What to take on a trip: travel tips

It is customary to prepare for a long journey in advance. There are certain things that must be done before the trip. Let's talk about what to take on a trip so that it is comfortable and unforgettable in terms of positive emotions and impressions.

list of things to travel

First category

First you need to draw up a certain action plan that will avoid unpleasant situations during the trip. The list, which will be compiled once, will be a reminder of what things to take on a trip, over the next several years.

Experts include documents and roadmaps in the first category of things. This is especially true if you plan to travel by car. What to bring from documents? If the plans include domestic tourism, in this case, you can limit yourself to the following list of documents:

  • Russian passport;
  • driver's license;
  • medical insurance;
  • documents for the car, including insurance policy (CTP or CASCO).

Cash is best taken in the national currency used in the country selected for travel. It is advisable to divide it into several parts in order to protect your stay outside the home country.

go on vacation

Helpful information

Arguing over what to take on a trip, experienced travelers advise, in addition to the original documents, to take paper copies of passports, driver’s licenses, car insurance. The best option would be their virtual copy, recorded on an electronic disk (flash drive).

When traveling outside the country, in addition to a civil (Russian) passport, a passport is required.

It is not out of place to travel outside the Russian Federation by the presence of a small notebook in which the route of the proposed movement, contact phone numbers, and hotel address are entered.

on vacation with baby

Second category

We continue the conversation about what to take with you on a trip. An important point is the availability of a tourist first-aid kit.

Those travelers who travel abroad without drugs risk their health. The fact is that not all pharmaceutical preparations are sold without a doctor’s prescription outside the Russian Federation.

Own first-aid kit will allow you to significantly save money. For example, in countries that are designed for beach holidays, sunburn protection products will have a much higher cost.

That is why experts recommend travelers to think through the composition of the first-aid kit in advance. All pharmaceuticals can be divided into two parts. The first is composed of medications designed to protect against allergies, motion sickness, as well as those medications prescribed by your doctor. It is advisable to always have these medicines with you to take them in case of emergency.

The second group of medical devices fits into a travel kit, folds into a bag (suitcase). What to take on a trip from medicines? Preparations of the following groups:

  • from diarrhea;
  • painkillers;
  • antipyretic;
  • antiviral;
  • antibiotics
  • creams from bruises, stretch marks, burns;
  • ointment for insect bites;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • band-aid, cotton wool, bandages;
  • iodine.

Third category

Further consider what to take with you on a trip. The third group of items that will be required during the trip include personal hygiene items. Representatives of the fair sex are trying to take with them the full version of decorative cosmetics. The bulk of the accessories taken will take up free space in the suitcase and become the cause of its excess weight.

Let's try to understand what you can take on a trip from personal hygiene items that you really need on vacation. We offer a sample list:

  • toothpaste;
  • solid deodorant;
  • comb;
  • shaving accessories (for men);
  • washcloth;
  • liquid soap;
  • shampoo in a small bottle;
  • cotton buds;
  • wet wipes;
  • moisturizing cream;
  • mirror;
  • tampons, sanitary pads, mascara, lipstick, eye shadow, foundation (for women).

With a beach holiday, the amount of makeup should be minimal, 2-3 shades, lip gloss, tonic will be enough.

how to pack on vacation

Fourth category

We continue the story of what to take with you on a trip. The list includes items and shoes. Perhaps this item is the most important. Professionals advise beginners to carefully think through their wardrobe. Things to travel need to be selected taking into account the climate of the country to which the traveler is sent.

Before you start collecting your suitcase, it is advisable to study the weather forecast in the country selected for the vacation.

No need to take the same shoes and clothes in bulk.

The results of statistical studies indicate that most of the things collected for vacation are never used, they remain in a suitcase.

What to take on a trip with a child, not all young parents know.

Preference should be given to things made from natural materials. Clothes for babies should be comfortable, practical, depending on the climate.

For a holiday in a country with a hot climate, the child will suit:

  • jeans;
  • linen or cotton t-shirts;
  • pajamas for a night's rest;
  • favorite toys;
  • slippers, sneakers that do not rub feet;
  • 2-3 sets of interchangeable linen.

