The most beautiful garden flowers: names and photos

Every gardener wants to turn his plot into a paradise. Properly selected beautiful garden flowers, which play a special role in landscape design, have always given uniqueness to any garden. Flowers preserve the picturesque garden from early spring until the first frost, giving the site a unique flavor.

Changing each other, beautiful garden flowers bring revitalization and diversity to the appearance of the site . Photos of the most interesting design options are an adornment of landscape design publications. It is very important for gardeners to choose and place plants correctly, to select suitable neighbors for them, taking into account their characteristics, growing conditions, and composition rules.

Features of garden plants

An important role in this case is played by garden flowers with beautiful leaves (we posted a photo in the article). Knowing the characteristics of plants (their height, amount of greenery, breeding requirements, rules of care), the designer, like a painter, "draws" his flowerbed on the ground and creates a special mood. In this article we will present you the most beautiful garden flowers with photos, names and descriptions, talk about their features and growing conditions. Perhaps the advice of experienced gardeners and landscape designers will help you create your own, unique composition on your site.

What kind of flowers can I plant in the garden?

Not a single botanical directory can contain the names of absolutely all the beautiful garden flowers that are today grown on the sites. Thanks to such a rich diversity, everyone can make their dreams come true, creating an interesting and unusual landscape that attracts the eyes of passers-by.

What flowers to plant in the garden

For those who do not want to plant annually, experienced gardeners recommend paying attention to beautiful garden flowers, perennials. We will present photos and names below. And who does not fear such a prospect, annuals can grow on their plots. There is an alternative to these two species - biennial flowers.

Proud handsome gladioli, delicate and fragile forget-me-nots, lilies of the valley lurking in the shade of trees ... It is very interesting to admire and observe the development of plants, but growing and caring for them is no less fun.

Annuals for the garden

Crops that go through all stages of development in one season belong to the group of annuals. This is a large group of garden plants, the most popular of which are cosmea, asters, cornflowers, marigolds, alissum, zinnia, snapdragons, nasturtium, poppy, annual dahlias, salvia, fragrant tobacco, petunia, etc. Annuals are propagated by seeds. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the photos and names of beautiful annual garden flowers.


This flower is often called a night beauty. It was no coincidence that he got such a name. These beautiful garden flowers, the photos of which we posted below, bloom after sunset, and the bush is covered with bright and fragrant flowers all evening and night. They can be of different colors - white, yellow, pink and raspberry. Thanks to the tuberous root system, the plant tolerates drought perfectly.

Mirabilis in the garden


Many are familiar with these beautiful garden flowers. Photos, which are placed in special editions by landscape designers, clearly demonstrate that the color scheme of these plants is vast: all shades of yellow, white, in some varieties the petals have stripes and spots.

Marigolds grow from 15 to 80 cm depending on the variety. The flowers are drought tolerant, and therefore very popular among annual lovers.


In fact, these beautiful garden flowers are perennials. However, in our latitudes they cannot tolerate winter, and therefore are grown as annual plants. They are planted in groups in the middle of a green lawn along the curbs. Today, ampelous forms of these plants, which are successfully grown in high flowerpots, are derived.


These are very beautiful garden flowers. The bush about a meter high has oval green leaves, as well as single flowers that resemble bells up to 20 cm long in white, yellow or blue. The seeds of this plant have poor germination, they need a lot of moisture to germinate. Before sowing, they should be soaked for 10 days. And for growth and development, they need a temperature of about +30 ° C. Shoots appear slowly and germinate for more than a month.


Pay attention to the following photo. Description of garden flowers, which can become a spectacular decoration of any garden, is quite common in floriculture publications. These annuals attract attention with a variety of bud shapes and shades. There are several varieties of this plant. Depending on the variety, the height of the stem ranges from 20 cm to a meter. The stem is crowned with flower baskets. Located in several rows around the middle of the flower, the petals are in the shape of reeds.

Spectacular Zinnia

The plant blooms from June until the first frost. Zinnia is heat resistant. It is grown as a decoration of the garden, and it looks great in cut.


Description and photos of garden flowers called cosmea can be found in almost all floriculture reference books. These annual plants grow up to a meter in height. Flowers are painted in all shades of blue and white. Thanks to delicate leaves resembling dill, the flowers look very gentle and airy. Cosmey propagated by seeds. They are sown in the ground as soon as the snow melts. They should not be too deep in the soil - just one centimeter is enough. Sowing can be done in late autumn. As a rule, if a cosmea survives on a site, it subsequently propagates by self-seeding.


Beautiful garden flowers are an annual shrub with single flowers and rounded leaves. Flowers are painted in bright shades of yellow and red. Abundant flowering lasts almost all summer. Nasturtium contains many useful substances, and it is actively used by traditional healers. Previously, it was used in cooking, adding to various dishes.

Nasturtium cultivation


Photos of beautiful garden flowers with the name lenok do not appear too often on the pages of publications for gardeners. Thin and delicate plants with small and very bright flowers of a red-raspberry hue are unusually attractive. At night, they close, folding their petals. Flowering begins in June and lasts all summer. The seeds of this plant are simply sown in the ground in early May. They emerge amicably and quickly.


