Sewer cable: purpose, structure, method of use, cleaning of sewer pipes and expert advice on how to use

Mass transfer of plumbing communications from metal to plastic increased their throughput, but the problem of blockages was not completely eliminated. This is especially true for small-format pipelines, which are clogged with both technological and mechanical household impurities. Therefore, the sewer cable has not lost demand, it helps plumbers and ordinary house craftsmen to cope with pipe cleaning.

Cable purpose

The use of plumbing cable

Although today there are many technologically advanced means of chemical cleaning of sewer canals, traditional mechanical methods of controlling clogging in some cases turn out to be more effective. The cable is usually used for deep congestion with traffic jams, when a quick release of the circuit is required. The cause of the cork can be a large object, accidentally thrown into the channel, and a high concentration of heavy impurities in wastewater. There is no worthy alternative to the sewer cable even with operational blockages, when for a long time the surface of the pipeline is overgrown with fatty deposits, sand, fibers and animal hair. Chemicals in such situations are either simply ineffective or long-acting.

Device structure and structure

As the main material for the manufacture of plumbing cables, stainless metal wire is used, which is twisted into a spiral on knitting machines. At the end, a plastic braid is provided, thanks to which the same polypropylene pipes are not damaged during the cleaning process. The standard sewer cable for cleaning pipeline lines is about 1-5 m long, and professional models can reach several tens of meters, which allows plumbers to work with deep industrial channels. As for the diameter, it is 5-10 mm on average, although in special structural versions the thickness of the product may well go beyond this framework.

Types of sewer cables

Sewer cable device

In the segment of tools for cleaning pipe channels, technological development also does not stand still, and at the moment manufacturers produce cables in several structural variations. The most popular include the following:

  • Rope models. The base is formed by galvanized steel fibers, which are twisted and crimped at the end. This is a classic version of the cable, the advantages of which include elasticity and durability.
  • Flexible cable. The design of this product is a steel core (flexible rod), which is wrapped in a metal spiral. This is a variety close to professional cables, the length of which can reach 60 m.
  • Metal tape. This tool also refers to cables for cleaning sewer pipes, but its basis is not a rod with wire, namely a flat tape with a pointed tip in the form of peaks.
  • Spring cables. Modification of a spiral device, but without a core. A spring of small diameter has a high degree of flexibility and the ability to hold a shape in geometrically complex contours.
  • Tension cables. A professional tool that is designed to work with deep and hard blockages. Such products are characterized by a high degree of rigidity and the ability to equip with various nozzles.
Sewer Tape

Tips for choosing plumbing cables

The main parameters for selection are length and diameter. For ordinary city apartments, a 5-meter cable with 6 mm in thickness will be enough. Such a device is ideal for servicing pipes of small diameter. It is also worth paying attention to flexibility and resilience. The cable must go through all the turning units, while not getting stuck and without exerting excessive pressure on the walls of the pipeline. In terms of flexibility, the best solution would be a spring cable for cleaning sewer pipes 6 m long and 9 mm thick. Despite the increase in diameter, it also freely passes through difficult pipe sections due to its flexible construction.

To work with risers and horizontal trunk lines, it is recommended to use cables with a length of at least 20 m and a thickness of 13-15 mm. A universal way of choosing a design by diameter will be its correlation with the thickness of the target pipe. Experts note that for channels with a diameter of up to 50 mm, 10 mm cables can be safely used. If the cross-section of the pipe varies from 50 to 100 mm, then a device with a thickness of 10-15 mm will have to be prepared. And for large highways from 100 mm, models of cables with a diameter of more than 16 mm are produced.

Plumbing cable

What nozzles to equip the cable?

Not the least value for the efficiency of cleaning pipelines is the design and characteristics of the tip. Some models of cables allow you to change them, which makes the tool almost universal. So, the following cable attachments for cleaning sewer communications are most common:

  • A classic brush will remove deposits and deposits on the inner surfaces of pipes.
  • Special bottom nozzles are designed to remove heavy sand and stone fractions, as well as construction waste.
  • With a piercing tip, plugs can be pushed out of compressed debris.
  • Hinge-shaped nozzles will help to remove the water seal.
  • The hook-shaped tip will allow you to hook and push rags, fibrous clusters, wool and hair.

Cable drain cleaning technology

Cable drain cleaning

To understand the principle of the plumbing cable, it is necessary to imagine the device of the drain system as such. A siphon (or a water seal) is supplied to it. This unit has a bend to prevent the spread of harmful odors. A pipe is connected to the siphon, and then a drainage line connected directly to the sewer channel. Actually, the task of the sewer cable will be to pass through these points of connections and bends in order to subsequently remove the accumulated debris in them. The user at the entrance through a siphon immerses the cable in the pipeline, performs rotational or reciprocating actions and thereby contributes to the cleaning of the channel. This process will be discussed in more detail below.

Cable application instructions

The entire workflow will consist of three stages:

  • The cable is unwound and inserted into the drain hole. You should push it until a congestion is detected. The difficulty lies in the fact that the garbage cork can be confused with the turning section. It is necessary to perform several jerky actions without strong pressure, and if the barrier does not change its position, then it is more likely to turn the pipeline.
  • If a blockage is detected, reciprocating movements should begin. It is best to work together with a sanitary plumbing cable together - one will carry out pushing movements, and the second will rotate. This technique more effectively destroys compressed congestion. To soften the cork, it is also recommended to pour hot water with dissolving chemistry into the channel.
  • After the blockage is knocked out, it is necessary to pull out the cable, and then pour even more hot water into the sewer, which will remove debris from the channel.
Use of sewer cable

Recommendations of plumbers on the use of a cable

Experts advise to remember that metal cables need care and special conditions of detention. After use, it must be washed and cleaned, then dried, wound and stored in a dry place until the next use session. You should also take care of the functional equipment of the sewer cable, these are the same tips and handle by which the rotation takes place. If it is provided by the design, then both elements are removed and stored separately. This is especially true for non-metallic parts.


Spring sewer cable

Despite the specific device and nature of operation, a plumbing cable is a completely household tool that every homeowner can work with. On the market, such devices are available for little money. In particular, a high-quality 5-meter cable for sewer pipes costs about 500 rubles. Professional models on 10 m with a spring design and a crank mechanism of rotation can be purchased for 1000 rubles. As for cable manufacturers, it is recommended that preference be given to Domochist, MATRIX, Gerat, FIT, and others. Also, do not forget about sanitary chemistry, which will become a good assistant in the process of using the cable.


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