Cheap home heating with electricity. Possible options

If you are thinking about the issue of heating the house with electricity - cheaper or not, then you should familiarize yourself with the information presented below.

The need to find a profitable solution

cheap home heating by electricity

The conversion of electrical energy into heat is considered the most convenient method of heating a home. The problem is only that at the end of the month the owner of the apartment or house receives huge bills. But to draw premature conclusions, as well as to abandon the attractive technology of the above type is not worth it. Cheap home heating with electricity is still possible.

Energy sale

cheap electric heating at home

Please, there is not a single person who would not be seduced by seasonal sales. Shopping enthusiasts do look forward to such events with great impatience. Any owner of his own home should be aware that energy supply companies organize such promotions every night. That is why it is recommended to use this offer. This indicates that cheap heating of the house with electricity will be possible. For electricity consumers, two so-called tariff plans can be distinguished, among them one-channel and multi-zone. According to the first, payment is made by the majority of citizens. For each kWh, you have to pay 4.18 rubles, in rural areas this figure is slightly less. This rate applies to any time of the day. As for the multi-zone tariff, the price per kWh is different day and night. In the first case, the cost is 4.79 rubles, while in the second - 1.63 rubles.

Solution of the problem

cheap home heating with electricity

Thus, it is at night that electricity is sold for almost nothing. In order to switch to the described more favorable tariff, you need to buy a programmable tariff meter, and then apply to a company that acts as an electricity supplier.

Thermal battery

cheap home heating electricity reviews

Cheap heating of the house with electricity is possible with the help of a heat accumulator, which is economical. With it, you can heat a private house without the use of gas. Under the mentioned term, which sounds so solid, there is a usual container filled with water. This design only needs to be supplemented with some technical innovations. In the manufacture of such a battery there is a need to adhere to certain rules. The material that will form the basis of the tank should be stainless steel, but this approach is quite expensive. You can replace a stainless steel with ordinary steel, and to prevent corrosion, a magnesium anode is installed inside, which is similar to that used in household boilers. As the anode wears, it must be changed. The volume of the heat accumulator will depend on what power the heating elements have, the installation of the latter is carried out inside the device. The optimal value is an indicator equal to 300 liters per 1 kW.

In the upper part of the tank, a lid is installed, which is equipped with a rubber seal. Outside, the container must be protected with insulation material. It is preferable to use mineral wool for this, because the foam, in contact with a hot surface, releases dangerous volatile substances. When mounting in a slightly heated room - this, for example, concerns the boiler room - the thickness of the insulation under the bottom and on the side surfaces should be 150 millimeters. As for the cover, it is also important to provide thermal insulation, the thickness of which is 200 millimeters. If the tank for heat storage is supposed to be mounted in a heated room, then the thickness of the insulation can be reduced, this indicator should be selected empirically.

Features of manufacturing a heat accumulator

home heating electricity reviews

Cheap heating of the house with electricity is possible using a heat accumulator, in the lower part of which it is necessary to install heating elements in the amount of one or more pieces. According to experience, for a well-insulated building, whose area is 150 square meters, a total power of 6 kW will be enough. A heat exchanger should be installed above the inside of the tank. It is prepared from metal pipes, as an alternative solution, you can apply technology that involves installation using several sections of cast-iron radiators.

For a battery with a capacity of 2 cubic meters, a heat exchanger consisting of 8 such sections will be sufficient. The heat exchanger crashes into the heating system, and after installing the tank in its place, it is necessary to bring a water pipe equipped with a faucet to it. Using the pipe, the battery will be filled with coolant. To the bottom should be welded drain pipe, which has a drain into the sewer. In order to minimize heat loss, a self-made battery should be in the form of a cylinder or a cube, while its height should be equivalent to the diameter of the base.

The principle of operation of the heat accumulator

DIY home heating

Heating a house with electricity cheap is quite possible. If you decide to use the above method for this, then before you start equipping your home with this device, you need to familiarize yourself with the principle of operation. At night, the coolant is heated by the operation of the electric boiler, in parallel with the heating elements in the battery heat the water, accumulating energy. When the tariff from a preferential rate turns into a regular one, the boiler is turned off, while the liquid in the system must be redirected through a heat exchanger mounted in a heated tank. If a sufficiently powerful electrical equipment, such as a machine or pump, works during the day, then such a solution may be disadvantageous. In this case, you should pay attention to other heating options, which will be described below.

Electric boilers for home heating

heating the house with electricity is cheaper or not

Heating a house with electricity cheaply is quite possible to implement, if you use electric boilers that are equipped with a heat exchanger. In this case, it is possible to connect the system to the heating circuit of the house, underfloor heating, as well as paths and the pool heating system . The water heating network is no exception. The energy that will be released by the process unit, through the heat exchanger will transmit energy to the working medium. The significant efficiency of such a system is explained by the circulation of the coolant, which is carried out forcibly. This is made possible by the operation of the pump, which is part of the heater.

Models of devices for economical heating of a house due to electricity

If you decide to equip your home with electricity cheaply, you can implement this idea with your own hands in the ways described above. However, if you are not confident in your own abilities as a home master, then alternative solutions can be used. Among them, one cannot fail to single out the A1 model, which is also called the "Breeze". This device is a fan with a capacity of 0.45 kW. This equipment pumps hot air and can guarantee a comfortable temperature in a small room. For the day of operation of such a device will have to pay about 40 rubles. If the thermal power of the above device is not enough, then you can prefer the unit at 1.85 kW. With its help it will be possible to heat even a room of an impressive area, and you will have to pay 200 rubles per day for the operation of such equipment. It is worth noting that today it is possible to heat a house with electricity cheaply; reviews will help you decide on a system. Choosing fan heaters, you should consider that they will work only for some time during the day, which is why the prices mentioned will turn out to be much less.

Use of a heat generator

Today it is quite possible to provide home heating with electricity, consumer reviews will allow you to eliminate errors. Consumers quite often choose heat generators. Model C3SS5 has a calorific value of 3 kW. However, the named value may vary from 2.5 to 4.2. This device is often used for a system of underfloor heating in rooms for various purposes. If you decide to equip your home with electricity yourself (this means a multi-storey building), then you can use several of the above blocks, each of which is located on a separate floor. The daily payment for the operation of such a unit will be 500 rubles. However, it is worth considering the fact that it will not work round the clock, and its power is impressive enough to heat a large area. Today you can equip your home with electricity cheaply, solar panels will help you with this. They are the most technological solution in this matter.


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