Tour operator "Pegasus" has suspended its activities. Pegasus changes the rules of working with new travel agencies

Surely those who rest abroad know such a tour operator as Pegas Touristik. On the forums about him you can find many conflicting reviews. And this is not surprising: the company employs several tens of thousands of people. The human factor has not yet been canceled. Recently, you can often hear the phrase that the tour operator "Pegasus" has suspended its activities. But the truth is, or another rumor, we will try to find out in the article.

Pegasus changes the rules of working with new travel agencies

Interesting facts about the tour operator

Recently, among the avid tourists, one can often hear the phrase that the Pegasus tour operator has suspended its activities due to the threat of bankruptcy. Before making such conclusions, it’s worthwhile to figure out where the company comes from, what its capital is, and in which countries tours are offered.

The tour operator Pegas Touristik was introduced to the Russian market back in 1994. The owner of the company is an influential Turk, who before that already had experience in the tourism business. From the very beginning, Pegasus has established itself as a reliable partner that provides quality services.

Currently, the company has offices in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Georgia. The choice of countries for vacation is huge. The main directions are still Turkey, Egypt, Goa, Greece. Every year the company adds and opens new routes for tourists.

In 2004, management decided to purchase Nordwind Airlines. Now in the arsenal of the company 29 boards. It also has its own hotel chain in Egypt, Turkey and Thailand.

The conclusion suggests itself from this information: the news that the Pegasus tour operator has suspended its activities is just rumors and, possibly, the machinations of competitors.

tour operator Pegasus suspended its activities

Individual tour package - use the new service

For tourists with special requests, the operator Pegas Touristik offers individual tours. The FIT program is designed to meet any requirements of vacationers, starting with a transfer and ending with a vacation in different hotels on opposite continents.

There are nuances that you need to know when booking such tours:

  • You can calculate such a vacation on your own or with the help of company managers.

  • A contract with an operator is required for this service.

  • The cost of services may change on public holidays.

  • An individual FIT tour can be booked online.

  • Payment takes place only by bank transfer.

If you want to make a fairy tale out of your vacation, do not be afraid to tell your agent about it. With the help of the operator Pegas Touristik, dreams become reality.

We draw attention to the new terms of the contract

It is worth noting that since September, Pegasus has changed the rules for working with new travel agencies. Now the guarantor must be either the director or the owner of the company, that is, an individual, not a legal entity. In this case, people who have assumed such responsibilities will be personally responsible for all shortcomings, if they arise. And financially, they can lose not only business, but also property.

In other words, Pegas Touristik requires financial guarantees from agencies. For these purposes, a decent amount of deposit (100,000 rubles) sent to the company’s accounts is suitable. Many directors claim that this is all very strange, especially since other operators have not announced such changes.

In addition, agencies need to provide full information about their activities: office photos, rental agreement, certificate, license and other documents.

Another point touched the reservation. Now the status of the application will not be confirmed until the full payment has been received. The same applies to early booking tours. The status of the application can only be checked in your account.

The logical question is: “Why did the Pegas Touristik have difficulties?” The answer is given by the CEO of the company. She assures that this is a necessary step in the difficult situation that has developed in the tourism market. It is necessary to distribute financial insurance risks between tour operators and agencies.

resorts and the best hotels from the tour operator Pegasus

Is it possible to refuse a tour?

Another important point of changes in the contract that I would like to draw attention to is the refusal of the tour. If earlier it was possible to postpone or postpone the trip by canceling the application, paying the minimum fine or avoiding it at all, now the conditions have changed dramatically. The numbers are shocking. In different situations, the tourist incurs losses in the amount of 10 to 100%, depending on how many days prior to the trip cancellation is made.

Riot of Volgograd travel companies

In connection with the changes in the terms of the agreement, the appeal of Volgograd travel agencies to Pegasus arose. About 40 firms wrote a collective letter requesting a review of contract clauses. In their opinion, the operator wants to cover its financial risks, increase profits and solve monetary problems using conventional travel agencies.

In addition, the partners are dissatisfied with the financial guarantee of the operator itself and believe that the amount announced and spelled out in the Pegas Touristik contract is not enough.

It is also outrageous that such conditions are not set for all agencies. There are "favorites" who are not affected by these changes.

why did the Pegasus tourist have difficulties

Company reviews of tourists

Opinions of tourists about the tour operator "Pegasus" are rather controversial. Complaints arise, as a rule, against guides and transfers, who do not always behave correctly. In all other respects, the company has established itself on the positive side. Resorts and the best hotels from the tour operator "Pegasus" are very popular. Pricing policy pleases. Everyone can choose a vacation for their wallet.

Separately, I want to note the managers working in offices. Polite communication, knowledge of information, willingness to help in difficult situations with problem tourists are their main difference.

appeal of travel agencies of Volgograd to Pegasus

Having familiarized with the activities of this company, we can safely answer: rumors that the Pegasus tour operator has suspended its activities are another “duck”. Offices are still working, tours are on sale, charters fly, hotels are booked. There is no cause for concern.


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