How to insulate the loggia yourself? Insulation "Izover": reviews

Warming of the glazed loggia allows, although not particularly, but still to increase the living space of the apartment. On such a balcony, if desired, you can arrange a small study, workshop or even a bedroom. We will talk about how to insulate the loggia on your own later in the article.

Stages of work

Warming of the loggia involves the following sequence of works:

  1. Surface preparation of walls, ceiling and floor.
  2. Installation of the crate.
  3. Insulation of the ceiling.
  4. Warming of the parapet and walls.
  5. Waterproofing the floor.
  6. Floor insulation.
  7. Vapor barrier device.
  8. Covering the loggia with finishing material.

We will talk about the features of all these events below. First, itโ€™s worthwhile to figure out which materials are best for covering the walls, floor and ceiling of the loggia.

Choose a heater

The question of how to insulate the loggia yourself, rests primarily on the choice of a suitable heat insulator. In case of arranging a balcony , Penoplex or mineral wool is usually used. Both of these materials have good thermal insulation characteristics. The disadvantage of mineral wool is that it is able to absorb moisture, while losing its protective properties. Penoplex is quite flammable. One of the most popular varieties of mineral wool is a fairly new fiberglass material on the Russian market - insulation โ€œIzoverโ€. Let's see what specific advantages and disadvantages it differs from, what reviews exist about it, whether it is worth using it on the loggia in general.

how to insulate a loggia yourself

Insulation "Izover". Advantages and disadvantages

The official manufacturer of fiberglass plates and mats of this brand in Russia is the Saint-Gobain Isover company, which has been operating in the domestic market since 1994. At the moment, Izover is perhaps the most famous brand of heat insulator in the world. This material has such advantages as:

  • Absolute fire safety. Fiber "Izover" are made of non-combustible glass.
  • Very low thermal conductivity.
  • Ease of transportation. Mats and boards of this material are lightweight.
  • Absolute environmental cleanliness. Isover is certified by many leading organizations and agencies of the world.
  • The vapor barrier properties increased in comparison with most other types of fibrous heaters.
  • Durability. This material can last up to 50 years.
  • The presence of grooved edges. This addition allows you to perform the highest quality thermal insulation, since the plates adjoin each other very tightly.
  • Easy installation.

    how much does it cost to insulate a loggia

So, Izover is a very good answer to the question of how to insulate the loggia from the inside. However, those apartment owners who decided to choose this material as a heat insulator should also know about its shortcomings. Izover has only two of them. First, he, like all mineral fiber materials, is afraid of moisture. However, compared with other types of mineral watts, its moisture resistant properties are still slightly higher. The fact is, it has a large number of hydrophobic additives that increase its hygroscopicity. The minor disadvantages of this material can also be attributed to the fact that, during installation, small villi show off a little from it. Therefore, before starting work, it is worth putting on overalls.

Reviews about the insulation "Izover"

The Russian consumer has already managed to appreciate the remarkable qualities of such a material as Isover insulation. Those who have already used it for sheathing a loggia, house or roof, note its good thermal insulation properties. Consumers say that a small drawback is that after working with this material, the body and hands begin to itch, almost like after ordinary glass wool. Despite this, the feedback from owners of loggias, balconies, as well as suburban private houses about this material is mostly positive.

Whatever it was, which is better - the moisture-proof insulation "Penoplex" or the non-combustible "Izover" - of course, it is up to the landlords themselves to decide.

Preparatory work

So, what is the best way to insulate the loggia? After you decide on what kind of heat-insulating material you need, you can proceed to the actual work on cladding. But before that it will be necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures. On the loggia of the panel house, all joints between the panels should be sealed. In addition, all surfaces must be cleaned of dust and dirt.

We insulate the loggia ourselves. Installation of the lathing

Under the mineral wool, including Izover, a crate made of wooden beams is usually arranged. Mount it better in an upright position. The width of the timber should be equal to the width of the mineral wool slabs. Previously, holes are made in the walls with a pitch of approximately 40 mm. Next, they insert plastic dowels. Then a timber is drilled and fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws. The step between the battens should be equal to the width of the insulation boards.

insulated loggia design

Installation of "Izover" on the ceiling and walls

The Izover plates are inserted between the bars as tightly as possible. Be sure to ensure that there are no gaps between them and the elements of the crate. It is best to start installation from the ceiling of the loggia. Here, the plates, so that they do not fall out, are additionally fixed with special plastic dowels - โ€œfungiโ€. For reliability, this mounting method can also be used on walls.

