Expanded clay: density, weight, properties, application

Expanded clay, the density of which should be known to any professional in his field and to a master who wants to purchase this material for any kind of work, acts as an environmentally friendly heater. This thermal insulation is represented by porous granules, which are obtained in the process of burning clay by a special technique. The process of creating expanded clay is divided into several stages. Initially, clay swells, which is facilitated by a sharp heat stroke. This leads to the formation of porous granules. The outer part is melted, which makes the elements as resistant and durable as possible to various kinds of aggressive influences.

Main characteristics

expanded clay density

After you have learned how to make expanded clay, you can proceed to the study of the basic characteristics of the material. Among them, frost resistance, water-repellent characteristics, durability, the optimal ratio of cost and quality, as well as a high level of strength should be highlighted.

This material is also used to improve the sound and heat insulation qualities of structures. Considering expanded clay, the density of which will be mentioned below, one should also pay attention to the fact that it has chemical inertness. The material is not afraid of the effects of fire, and also can not become a place where putrefactive processes will occur. However, do not assume that this building material consists of only advantages.


expanded clay weight

Despite the fact that the cost of expanded clay is quite acceptable, among its features there are negative ones, because of which sometimes masters refuse to purchase this thermal insulation, choosing other heaters. This is due to the fragility of the granules, which specialists and home craftsmen should not forget when backfilling. Among other things, expanded clay is best used only for dry filling. Granules tend to absorb excess moisture, gradually drying out.

The properties

expanded clay fraction

As practice shows, burnt brick buildings are more comfortable compared to concrete buildings. Clay, which undergoes appropriate processing during the production process, conducts heat and cold rather poorly. Expanded clay has similar properties due to its porous structure. But if you are going to use this insulation as bulk thermal insulation, then you should be aware of its thermal conductivity. For this material, it averages 0.12 W / km. However, you should be aware that granule sizes may vary.

But these are not all characteristics that you should be aware of before starting work. For example, it is important to consider density. When conducting compression tests, it became known that 13 percent of the volume is destroyed. This allows for additional layer compaction.

Density and weight

expanded clay cost

Expanded clay, the density of which may be different, is divided into several types. If we are talking about the M-450 brand with a fraction of 10-20 millimeters, then the density of the material is 440 kilograms per cubic meter. Whereas the M-500 brand has a density of 465 kilograms per cubic meter.

But the quality of expanded clay also depends on the shape of the fractions. The granules should have a rounded shape, and the central part should be removed at an equal distance.

It is also important to know what the weight of expanded clay is. The ideal figure is 0.95 grams per cubic meter. While volumetric weight will depend on several factors, this should also include the size of the grain. For example, one cubic meter of material, whose fraction is 30 millimeters, will weigh about 340 kilograms.

Area of ​​use

expanded clay consumption

When choosing the described building material, not only the weight of expanded clay is important, but also other characteristics. However, before purchasing, you must decide whether this thermal insulation is suitable for a certain area. At first glance, it may seem that the scope of application is not so extensive, but the granules are characterized by excellent heat-saving characteristics, which allows the use of this insulation in the arrangement of floors, attic rooms, as well as ceilings. It is worth noting that thermal insulation is not the last of the useful properties.

Expanded clay, the density of which was mentioned above, is used as the underlying layer. More specifically, it can be used as the basis for the formation of concrete screed. Among other things, granules can be used when filling the foundation during construction work. Thanks to the use of expanded clay, it is possible to significantly reduce the depth of the foundation, sometimes the numbers can be reduced by half. Thus, you can save building materials, as well as eliminate freezing of land near the base.

Expanded clay is quite often used in the construction of baths, when there is a need to qualitatively insulate walls and floors. With the help of granules you can achieve a certain temperature, which will be maintained for a fairly long time. If an accident occurs, the owner of the house will not be faced with the need to dig all the soil.

Another advantage is that after repair, expanded clay can be used a second time, while it does not lose its characteristics. The described building material is excellent for creating garden paths or a drainage system, which will certainly lead to an increase in productivity. The main requirement in this case is the use of small granules.

Material cost

expanded clay production

The cost of expanded clay is quite affordable for the average buyer. The price of the material will depend on the fraction. For example, the M-650 brand, which assumes a granule size within 5 millimeters, costs 96 rubles. for one bag, while its volume will be 0.035 cubic meters. With an increase in fractionation to 10 millimeters, the price decreases to 85 rubles per bag, while the volume of one bag will be 0.04 cubic meters.

Material fractions

If you decide to choose expanded clay for the construction, you should consider fractions of this material before the time of purchase. The size of the granules depends on the type of material. For example, expanded clay sand has an element size within 5 millimeters. As for the sand-gravel mixture, its fraction increases to 10 millimeters. While expanded clay gravel can have a size of elements from 10 to 20 millimeters.

Material consumption

Expanded clay consumption should be calculated individually. Most often, this material is used in the arrangement of screeds. In this case, for a centimeter layer, it will be necessary to spend 0.01 cubic meters per square meter of area. In some stores, expanded clay is dispensed in liters. At the same time, to create a centimeter layer of expanded clay in the screed, 10 liters per square meter will be needed.


Expanded clay, fractions of which are an important characteristic of this material, can be used for various kinds of work. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to correctly select the size of the granules and lay the material according to the technology.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25733/

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