The image of Eugene Onegin. Analysis of "Eugene Onegin" briefly

The poem "Eugene Onegin" is a real encyclopedia of the life of a Russian person of the 19th century. The novel in poems was created during the years 1823-1831. It clearly traces the stylistic features of realism. Very concisely and accurately depicted the different layers of the Russian population of that time period. The initial chapters were written by a young poet, and in the final chapters it is felt that the author is a person with great life experience. This novel traces the growing up of A.S. Pushkin as a creator.

image of eugene onegin

History of creation

The great poet worked on his brainchild for more than seven years. The novel "Eugene Onegin" the author considered a magnificent creation. Along with Boris Godunov, he called him a feat. The fascinating work reveals the dramatic fate of the noble intelligentsia. All this happens against the backdrop of paintings of Russian life.

Work on the composition began in May 1823 in Chisinau. At this time, the poet was in exile. Pushkin decided to write a realistic novel in poetry, abandoning romanticism as a leading creative principle.

eugene onegin analysis

But still, the first pages still have romantic features. The original idea was nine chapters. However, in connection with political issues, one chapter had to be removed - Onegin's Journey. Some of its fragments are present in the application. Researchers of the work of Alexander Sergeyevich indicate that this chapter describes how Eugene Onegin becomes an observer of military settlements near the Odessa marina. After that there were rather harsh judgments and remarks. Fearing possible persecution by the authorities, Pushkin destroyed this fragment.

The duration of the novel

The poem "Eugene Onegin" covers numerous events (from 1819 to 1825). Firstly, it was the reign of Alexander the First. Secondly, these were the years of development of Russian society. Thirdly, the period from the overseas campaigns of the Russian army to the uprising of the Decembrists.

The time of action and the creation of the novel almost coincide. Indeed, in general, it reflected the important events of the first quarter of the 19th century.

Like a poem by Lord Byron, entitled "Don Juan" created his novel A. S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin," whose verses seem to be gathered in variegated chapters, is rightfully considered the best literary creation of the 19th century.

poem eugene onegin

The author emphasizes that the main feature of the work is that each chapter can be the last or have a continuation. Since its structure seems to be open in time.

The novel is not in vain called the encyclopedia of its time. From the text you can learn about the tastes and interests of people, about their preferences in clothes, about fashion, as well as about values. In “Eugene Onegin” literally all Russian life is described.


The poem was published gradually, in separate editions, each of which included one chapter. The most vivid passages were published in almanacs and magazines. Each chapter was waited with great impatience; this was perceived as a major event in Russian literature. The very first chapter was published in 1825. Readers could purchase the full edition in one volume since 1833. Shortly before the death of Pushkin (in January 1837), the printing house of I. Glazunov released a novel in mini-format.

It was planned to sell 5,000 copies during the year (five rubles per book). However, after the death of the poet, the entire circulation was sold out in a week.

In 1988, a circulation of 15,000 copies was published (Kniga Publishing House).


The poem opens with complaints of a young nobleman about his uncle’s illness. The character of Eugene Onegin is already manifested here. He has to come to Petersburg to say goodbye to the sick. The first chapter tells about the origin, family and life of the main character before receiving the sad news.

eugene onegin author

Secular entertainment and love affairs filled the life of a young man in St. Petersburg. But all this bothers him. When Eugene comes to his uncle in the village, he finds out that the relative has already died. The young man becomes his sole heir.

Evgeni Onegin falls into a deep depression (an analysis of his image is in a separate section). He begins to be friends with neighbor Lensky, who is the exact opposite of Onegin. Vladimir is an ardent and passionate romantic poet who is in love with Olga Larina. Eugene is very surprised at the choice of a friend, hinting that he would choose Tatyana. The latter falls in love with Onegin and writes him a frank letter with declarations of love. However, the cold nobleman rejects her.

Onegin is at the Larins' dinner. Out of boredom, he begins to care for Olga, making his friend jealous. Lensky challenges him to a duel. The duel ends with the death of Vladimir, and Eugene leaves the village.

characteristic of the novel eugene onegin

The next meeting with Tatyana, who fell in love with him, happens three years later. Now she is an important socialite, the wife of a general. Onegin falls in love with her, but attempts to get the girl's location end in failure. Now she refuses him, although she does not hide that she still loves. But loyalty and family are beyond feelings for her.

On this the narrative is interrupted. The characterization of the novel “Eugene Onegin” continues with a description of the main characters.


  • Onegin.
  • Tatyana Larina.
  • Vladimir Lensky.
  • Olga Larina.
  • Nanny Tatyana.
  • Zaretsky (second).
  • The husband of Tatyana Larina, whose name is not indicated.
  • The author (Pushkin himself).

Mentioned Dmitry and Praskovya Larins (father and mother), Uncle Eugene, Moscow cousin Larin, etc.

"Eugene Onegin". Analysis of Tatyana's letter

Pushkin Eugene Onegin Poems

A young provincial girl in a letter to Onegin confesses to the feelings that flared up in her. In the 19th century it was not customary for young ladies to be the first to declare their love. However, Tatiana consciously steps over moral prohibitions. Her pride suffers from this, she torments herself with doubts, conflicting feelings overcome her. Despite all this, the girl acts decisively. The letter reveals her subtle and romantic nature. It is not at all surprising that Tatyana has such passionate feelings. Since childhood, the girl loved French novels. She always dreamed of finding her hero so that she could throw out emotions. The choice on Onegin fell not by accident. He seemed to her special, not at all like other villagers. He was mysterious and mysterious to her. It was about such a hero that Tatyana dreamed. She believed that Eugene would certainly understand and love her. She is very worried about the written lines and is ashamed of them. Suddenly, a nanny who enters sees a blush on the girl's face, but considers this a sign of health. Tatyana gives the letter and awaits the result in fear.

Characteristics of the protagonist

The image of Eugene Onegin is very complex and controversial. This is a young landowner who in childhood did not receive proper attention and proper upbringing. He grew up without a mother, deprived of the necessary affection and warmth. Father did not care about his son. He instructed his tutors. Therefore, Onegin became a selfish person. He only worried about his own desires, and the suffering of other people was absolutely uninteresting. The image of Eugene Onegin is striking in his composure. He can hurt the living of almost any person. Eugene is able to greatly offend, without noticing that he did a bad deed. Unfortunately, all the good and beautiful that was hidden deep in his soul remained undeveloped. Eugene’s whole life is sheer laziness and boredom. Saturated with monotonous pleasures, he does not see anything joyful in life.

Fictional hero

The image of Eugene Onegin was not invented. This is a typical young man of that time. Such youths are different from members of the ruling class. They are nobler, more conscientious and smarter. Such people are always dissatisfied with themselves, social structure and personal environment. Onegin has high views and demands on life. Having become acquainted with Lensky, who graduated from the best university in Germany, he can argue with him on any topic. He appreciates friendship with Vladimir. In relation to Tatyana and to Lensky, his trait, such as benevolence, is revealed.

character of eugene onegin

By the end of the novel, the image of Eugene Onegin is being transformed. We already see a sincere man in love. He is different. But his love was late. Tatyana, although she has feelings, is not ready to betray her husband. Now Eugene understands how stupid he used to be. He regrets that he missed such a girl and possible happiness. But awareness comes too late, nothing can be changed.

The poem of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is one of the best creations of the 19th century. The poet worked on his brainchild for seven years. The work can be called a socio-psychological novel in poetic form. It is written in simple and easy language. The author pays a lot of attention to the depiction of the characters and emotional experiences of his characters: Onegin, Lensky, Tatyana, Olga, the mother of girls, a nanny and others.


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