RNPP-311M: instruction and purpose

The RNPP-311M voltage relay , the instruction for use of which is presented below, is designed to control the maximum current supply level and correct phase rotation. In addition, it turns off the device under excessive load (380/220 volt- 50 Hz) by activating and deactivating the supply contacts.

rnpp 311m instruction

Unit Features

The parameters and the response time of the RNPP-311M relay (the instruction additionally confirms this) are created by the consumer. This happens taking into account the indication of factors indicating an emergency. Depending on the choice of the controlled network (380 or 400 V), the device has the following features:

  • selection of the type of controlled site;
  • full or partial network power mode;
  • phase correction option;
  • function of control of improper alternation and adhesion of phases.

In some modes, the device adjusts the skew and maximum performance of the supply contacts.

RNPP-311M: instructions and specifications

The device in question can be powered from the network in three phases, which guarantees its operation from any of the contacts, if there is a zero point. The relay is able to operate online from an autonomous source with a load of 24 V. The device is connected via input contacts L1, L2, L3, M.

If it is impossible to connect to the zero point, the unit operates with an error of up to five percent. At the output, the relay has a pair of categories of independent contacts, which in standby mode are closed through one. If there is a maximum current supply, the device operates with reverse activation logic. The tripping of the load is accompanied by a break in the supply circuit through the magnetic contacts of the starter.

RNPP instruction 311m

In all modes, the RNPP-311M, the instruction of which maximally reveals all its capabilities, is triggered when the phases are broken or the voltage drops below 75 V. The reaction time period is two tenths of a second.

Switch and work

If there is voltage in only one phase, the unit responds to the inclusion of LEDs in the range between 100 and 140 volts. The control levers are displayed on the outside of the RNPP-311M relay, the instruction for use of which involves the joint adjustment of the threshold as a percentage of the maximum and minimum values ​​supplied.

The operation manual provides for several basic positions of the device:

  • U (nominal) - combined adjustment as a percentage of the maximum and minimum voltage;
  • T (cf) is the response period in case of any emergency except for lowering the indicator below 75 volts or breaking one of the phases;
  • T (on) - the time of the next automatic start as a result of the operation of the device and the normalization of voltage indicators;
  • The type of network used is 380/400 V.

The switches of the RNPP-311M device, the instruction for use of which is attached to each instance, are used to prohibit or permit the operation of the relay. In the left position, all levers are for activation.

rnpp 311m instruction principle of operation

Technical specifications

Below are the main characteristics of the device in question:

  • operating voltage - 380/220, 400/232 volts;
  • rated frequency - 45-55 Hz;
  • the percentage of adjustment between the maximum differences from the nominal indicator is from 5 to 50 percent in both directions;
  • adjustment range for T (cf) and T (on) - 0-10 / 0-600 seconds;
  • minimum fixed delay when triggered - 12 seconds;
  • the response period when one of the phases breaks or when the relay is ready to supply voltage - two tenths of a second;
  • phase imbalance - 60 volts;
  • accuracy of definition of differences - no more than three volts;
  • supply allowing the device to work - from 50 to 150 volts;
  • the limiting processed current is five amperes;
  • dimensions - 35/92/58 mm;
  • relay / terminal protection - IP-40 / IP-20;
  • temperature operation - from - 35 to + 155 degrees Celsius;
  • weight - two hundred grams.

Relay RNPP-311M: instruction, principle of operation

Below is a connection diagram of the device in question. All device operation is provided by the following elements:

  • reset threshold controller (minimum / maximum);
  • re-activation adjustment (T-on);
  • corrector of the response period (T-cf);
  • voltage switch;
  • phase corrector (PF);
  • phase imbalance switch (PF);
  • maximum and minimum leverage;
  • emergency and working LED indicators;
  • input and output contacts.

Instruction RNPP-311M states that the relay must be used with a consumed load of not more than three VA. The climatic version of the device is presented in the UHL-4 format.

rnpp 311m instruction and photo

Consumer Reviews

The device is designed for continuous monitoring of the supplied electrical energy, protecting household devices from excessive modes (power surges, phase failure, violation of their sequence). In addition, the relay provides full-phase operation of induction motors. User reviews further confirm the reliability and stability of the unit.

The device connects to the network, adjusting and checking its performance, as well as comparing them with the given parameters. If the voltage supply is assessed as unacceptable, the relay is activated by contacting the coupling unit, which disconnects the equipment. This device may be a magnetic starter or similar device. The RNPP-311M system, the instruction and photo of which is presented above, is not designed for maximum loads at the minimum and maximum rate. In this regard, it must be unloaded using a special starter.

rnpp 311m instruction and specifications


In conclusion, it can be noted that the device in question allows you to cope with emergency situations that arise in the electrical household or industrial network. Using the RNPP-311 M relay helps maintain the operability of refrigerators, compressors and other devices, and also prevents the occurrence of fires during phase failure or power surges. Its design is as clear as possible and multifunctional in various climatic regions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25673/

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