Museums in Rostov-on-Don: addresses and descriptions

The southern capital of Russia - Rostov-on-Don - is a city with rich cultural traditions. To see its many attractions, many tourists come from all over Russia throughout the year. Those who have already visited the capital of the Southern Federal District recommend a visit to the museums of Rostov-on-Don. There are about a dozen of them in the city, and looking at these cultural institutions, you can learn a lot about the history of the Don Region and the talented and hardworking people who live in these places.

Museum of Local Lore Rostov-on-Don

One of the main attractions of the city is located at 79 Bolshaya Sadovaya Street. The museum was founded in 1937 and consists of several departments representing the culture, nature and history of the Rostov Region. The main pride of his collection is an exposition called “Treasures of the Don Mounds”. It is a unique archaeological collection of 2,000 objects made of gold and silver, which belong to the period from the 6th century. BC e. up to 8 in. n e.

In the museum you can also see many memorial Cossack sabers, drafts, daggers and military weapons of soldiers of two world wars.

In addition, a collection of ethnographic clothing is of great interest, which presents festive dresses and pearls decorated with donuts of Cossacks, silk and velvet hats of the Armenian women of Nakhichevan-on-Don, caps of Tatars, as well as traditional costumes of residents of the Russian-Ukrainian border and decorative art made by German colonists.

Museum of Fine Arts in Rostov-on-Don

Fans of painting, graphics and sculpture should definitely visit the old mansion located at ul. Pushkinskaya, 115. Part of the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts is located in its halls. It was founded in 1938 thanks to the efforts of academician of the Academy of Academy of Arts of the USSR M.S.Saryan, L. Silin and writer M. Shaginyan. Initially, replenishment of funds was carried out at the expense of the central museums of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Today, in the halls of ROMIA, one can see canvases by Western European artists, representatives of the Russian school of painting A.K. Bryullov, V. Surikov, I. Repin, I. Kramsky, I. Aivazovsky and I. Levitan, as well as canvases by contemporary artists. In addition, an extensive collection of icons written in different styles is of interest. Like many other museums in Rostov-on-Don, this cultural institution is actively working with children, introducing them to high art.

Rostov Museum of Railway Engineering

At the site of the abolished Gnilovskaya railway station, you can see samples of old steam locomotives, diesel locomotives and wagons. Of course, all museums in Rostov-on-Don are of interest, but this is a very special exhibition of technical rarities. Indeed, in our country there are only a few collections of railway equipment of past eras, which can compete with Rostov in the variety of presented “exhibits”.

Museum of Russian-Armenian friendship

To the address: st. Baghramyan, 1, in the city is located the Surb Khach church . This is the oldest building preserved in the modern city. When deciding which museums of Rostov-on-Don you should visit, be sure to pay attention to the Museum of Russian-Armenian Friendship, which has been operating since 1972 at this temple. It tells the story of the city of Nakhichevan-on-Don, founded by Armenians-immigrants from the Crimea, and in it you can see household items and manuscripts of the 18th century.

Museum of Modern Art

This charity project was launched in 2005. The Museum of Art (Rostov-on-Don) sees its mission in acquainting the residents of the city and its guests with the works of artists and sculptors of the 20-21 centuries. It operates at: st. Shahumyan, 51.

The museum regularly hosts various exhibitions, and he tries to take an active part in all cultural events of the city. In particular, several years ago, its employees successfully presented the project “Conceptualism: here and there” at the South Russian Biennale dedicated to contemporary art.

Museum of the History of Technology

On 65/102 Voroshilovsky Avenue, tourists can see old samples of the first computers, arithmometers, televisions, reproducers, tube radios, telegraphs, polyphons, typewriters, music boxes, phonographs, gramophones, gramophones, electrophones, telephones, mimeographs, cameras , amateur movie cameras, film projectors and slide projectors, etc. The museum has the most modern touch screens, allowing visitors to get acquainted with the history of a particular exhibit. The collection is constantly replenished, as many citizens give technical rarities that have been preserved in their homes to employees for demonstration.


At the address: Tekucheva street, 97 is one of the youngest museums in Rostov-on-Don. It opened only three years ago, but is already very popular. It presents more than 100 exhibits that are located on 3 floors. They illustrate various physical laws. A visit to the Laboratory is especially interesting and useful for school-age children, as it can give rise to a love of the natural sciences in them.

Now you know what museums in Rostov-on-Don, exhibitions and other attractions you should visit if you find yourself in the southern capital of Russia.


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