Shelter for the winter weigels - not a whim, but a severe necessity

In the spring, the weigel begins to bloom. A decorative bush with numerous flower bells hanging on it -

Winter Weigel Shelter
The gardener's special pride. It’s not easy, oh, how difficult it is to keep a thermophilic plant in a cold climate, and even to be able to achieve lush flowering from it! All the weigels are beautiful, but the varieties that start hanging their bells before the leaves completely open are especially attractive. The unusual leaves of some weigel species are as good as elegant flowers - green with a white border or purple, they certainly cause admiration. However, other varieties can be proud of their soft and velvety greens, on which original flowers look especially impressive.

In the cold climate of the middle strip, only winter-hardy species of this shrub can be successfully grown. It is noted that frost resistance of weigels increases with age. Even slightly damaged by frost, in the spring it quickly recovers and blooms in the same year. However, in cold climatic zones, the Weigel for the winter should be well covered. In the northern regions, the best insulation is snow. However, winter is unpredictable, so it is better to play it safe and carry out shelter for the winter wigels in a reliable air-dry way.

Weigela for the winter
To do this, install a frame under the bush and wrap it with special material, for example, lutrasil. The voids are filled with spruce branches or dry leaves, and then the entire structure is covered with a film. To prevent it from being blown away, the edges are pressed to the ground with stones. Shelter for the winter, weigels sometimes do this: bush branches are tied together and bent to the ground, laying any insulating material (film, burlap, fir spruce) under them, and in this position they are fixed with brackets. Then the entire structure is first protected with a heater, and on top with a waterproofing layer.

However, every gardener does his own shelter for the winter wigels, it all depends on the availability of materials and imagination. All options are good in their own way if they bring the desired result. It is important to remember the main rule: in order for the precious weigela to be well preserved and not to die as a result of improper care, a shelter for the winter must certainly provide it with air access.

The second important condition is that the bushes are reliably protected from moisture, which provokes the development of fungal diseases, etc.

And the third: all preparations for winter should be carried out only in dry weather, when the topsoil slightly freezes.

Weigela shelter for the winter
Shelter for winter weigels is especially necessary in the first years of her life. With age, when the plant hardens and becomes more hardy, additional protective measures (under certain climatic conditions) can be abandoned. It is not recommended to rush with warming, since a light frost will only benefit the Weigel. It is better to start this work when the thermometer stably shows a negative temperature.

If everything is done correctly, the sweetest Weigela winter wins safely, and in the spring it will enchant the whole district with its elegant flowers. Despite some pampering and finicky, overseas beauty is always a favorite of gardeners, due to its exceptional decorativeness and duration of flowering.


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