These beautiful garden flowers are becoming more and more popular every year thanks to a huge selection of different colors. Petunia is simple and terry. It is grown on balconies, on city flower beds, in hanging flower pots on the street. In the garden, it also looks harmonious, but grows quite strongly, sometimes “clogging” the cultures growing in the neighborhood .

Beautiful garden perennial flowers: names, photos and description

This group of plants is characterized by a variety of species. They bloom from early spring (daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, primrose) until late fall (gaillardia, chrysanthemums and others). But irises, peonies, delphiniums, phloxes, lilies bloom profusely in the summer.

The names of the most beautiful garden perennial flowers - roses, gladioli, dahlias - are probably familiar to everyone. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that in harsh climatic conditions they do not winter in the open ground, and in the warmer regions they emerge the next year without digging in the fall, and sometimes without shelter.


Many gardeners believe that these are the most beautiful perennial garden flowers. Tuberous-bulbous plants can reach 150 cm in height. The flowers have bright beautiful colors (from white to dark purple), collected by an ear on a high and straight peduncle. The size, color and shape of the petals depend on the variety.

These beautiful garden perennial flowers are propagated by bulbous tubers, which are planted in soil at a depth of about 10 cm in late April or early May. Gladioli are demanding on soil quality and care. Bulbs are dug at the end of October after light frosts, dried for 3-4 weeks in a dry room. Store them in a cool, dry place in gauze bags.

Gladiolus perennial flowers


Heat-loving garden plants with a height of 50 to 200 cm. The stem is hollow inside. It breaks easily, so it is tied to a support. Dahlias bloom from late July to late autumn. The shape, terry, size and color of beautiful garden flowers depends on the variety. The plant propagates by dividing the bush.

Directly before planting, the tubers are divided. In the open ground they can be planted in early spring. Dahlias feel comfortable in sunny areas. As you grow, you need to remove the axillary shoots in the three lower nodes. This contributes to earlier and more abundant flowering. After the onset of the first frosts, the stems should be cut at a height of 15 cm and dig up the tubers.


These plants, diverse in shape and color, are loved by many. Tulips bloom in May and June. Flowers differ in a short period of development from the appearance of the first shoots to dying off - only three months. For this reason, tulips need fertilized, lightweight soils. On clay, sand must be added.

Tulips reproduce by daughter bulbs that form during the growing season. When the third part of the leaf dries (usually this occurs in June), the bulbs are dug up. They are dried for seven days. The first 20 days store the bulbs at a temperature of + 25 ° C, then at + 15 ° C.

Beautiful garden flowers perennials


Plants with magnificent fragrant flowers, yellow, white and orange coloring of the most various shades. Flowering continues from the second half of May to June. When describing daffodils, tubular varieties should be especially noted:

  • Victoria Bicolor;
  • Bernardino;
  • Gollands Glory.


Looking at the photos of beautiful perennial flowers, you are amazed at their perfection. Early flowering plants with bell-shaped flowers having six-parted corollas collected in a cylindrical spike located on a lush arrow grow to 35 cm.

Hyacinths have a strong aroma and are distinguished by a variety of delicate and bright colors: pink, white, blue, yellow, purple, blue. There are varieties with terry and simple colors. Flowering begins in early or mid-May. Plants propagate by bulbs. They are planted in September to a depth of about 10 cm, placing the bulbs at a distance of about 20 cm from each other.


And this, according to experts in the field of landscape design, is the most beautiful garden flowers. A perennial bulbous plant reaches a stem height of up to 3 meters (giant lily). Flowers, depending on the variety, can be of various shapes: chalmoid, tubular, funnel-shaped. The color of the flowers is pink, white, yellow, red, orange. Lilies are propagated by bulbs, onion flakes, seeds.

In total, there are 18 species of lilies. In our country, the most common are white, brindle (Thunberg), regal (Royal). Depending on the type, scaly bulbs can be in diameter from 2 to 20 cm. The roots that extend from the bulb are perennial. Therefore, when transplanting the bulbs, it is necessary to dig out very carefully and save, without drying them.

White lilies

Some varieties, such as regalia, form annual roots located on stems above the bulb. Such lilies need a deeper landing. For the successful cultivation of this crop, it should be planted in open and sunny places well protected from the wind. For planting, the most suitable time is August-September.

Phlox (perennial)

A plant with creeping or straight or branched stems. The height of the low varieties of phlox is from 10 to 20 cm, high - from 40 to 150 cm. Plants are attracted by bright colors of flowers, long active flowering, unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention. Most flowers are single. Phlox is colored from pure white to deep red, as well as dark purple, sometimes with delicate shades.

Barberry of Thunberg

This continuously changing plant will undoubtedly become an adornment of any garden, because barberry retains its decorative effect throughout the year. Medium-sized dark purple, almost black leaves by the autumn lighten to red or orange. Flowers that bloom in May are bright yellow inside and red outside. They gather in inflorescences, which cover almost all shoots. In winter, the bushes are decorated with pink fruits. A sprawling crown with red arcuate shoots can reach two meters in height.


