How to transplant flowers. How to transplant a room flower

Many people enjoy breeding indoor plants. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to transplant flowers. In this regard, troubles happen, plants after a transplant are sick for a long time, wither, or even die. To prevent this from happening, you should know several important rules.

Basic requirements before transplanting plants

Only someone who knows how to transplant flowers correctly can be considered an experienced plant grower. The basic rules of transplantation need to know how to multiply.

  1. It is necessary to accurately determine the variety and type of plant.
  2. Based on the rules for caring for this type of plant, you need to choose a new dish in accordance with the characteristics of the representative of the flora.
  3. The selection of a special, specifically designed for this type of plant earth mixture is one of the most important moments when the problem arises of how to properly transplant flowers.
  4. Choosing the right time for a transplant is an important aspect for the future health of the plant.
  5. Preparation is necessary before planting everything necessary so that the procedure passes as quickly and painlessly as possible for the flower.
    how to transplant flowers

Plant transplant time

The basic rule for answering the question when it is possible to transplant indoor flowers is this: only not during flowering! Usually in a flowering plant, life processes occur most actively, so any intervention in its vital activity can destroy the flower. In general, it is best to transplant during its minimal activity. Moreover, this does not have to be the autumn-winter period, as it happens with plants growing outdoors in our natural zone. It should be borne in mind that indoor plants, for the most part, were brought from other climatic zones, so the periods of vital activity in them can be completely different than what happens to our usual representatives of the flora. For example, the “Decembrist” flower blooms in winter, as its name says, and many other plants do not “fall asleep” in winter, but are in good shape.

how to transplant a room flower

Preparing a cactus for transplant

Succulent plants, which include cacti, do not really like transplants. In connection with this feature of them, this should be done only as a last resort, for example, when the capacity in which the plant grows has become very small for the plant. As mentioned above, you should not transplant during the flowering of a cactus. But if the decision is made completely and irrevocably, then the grower should learn how to properly transplant flowers belonging to the succulent family.

  1. Before transplanting, the cactus should not be watered for several days so that the earthen lump that surrounds the rhizome of the plant is well established in the roots.
  2. Work should be done with gloves on, and the plant itself wrapped with paper.
  3. Before removing the succulent from the pot, you need to knock the container so that the root ball is separated from the walls of the dishes.
  4. If there are difficulties with removing a plant from an old tank, you can use a spoke, but pulling a plant from a pot is strictly contraindicated - you can break its neck.
  5. Since the indoor flower can be transplanted correctly only if the plant is healthy, then after removing it from the container, the roots should be carefully examined - they should be white in color without any putrid areas or dry roots. Therefore, if any, the affected areas should be removed with a sharp blade.
  6. You can also trim extra long roots. You should not be upset if small hair roots fall off dry soil from the root system of the transplanted plant - this will not greatly damage the succulent.

Cactus transplant

In the prepared container, at the bottom you need to pour expanded clay mixed with charcoal, a layer about three centimeters thick. Then a substrate is poured on this “pillow” up to half the volume: either purchased in a special horticultural store, or compiled independently in accordance with the requirements of this particular variety and type of succulent. Holding the plant with your left hand above the ground, the other you need to add the substrate to the pot. The plant should be located exactly in the center of the tank, the entire root system should be inside. Since it is correct to transplant a room flower of the succulent family - this is an extremely delicate matter, you should be very careful. After all, these plants are unusually fragile and their stem can be easily broken.

A few secrets to a successful succulent transplant

  1. Only after the florist determines when it is good to transplant indoor flowers, he must begin to prepare for this process.
  2. Top the substrate should be sprinkled with sand or small stones - in order to prevent strong drying of the earth and the formation of a dense crust.
  3. Tamping the earth should be gradually, as it is poured into the container, using a pencil, carefully, layer by layer.
  4. A tall plant, which in the old place grew in the “company”, in the new capacity may have difficulty keeping the stem upright. Therefore, it is recommended to stick a support in the pot that will support the flower. If necessary, attach the stem to the support.
    when is it good to transplant indoor flowers

The importance of following succulents after transplantation

Answering the question of how to transplant a room succulent flower correctly, experienced plant growers will definitely focus on the post-transplant adaptation period. Indeed, for most plants, proper care after transplantation is just as important for planting a flower in a new place, as for a person there is a post-operative period. It should be remembered that a transplant for a representative of the flora is a great stress, which it can be quite difficult for them to survive.

