Svetlana Volkova: handmade knitted clothes

All types of handmade, expertly executed by man, will always evoke a feeling of admiration and curiosity among those around. This is especially true in modern times, when human labor is mostly replaced by machine guns, so finding a real master of his craft is very difficult. That is why all the works of the "golden hands" are valuable and unique. This trend applies not only to the creation of furniture or jewelry, but also to the fashion industry.

Sometimes it is very difficult to find quality handmade things, because to do something on your own does not mean to be a professional. A true masterpiece, he, like a big diamond under the spotlights, plays with its faces, captivating everyone around. Therefore, handmade clothing must also look unique, and the person wearing it should feel like a gem in a chic frame.

Master of his craft

Svetlana Volkova is considered a great master in the field of creating unique clothes. The work of her hands is not just beautifully connected things according to schemes from magazines, but a great creative process that brings beauty and irresistibility to this world. Therefore, it creates unique exhibits that are in demand among people of different age categories.

The technique of her work is very different from most techniques in knitting and crocheting, because sometimes she herself can come up with them, which makes such knitted products even more elegant and in demand. Clothing, created by the hands of such a creative person, every day finds its new connoisseurs. Everyone who at least once had the opportunity to contemplate her works falls in love with them once and for all.

Everyone is held in high esteem

A beautiful needlewoman, Svetlana Volkova, invents and creates clothes not only for girls and women of model appearance, who have standard sizes, but also for people with different types of figures. Therefore, she has so many fans who are happy to wear great things from the master.

Svetlana Volkova

Beautiful and fashionable knitted clothes from such a master are equally beloved and sought after by teenage girls and older women. Charming products from a needlewoman of this level are always a guarantee of quality and perfection in the world of fashion trends.

Great variety

The master of knitting, Svetlana Volkova, creates not the same things, but many different clothes. In her arsenal there is almost all the clothes that can be knitted, and these are sweaters, pullovers, sweaters, dresses, sweaters, shawls, vests and many other models. Therefore, almost everyone can choose for himself from this list such a thing that will reflect his style and match the inner world.

knitting patterns

Many people love the clothes from the craftswoman and the fact that, despite the materials she uses in her work, all her knitted items look very light and airy. They do not create the appearance of gloom and heaviness, as is sometimes the case with things from stores. Therefore, it’s very easy and simple to create a beautiful look for any person with masterpieces from a needlework master.

Openwork tale

Whatever things Svetlana Volkova undertakes to create, they all come out, like canvases by great artists, irresistible and incomparable. There is no aggression and rudeness in them, but only the openwork splendor of skillfully interwoven threads, creating as a result fabulous models. Her work can be compared with thin, but durable cobwebs that shimmer in the sun in dew drops.

The needlewoman thinks out every new knitting model to the smallest detail so that the thing in the end could bring its owner only positive emotions. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are looking forward to the release of new things from this wise woman.


All outfits of the "golden master" can be divided into those that are suitable for everyday wear, and things intended for special occasions. But this does not mean that everyday things have a nondescript appearance and austerity of forms, rather, on the contrary, they are very beautiful and attract eyes, but at the same time they can be worn even for work in the office. It's just that the master skillfully distributes all the accents according to the model in such a way that simplicity and sophistication are intertwined in it at the same time.

Right choice

To make each knitting model look very good, you need to be able to choose the right quality thread. The craftswoman in her works mainly prefers natural materials, which are very appreciated among consumers. Therefore, all the clothes from the famous needlewoman are very pleasant for the body and do not cause any irritations and allergic reactions, which quite often happens when wearing synthetics from stores.

Since all the outfits are created from natural materials, they are able to warm in the cold, even with thin knitting, and they are cozy in warm weather. Thus, all the things from the collection of this magnificent handmade master are in demand at any time of the year.

Svetlana Volkova knitting

You can also be sure that any masterpiece created by the hands of such a nice woman can be worn for a long time. After all, knitted outfits are always in trend, especially since they have a universal style that can be combined with other various things.

Favorite work of a lifetime

A talented woman, Svetlana Volkova, perceives knitting in her life not just as a business, first of all, she considers him a favorite thing that brings joy, delight and freedom. Having a great knitting experience behind her, she is happy to help other people learn how to create beautiful masterpieces from threads.

knitted clothes

She claims that in order to do beautiful things, you need not only to be able to knit or crochet, but to have a sense of beauty. Indeed, this is the only way to give people joy and happiness, and if a person wants to bring love and kindness to others, then he can become an outstanding master of his craft. Apparently, these are the feelings the heroine puts into her works, which magically attract those who want to wear exquisite, unique and very beautiful clothes created by the “golden hands” of the master.


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