How to tie a tie, or the art of real men

Men's tie is a very important part of the wardrobe, which must be present in several copies. Ideally, if they are suitable for a variety of costumes, they can be worn for various occasions and in different situations. Do you know how to choose this thing correctly, do you know how to choose a tie for a suit and tie it correctly - the answers to these questions must be given in a timely manner to make up a real, stylish wardrobe of a modern business person.

If you have no idea how to tie a tie, ask for help from those who can show this with examples. If this is not possible, you can follow a few tips. To tie a “small” knot, called “Small Knot”, you need to expand the wide part of the tie with a seam outwards, and then cross both ends so that the narrow part is on top. Next, it is necessary to draw a wide end over the narrow end, put it behind the knot, and finally draw it into the loop between the tie and the collar. The last action is to push the wide end of the tie forward, pull it under the top layer of the knot and finally tighten the knot. It is important to check whether the ends of the tie match and whether it lies well under the collar.

Before you tie a tie with any knot, you should practice for some time in front of the mirror, because without practice skill will not come. To tie the “Four” knot, which is considered the simplest and most spectacular, you should put a tie on your neck, lowering the wide end below the narrow by 30 cm, cross both ends and make the wide part behind the narrow one. Next, you need to hold a wide end in front of the narrow end, thread it from the bottom up, passing through the loop between the tie and the collar. After this, it remains only to draw a wide part of the tie into the loop from top to bottom, holding the knot to prevent it from being pulled.

The Windsor knot is not as simple as the two of the above, it is a triangular, wide knot, necessary for official situations. To do this, you should put on a tie, dropping the wide end 30 cm below the narrow one, cross them, pass the wide part into the neck loop, formed in this way, stretch it to the left side behind the knot and pass it from top to bottom. After that, you need to direct the wide end of the tie over the narrow part to the right, lift it and pass it into the loop for the third time. Next, you need to pull the tie at the wide end, tightening the knot, and pull it to the collar.

However, for starters you need to decide not how to tie a tie, but how many of these things you may need. Firstly, it is monophonic, equally suitable for all suits. It is best if it is red - the color of success, prosperity and power, refreshing and harmoniously combined with other shades.

Before you tie a tie, think about why you need it. For responsible business negotiations , the wardrobe should have an item with a repeating pattern - striped or polka dot. The striped thing is an expression of business acumen and serious intentions, suitable for the traditional color scheme of the rest of the clothes (suit and shirt). A tie with a polka dot pattern is well suited for formal occasions, especially if the pattern is more like dots.

As for the technique of tying a tie, you should immediately determine the type of knot, each of which depends on the selected collar. If the collar is cut off, it is worth giving preference to the “Windsor” unit, voluminous, looking good at its widely spaced corners. Other forms of collars can be combined with any type of knot if you know how to tie a tie correctly and know how to do it. The main knot - standard - is slightly elongated in shape, which allows you to visually lengthen part of the neck above the collar. Such a wardrobe item will create an attractive effect of light asymmetry and originality. As for the size of the node, this item is always dictated by the mod. This year is the year of large knots, with a distinct form, very stylish and modern.


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