Cactus Post Transplant Care

After correctly replanting the indoor succulent flower, the grower succeeded, and the plant did not receive any damage, it is required to organize the adaptation period for the representative of the flora. To do this, you must follow the basic rules.

  1. When choosing a place for a plant, you should avoid strong light in direct sunlight.
  2. Succulents are extremely sensitive to heavy watering and can rot in this regard. Therefore, watering the plant after planting is not recommended.
  3. Spraying with solutions of HB-101 or Epin-Extra, which are excellent biostimulants for plants, has a beneficial effect on succulents.
    how to transplant a room flower

Orchid Condition Assessment

This plant is considered one of the most finicky. It is very difficult for a beginner grower to properly care for this unique representative of the flora, because orchids are sensitive to moving the pot from place to place, to drafts, air temperature and humidity, the condition of the substrate, the amount of space in the pot. All of these factors can have a negative effect on the plant. If the flowers and leaves of a representative of the flora have spots, then something is wrong with him.

how to transplant flowers into a pot

Orchid transplant

It is very important to determine the time in time when it is good to transplant indoor flowers called orchids. After all, transplantation may be the only way to save the plant from problems. For example, if the capacity in which the flower grows is small, and the florist notices inappropriate spots on the leaves, then the plant should be transplanted into another substrate - sometimes pathogenic bacteria and microbes get into the ground, which contribute to its decomposition. However, this should be done only after the end of flowering orchids. Usually in late spring and early summer, the orchid does not grow - this is a good period for transplanting. However, before transplanting an indoor flower belonging to the orchid family, it is necessary to more accurately determine the timing when the plant is at rest - this time can sometimes fall for another season. At rest, the roots of the flower are painted in green or gray. But in the case when the tips of the plant have a bright light green color, it is contraindicated to touch it. To make it easier for the grower to observe the state of the root system of this representative of the flora, experienced lovers plant orchids in transparent containers.

Substrate for orchids

When we transplant house flowers, the best option is to buy ready-made soil designed specifically for this type and variety of plants. This rule applies to orchids. But in the event that the finished substrate cannot be found in the store, you can make it yourself. The composition of the soil may include components such as tree bark, vermiculite, clay shards, coconut shells, dry fern roots, moss, polystyrene foam, expanded clay and other components. However, the bark of coniferous trees, which activates the process of soil decay, should be immediately excluded. You should also select the components that contribute to the free passage of moisture, but not retaining it inside.

transplant home flowers

Features of orchid transplantation

It is very important to remember that each plant has its own strict rules of care and transplantation. And, knowing how to properly transplant indoor flowers of most species, you should not use these skills in relation to orchids. In particular, many plants are transplanted using the “transshipment” method, that is, together with a lump of earth that is held by the roots of the flower.

  1. But the root system of an orchid should be cleaned of soil before planting.
  2. Cleaning should be done after watering the roots - in the wet state.
  3. Good watering of the plant before removing it from the old tank will provide ease of performing this procedure. It is also a guarantee that the healthy roots of the orchid will remain intact.
  4. Since transplanting flowers into a pot should only be absolutely healthy, then before placing the root system in the ground, you need to remove all diseased areas from it that have white, gray, yellow or black color. Do not touch only the green roots.
  5. Moreover, the removal is carried out exclusively by sterile scissors.
  6. Places of cuts must be treated with ash.
  7. Before planting, the roots should be allowed to dry overnight.
  8. In a new container intended for transplantation, first drain the mixture, which should occupy a third of the volume.
    how to transplant indoor flowers
  9. A very important feature of orchid transplantation is the fact that the roots of the plant do not need to be completely covered. Be sure to leave some of them uncovered on the surface of the pot.
  10. Ensure that there are no voids between the roots of the plant and the substrate. To achieve this, you need to constantly tap the pot at a time when the root system is backfilled with soil.
  11. Do not crush the soil with your fingers, as you can damage the roots of the orchid. It is best to use special clips designed to strengthen the plant in the ground. After the growth of new roots, the paper clips are easily removed.
  12. After transplanting, the orchid does not need to be watered, but it should be placed where the air humidity is quite high for a period of two to three weeks.
  13. The plant is not watered for two months, but spraying is used.

Each florist should know what kind of houseplant belongs to when to plant better flowers of this species and variety, what are the features of transplanting this flower.


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