponding to the design parameters. The mark at which the structure will be lowered must match the casing outlet level. The final strengthening of the head is made on the casing using plumbing reinforcement.

Manufacturers and prices

water station connection

Owners of a small house should pay attention to the offer from the Neoclima company - an aggregate from the GP series, capable of lifting up to a height of 45 m. The productivity of this station is 60 l / min, while the equipment is equipped with engine protection against overheating, and control is carried out using electronic systems in automatic mode. The cost of this model is 10 thousand rubles. To solve more complex problems, a Grundfos water station in the JP base version is proposed. This unit costs 22 thousand rubles, but for this money the owner gets a productivity of up to 3600 l / h, automated control, the possibility of lifting 42 m and the presence of a built-in pressure gauge.

Water Station Reviews

Basically, reviews of modern household stations for water supply are positive. The equipment is praised for its reliability, ease of installation, low maintenance and, most importantly, the continuous execution of the main task - the supply of clean water. The advantages of modern electronic control, which are equipped with water stations, are also noted. Reviews with criticism mainly indicate a mismatch of the declared data with actual indicators, but the difference in most cases is not significant. Actually, for this, manufacturers recommend initially choosing stations with higher operational characteristics so that there is a reserve of water supply volumes.


water stations reviews

Like any communication equipment for a private house, such units require considerable investment. In addition to the cost of the equipment itself, the user must also calculate investments in installation work, not to mention geodetic measures and well drilling. And yet, as practice shows, a water station fully pays for itself. The supply of clean water is only part of the benefit, since in some cases the maintenance of such equipment is cheaper than the cost of using the services of specialized organizations. In addition, homeowners who simply have no alternative but a well often use automatic pumping stations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25653/

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