Planning a trip with your child in a car? What to bring, in addition to the things listed above, if you plan to travel with a child to a cold country? Necessarily in the suitcase should appear warm children's things sewn (knitted) from natural fabrics (threads).

Experienced travelers do not advise novice tourists to take new shoes, sneakers, as they will rub their feet during long walks in the fresh air.

For a summer vacation, you will need a bathing suit, a light jacket, a dress for going out, sandals, a hat, sunglasses.

travelling by car

Fifth category

Planning a car trip? What to take on the road from technology? It is difficult to give universal advice on this issue, because the number of gadgets depends on the personal taste preferences of the potential traveler.

Some tourists are limited to a mobile phone, a camera, while others take a laptop with a hard external drive and a video camera to rest.

We advise you to pack the equipment in a separate bag and take it with you on board the aircraft. So that during the trip you can use the taken technical means, it is important to take a travel charger for each gadget on a trip.

car trip what to bring

Sixth category

What to take on a trip by car (plane, train) from food? If you have a long way to the chosen place of rest, in this case you will need products for a snack. Experienced travelers are not advised to eat in road cafes, because it is quite difficult to assess the quality of the products used in them for cooking.

To travel on a trip, water is required, for each person it is advisable to take 1-1.5 liters. You can take fruits (apples, pears), vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers). All of them are pre-washed, folded into a film or foil.

Boiled eggs, boiled chicken fillet, pita bread, hard cheese, dried cookies, crackers, sugar, coffee, tea bags are suitable for a many-day trip.

Important little things

The following items will be useful during the trip:

  • flashlight;
  • matches (lighter);
  • disposable tableware;
  • cling film;
  • jackknife;
  • Toothpicks
  • plastic mugs, forks, spoons.

Seventh category

If a teenager participates in the trip, the number of items that will be required on the trip increases significantly. In addition to clothing, personal hygiene items, a variety of technical means, it is necessary to take care of obtaining permission to take the child out of the Russian Federation.

This is true in the case when a minor teenager goes on vacation with one of his parents or with his grandparents.

Of those items that you can easily do without during a vacation, we note: a folding iron, hairdryer, books, jewelry.

After washing the hair, it is quite possible to braid it, then styling with a hairdryer is not required. Professionals advise reading enthusiasts to take an e-book with them, having previously downloaded several interesting stories and short stories into it.

in order not to carry an iron with you, you can limit yourself to neatly folding things, and jewelry can be lost in the sea while swimming.

Professional Travel Tips

It is important to pack your suitcase correctly. For example, when folding clothes, you can save space in your travel bag. First things are distributed in separate piles. Shoes are put at the bottom, then warm sweaters, trousers are placed. Knitwear is laid with rollers. A first-aid kit, personal hygiene items, and cosmetics are placed in pockets and separate compartments.

For hand luggage leave passports, travel documents, wet wipes, a card, a notebook with notes, money, keys to the house (apartment).

It is advisable to put a folding bag on top of things. If it turns out that the weight of the suitcase exceeds the standards, you can put some of the items into it by adding the bag to your hand luggage.

what you can take on a trip


Gathering a trip is a serious event. From how responsibly future travelers will react to this process, the comfort of staying outside their native land depends. For example, if the plans include traveling outside the country, you can take a phrase book with you. During the flight, it is quite possible to remember a few words in order to avoid the “language barrier”. If you pre-upload an audiobook or film, you can do useful and enjoyable things along the way. For those vacationers who worked intensively throughout the year, professionals advise a healthy sleep during the flight (moving), during which you can relax, gain physical strength for exciting excursions and new acquaintances.

It is not out of place for a long journey to an unfamiliar country to become a detailed guide. It will help in absentia to learn the features of national culture, cuisine, the main attractions of the place where the vacation is planned.

In a word, you need to do during the flight that useful business for which there simply is no time in everyday life. In addition to passports, insurance, hygiene items, warm clothes, medicines, technical equipment, you need to take a good mood with you on a trip. A positive attitude is a prerequisite for an unforgettable vacation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25676/

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