Pit bull dog: training and rules for raising a pet

It is always interesting to observe how clearly the dogs carry out their master's commands. Experienced breeders know how much work you need to put into your pet to get obedience from it, especially when it comes to dogs such as pit bulls. Dog training is a key part of caring for the breed. When acquiring a pit bull, stock up on patience, calmness and perseverance. It is these qualities that will help you cope with the difficult nature of the animal.

Cardio training

Training pit bull - the main component of the correct education of the dog. In order for your pet to grow hardy, strong and always in good shape, training must begin from early childhood. Training a pit bull in puppyhood will not only help keep the baby in good shape, but also instill calm, patience and respect in him. The puppy can play with other dogs and people.

Pit bull training for battles

Cardio training, like other endurance exercises, must begin with running. It is he who will help to initially strengthen muscles. Training a pit bull up to a year is a very important basis, which in the future will allow you to raise a good dog. Daily walks in the fresh air should be long enough. The dog must cover at least five kilometers three times a week. In physical exertion it is necessary to observe a reasonable measure, it is also not worthwhile to overload the animal, since this can lead to bad consequences.

At the age of six months, you need to start real training with a pit bull. They will help make the pet hardy and resistant. You can gradually increase the time of walks and the distances covered.

Games for kids

Training a pit bull dog at an early age is primarily an active game with the owner. Other dogs may be involved in the process. For a common game, you need to choose good and well-bred dogs that will not tyrannize smaller ones. Dogs learn from the example of older members of the genus. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the animal communicates with normal dogs.

If older individuals will offend the puppy during the game, the pit bull will certainly remember this, and later, when it gets stronger and older, it will recoup. Experts recommend to go to the training grounds for games, where more educated dogs and owners who understand the rules gather. If the opportunity presents itself, you can periodically change the training sites to change the team.

Pit bull workout up to a year

A puppy can be offered to master the simplest tricks. Intelligent stress exhausts animals greatly. A good game for a pet is "run away, bring it."

You can offer the dog to pull the toy if the pet's bite is correct. If it is too dense, then during the change of teeth such a game is better to exclude. This applies to those animals that are planned to be displayed in competitions. If you purchased a pit bull exclusively for yourself, then you should not pay attention to the nuances of the bite.

Games after six months

After six months, endurance training should be longer and more regular. The pet can be offered to run next to the owner. In a year, a dog can accompany you on a bicycle trip.

Buch Pit Bull Training

Puppies love to play "fishing rod". A rope and a bait on it are tied to a long stick. It can be pieces of fur, old toys and more. For the game you need to choose a flat area with a non-slip surface (with sand, grass or ground). Up to six months with pit bulls, you need to be careful so that they do not damage the ligaments. Therefore, more active games are proposed to be introduced gradually and accurately.

Ligament strengthening

A pumped up pet is just a small part of the job. The animal has not only muscles, but also ligaments. It is the latter who need to pay close attention. To make them strong will help not only regular training, but also proper nutrition. Any run will help strengthen the ligaments: with the owner or behind the bike, up the stairs, carrying the load in the jaws.

American Pit Bull Workout

Nevertheless, special attention should be paid to feeding. The more time and energy a pet spends in training, the more protein it needs to consume.

The following foods should always be present in the animalโ€™s diet: vegetables, meat, dairy products. As a more convenient option, you can consider the use of ready-made feed. But it must be perfectly matched and balanced. It should be understood that the choice of food must be taken with all responsibility. The fact is that you can not switch from feed to natural nutrition and vice versa, since the animal may begin digestive problems.

The dog must not be overfed or starved. Also, do not force her to eat those foods that she does not like. The pet is a member of your family, and therefore it is necessary to respect his wishes with respect.

Feeding Features

Puppies are fed up to 4-5 times a day. Do it on schedule at the same time. The dog should always be able to drink fresh water. The nutrition of an adult pet largely depends on what its food was like in puppyhood. The choice between natural food and feed is your decision. However, for example, it is recommended to feed an American pit bull with natural food.

Pit bull training with harness with weights

In the diet of an adult dog should be present:

  1. Meat. Boiled or raw veal is suitable.
  2. Boiled fish without bones.
  3. Boiled egg up to three times a week.
  4. Cereals in the form of cereals. It is preferable to use rice, hercules, buckwheat.
  5. Cottage cheese, sometimes cheese.
  6. Vegetables and fruits.

It is forbidden to give pets dirty products, as many fruits, for example, are processed with harmful chemicals. Pit bulls should not offer chocolate, pork and milk. These foods are best excluded from the diet altogether. It is strictly forbidden to give dogs their own food. It negatively affects the digestion of the animal, which ultimately affects the health of the dog.

Power training

Strength training of the American pit bull is an indispensable element of education. They allow the dog to develop correctly. Effective are exercises in which the pet develops strength and dexterity. For example, you can hang a toy at such a height that the dog can bounce and get it with his teeth. You can play a ball with your pet, offer the animal a rope or a stick. Such simple games will teach him to breathe correctly with his jaw closed. Strength training should be carried out once a week. In the future, their duration and number can gradually be increased.


You can also offer a pit bull training with harness and weights. Waitingpool can be practiced after a year. This sport will not only build muscles, but also continue to develop the strength and agility of the dog. Waitingpool is very popular in the West. But gradually the fashion for him came to Russia.

This sport is currently on the dog show program. Equipment for training must be purchased in specialized stores. The essence of the process is that the load will slow down the movement of the dog, forcing it to exert more effort.

Pit Bull Dog Training

Waitingpool is an important part of the pit bull training process. Itโ€™s impossible to prepare a dog for fighting without power loads.

Character Features

It's no secret that pit bulls have a bad reputation. The reason for the negative attitude towards the representatives of this breed is considered to be excessive animal aggression. However, experts say that a well-bred dog can become a good and loyal friend. To do this, you need to properly educate the pet, providing him with training. Pit bull

Butch is one of the latest examples related to the notoriety of the breed. A terrible incident once again confirmed the difficult nature of the dogs. According to experts, the behavior of the dog largely depends on the owner. The fighting qualities of an animal can appear at any time. Therefore, it is so important to ensure proper education.

Pit bull jumping

Dog handlers do not recommend taking a pit bull for beginners who do not have experience in raising dogs. The difficult nature of the animal requires skillful handling and relevant knowledge. If you still dare to take a pit bull into the house, be sure to contact a specialist who will help you deal with the nuances of training and raising a dog.

Instead of an afterword

Only an active person can provide proper care for the dog. You should not expect that your pet will be a cute doggie for games. Fighting qualities sooner or later manifest themselves in the behavior of the animal. For this reason, regular training is needed. If for some reason you cannot provide them, you should pay attention to another breed, which is less demanding on physical activity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25692/

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