How to insulate a loggia using Penoplex

As already mentioned, Penoplex is another good answer to the question of how to insulate the loggia yourself. Plates with a thickness of 40 to 60 mm are best suited for this purpose. Mount Penoplex on the ceiling and walls in much the same way as Izover.

insulation isover

However, if the surfaces of the loggia are quite smooth, you can not arrange a crate under it. In this case, the plates on the ceiling and walls are simply glued. Mount the plates apart, so that the cross-shaped joints do not work on the wall. At the final stage, the seams pass with mounting foam. As you can see, warming the loggia with Penoplex is as easy as with Izover.

how best to insulate the loggia

Balcony vapor barrier

And in the case of using "Izover", and when warming the loggia with "Penoplex", it is necessary to arrange a vapor barrier. The fact is that in any residential premises the humidity is always slightly higher than on the street. As a result, condensation accumulates on the walls, and therefore on the insulation, which is extremely undesirable. In order to protect the heat insulator, a special film is used. You can pull on cheap polyethylene. However, it is preferable to use some of its modern foil counterparts. Such materials create the effect of a thermos in the room. They are mounted with a foil inside.

Mount the vapor barrier horizontally with an overlap of about 15 cm. For reliability, you can glue the joints with double-sided tape. The film is attached to the crate using 3 cm thick bars. This allows you to arrange a ventilation layer between the vapor insulator and the fair skin. Passing through the resulting empty space, the air dries out the condensate that forms on the surface of the protective film.

insulation isover

Floor insulation

The question of how to insulate the loggia yourself, rests in including the question of floor insulation. This event can be started immediately after the walls and parapet are lined with cotton or Penoplex. For reliability, the floor surface is sometimes waterproofed, coated with bitumen mastic. Then lags are laid. You can make them from a beam of 50x100x150 mm. At the same time, they use the same Izover or Penoplex as a thermal insulator, as well as expanded clay. After the space between the lags is filled with insulation, a vapor insulator is stuffed on them, and then a floor, terrace or ordinary edged board.

Fine cladding

The warming of the loggia (photos of the materials "Isover" and "Penoplex", perfectly suitable for this purpose, you can see on this page) ends with a sheathing with finishing materials. In this case, it is customary to use lining, plastic panels, plywood and drywall. The lining is attached to the bars holding the vapor barrier, using special clamps. Plywood and drywall can be fixed on self-tapping screws.

Loggia insulation outside

Despite the fact that warming the loggia from the outside is considered more effective, this method is used much less often than insulation from the inside. This is explained by the need to use a tower or hiring installers, high-altitude workers. In the end, such insulation is very expensive. It is impossible to fulfill it independently. In the case of isolation of the loggia from the outside, the same heaters are used as when performing work from the inside. At the same time, the crate is also mounted. Next, insulation plates are installed. A waterproofing membrane is mounted on top of them. In this case, special films are used that allow steam to pass from the inside of the loggia and retain moisture from the outside. They also attach the membrane to the bars. Next, siding, a professional sheet or some other finishing lining is attached to them.

Loggia heating

In order for the loggia to turn out to be really warm, it should be glazed with no less than three-chamber double-glazed windows with a plastic or wooden profile. Of course, heaters will also need to be installed here. Some apartment owners bring central heating batteries to the loggia . However, in making such a decision, it should be borne in mind that this is strictly prohibited by regulations. When selling an apartment with a loggia equipped in this way, its owners can have serious problems.

Therefore, it is better to install electric heating appliances on the balcony. It can be a convector or an oil cooler. It is best to place the appliance under the windows. In this case, less condensation will form on the glass.

How much does it cost to insulate a loggia

When using both Penoplex and Izover, which are relatively inexpensive materials, covering a standard loggia in a five-story building will cost about 9,000 rubles. Specialists take another 12,000 rubles for work. So, by warming the loggia yourself, you can save a significant amount.

Of course, the numbers indicated above are approximate. The answer to the question of how much it costs to insulate the loggia depends on many factors - whether โ€œwarmโ€ floors will be arranged, in what condition the walls, ceiling and floor are, what vapor barrier will be used, how much a wooden beam costs in this particular region, etc. d.

Design of the warmed loggia

If you strictly adhered to the required technologies when carrying out wall cladding of the walls, floor, ceiling and parapet, you will definitely get a very comfortable insulated loggia. Its design should be chosen, guided by the style that was used in the decoration and design of the main premises of the apartment. So, if this is a classic, it is worth taking plasterboard for lining or finishing the surface with decorative plaster. For country directions or Provence, lining is perfect. For modern styles, usually choose plastic panels or the same drywall.

insulated loggias photo

Insulated loggias (the photo of one of them you see above) can have a more original design. For example, wall painting is very interesting. This finish is perfect for both classics and modern. Combinations of different materials also look good. For example, plastic and aluminum.

Warming the loggia "Izover", you should pay maximum attention to sealing the seams between the panels and the vapor barrier. When using the Penoplex, it is necessary to comply with particular accuracy with the rules for installing electrical wiring, as well as switches and sockets.


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