The lush clusters of this plant will fill your garden with a pleasant sweetish aroma. Powerful, incredibly beautiful bud buddles' inflorescences are especially remarkable when flocks of butterflies flock to them from all around the area, which are attracted by a pleasant aroma.

Buddley is a thermophilic, intensively growing plant. To grow these beautiful, lush bushes, which reach a height of 60 cm, you need to choose the best areas for planting - reliably protected from drafts and wind, well-lit and slightly shaded, with moist, loose and fertile soil. Flowering of the plant lasts from late summer to frost. In winter, shoots are cut at a height of about 25 cm and covered with spruce branches or dry leaves, thereby providing reliable shelter from frost and snow retention.

Buddley tricolor

Easy-care plants

This group includes beautiful unpretentious garden flowers that tolerate shade, drought, and temperature changes. To the delight of gardeners who do not have enough time to care for the site, there are many such plants.


These are one of the most decorative, popular and at the same time unpretentious perennials. In one place, the plant can grow without transplanting for more than 15 years. The flowers are large, can be double or semi-double, simple, single or arranged in groups. The color of the petals depends on the plant variety. It can be white, pink, red and much less yellow in pure or transitional colors.

Peonies bloom from mid-May to July. Plants prefer sunny areas with nutritious loamy soils. Propagated by division of the bush. In each separate part there must be at least three buds and a part of the rhizome. Peonies are planted in late August or early September in 50 x 70 cm pits.

Terry peonies


In early spring, when the snow had not completely melted, white, blue, yellow and even striped crocuses appeared. These are compact plants whose height does not exceed 15 cm. Crocuses bloom from March to May. Bulb planting is carried out from August to September. For crocuses, it is necessary to choose a well-lit place or partial shade, for example, under the crowns of unblown trees or shrubs.

Bright flowers look great in group plantings, form spectacular spots among the stones. Single plants will enliven the look of a spring lawn.


Daffodils, lilies of the valley and tulips are replaced by aquilegia, or a catchment. The plant blooms in the second year after planting. This easy-to-care perennial adorns the garden from late May to early September. When its inflorescences-bells fade, leaves that become purple or purple take the baton of decorativeness.


From April to the end of May, in the beds of many gardeners, you can see low (no more than 20 cm) stems that crown the inflorescences, consisting of small, bell-shaped flowers. This is mouse hyacinth, or muscari. Ornamental onion plant can rightfully be included in the list of the most unpretentious flowers for the garden. Once you have planted small bulbs under large bushes of lilac or chubushnik, tree crowns, for many years you can admire the charming flowering of muscari. Every year there are more and more of them. Overgrown clumps of this plant are planted in June, when elongated-linear leaves and blue or blue flowers wilt.

Mouse hyacinth


Bright multi-colored flowers will diversify your flowerbed. In order for smart baskets to appear on peduncles in time, you just need to loosen the soil and water it in a timely manner.


Admittedly, there are not too many shade-tolerant garden crops. One of them, undoubtedly, is the periwinkle. This is a ground cover plant, less often small shrubs. It blooms in mid-spring and multiplies rapidly, easily rooting in contact with the soil. Cultural varieties of the plant create spectacular curtains of bright green with spots of all shades of pink, white, blue and purple colors. There are varieties with simple and terry corollas, motley and plain foliage.


Bright and large flowers of irises are leading in popularity among gardeners who can not devote much time to work on the site. Iris is winter-hardy, drought-resistant, blooms almost all summer and can live in one place for up to 7 years. It should be noted that this crop prefers moist and light soil.

Clove grass

A grassy, ​​creeping, beautifully flowering plant with small bright raspberry flowers that are visible from afar. Outwardly, the curtain resembles a fluffy small mound.

Lily of the valley

Forest lilies of the valley on a spring flowerbed bloom in May. Thanks to the creeping root system, plants winter. On the flowerbeds in spring, first, leathery leaves folded into dense tubules appear, and then flower stalks rise above rosettes to a height of 30 cm. In each inflorescence, there are from 6 to 20 white or pale pink fragrant bells. Lily of the valley blooms before the start of summer, and then rounded red berries take the place of flowers. The advantages of these unpretentious perennials include primarily flowers that do not lose their beauty in the shade or in the sun, as well as the ability to grow up to 10 years in one place.

Garden lilies of the valley

Creeping thyme

This is not only a well-known medicinal herb and seasoning, but also a wonderful groundcover. The dense and dense carpet that it forms gives a pleasant aroma, and small pink flowers look very beautiful.


In May, many garden perennials bloom unusually magnificent. During this period, near the ponds and paths, under the crowns of trees, near the walls and fences in many garden plots you can see blue flowers brunners. An unpretentious ornamental plant up to 50 cm high with pointed-heart-shaped leaves perfectly develops in partial shade, where there is enough moisture and nutrition for lush rosettes and spectacular inflorescences towering above them.

Light blue flowers enliven the shady corners of the garden, do not require complicated care. Due to the beautiful, often variegated foliage, the plant retains decorativeness for a long time and does not need a transplant for many years.


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