Name Arman: meaning, origin, influence on the fate of the boy

In this article we will consider the male name Arman - the meaning, origin and influence of it on the fate of the carrier. To call your son like that, you need to be aware of exactly what form of nickname you are choosing. After all, this name is popular immediately among three language groups. And, of course, it has several completely different meanings. In our article we will talk about each of them. The diminutive forms of the name Arman sound feline gentle, purring. Depending on the country in which it is distributed, these are Dinetto, Dino, Nandino, Nando, Mandito, Mando. The Slavic peoples are either Arm or Armandik. What fate does this name prophesy to its owner? Find out if you read the article.

Name Armand meaning origin

Great warrior

The origin of this name is Indo-European. But, as it was perceived by local dialects, it changed. In Western Europe, the Latin form of Arminius has become the name Arman. Its meaning is “warrior”. In Russian, the root of the name is reflected in the word “army”. The Germans turned this name into Herman or Ehrmann, and since Irmin also means "great", forms of Hartmann and Hartmann appeared. In the Italian version, it retained more kinship with the Latin original. This is Armano or Armando. In the French version, the name takes a middle position between Italian and German pronunciation. Despite its popularity in Western Europe, Arman has only one patron saint and celebrates Angel Day on December 23. The warlike name leaves its mark on character. Since childhood, Arman has also run the restless minx. He is a born leader. If you cultivate in him a love of justice and compassion for people, a defender of the weak, a good family man, a purposeful, intelligent and insightful man, a charming man will grow out of him. However, he can become a complete egoist who prefers not to notice his own mistakes and move ahead.

Name armman meaning

Persian Armand: meaning of a name, character and destiny

In the Middle East, the word acquired a completely different meaning. This name is still very common in Iraq. But it is not at all belligerent. Translated from ancient Persian, the name Arman has a tender, almost feminine meaning. The meaning of this word is a dream, a cherished desire. In Central Asia (mainly in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) the name Arman is used, and among the Kazakhs it was transformed into Yerman. The diminutive form sounds affectionately - Armin. Now she has become an independent name. Little Arman is a "child-dream." He is a good child, a talented child prodigy, a diligent and good-natured boy. Having matured, he, if cherished by his talents, can reveal his bright personality. He is easily given creative professions. He is a good designer, artist, dancer, stylist, musician. But at the same time, there is a real masculine core in Arman : he knows how to go to the goal and shows remarkable resolve and firmness in this. People are drawn to Arman, respecting him for wit, eloquence and natural charm.

Arman meaning named character and fate

Armen-Arman: the meaning of the name for the child

And finally, the third form, Armenian. In this Transcaucasian country, the name is extremely popular. Its value is hard not to guess. Of course, this is an “Armenian”. A good name for the son of a true patriot of his homeland. Therefore, over time, the name Arman gradually mutated into Armen. To some extent, its carrier goes over all the features of a national character. He is talented and focused. Most of all he values ​​communication with people. He likes their respect, he tries in every possible way to gain authority or a good name. It is accompanied by success in commerce, law and in those industries that require practical ingenuity and a well- suspended language. As a man, he smashes women on the spot. But the heartthrob Arman is very demanding of his chosen one. Its negative quality is jealousy and suspicion.

Arman meaning a name for a child

Armanes who have become famous for centuries

The most famous person who bore this name is Cardinal Richelieu. Yes, the “red duke” had the name Arman (whose meaning in Latin is “warrior”). Cardinal Richelieu was the de facto ruler of France. You can still recall Arman Barbes, a revolutionary and politician. In general, in France you can find a galaxy of great Armans. This is the painter Guillaumene, and the writer Robin, and even the president of the country Fallier. The Armenian Armanas also became famous. You can mention Kirakosyan and Sahakyan - politicians and diplomats, Karamyan - a footballer of the country's national team, artist Manukyan and chess player Pashikyan. In Kazakhstan, we also observe that Yermans achieve much in life. There, the name Arman has a slightly different meaning. This is a “bold”, “hardy” man. And therefore Yermany make a career in politics. You can recall the Minister of Finance Dunaev or the measure of Zhetpisbaev.

Combination with the zodiac sign, amulets

The name Arman is perfect for Sagittarius. He is patronized by Mercury and Saturn. The lucky color of Arman is brown or dark green. Of metals, tin and uranium will bring him luck. Give Arman a talisman that is consonant with his name - ametrine. Also, good luck is brought and protected from the evil eye by quartz, white, yellow and black sapphire, a tiger eye, zirconium, emerald, red iron ore.


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