Pipe coating area - features, table and recommendations

Pipe painting is a mandatory procedure that plays not only an aesthetic role, but also extends the life of the pipeline. Paint work is performed using consumables such as primer and paint. But how to determine how many will be needed so that there is enough and there is no surplus left? This is especially difficult to do when large volumes of work are planned, for example, processing communications at a gas distribution station. In order to correctly calculate the number of coatings, it is necessary to know the area of ​​painting pipes. We will discuss further how to calculate it.

pipe painting area

Types of pipes

First of all, it should be taken into account that not only the size of the pipes, but also their shape, as well as the structure of the material from which they are made, will affect the paint consumption. So, for example, for the coating of smooth-walled and corrugated products of the same size, a different amount of coatings will be required.

Pipes can have a variety of shapes and sizes. Depending on these parameters, the scope of operation of pipe products is also determined. The most common are cylindrical pipes with a circular cross-section, most often used for the construction of water pipelines and gas pipelines.

pipe area for painting

A popular type of construction metal rolling are profile pipes having a section different from round. They can be oval, square and rectangular. Of these, frame structures, various metal structures, floors and spans are created.

Corrugated pipes with a circular cross section are used for the construction of underground non-pressure domestic and industrial sewage systems, storm collectors.

There are also cone-shaped pipes. They are designed for pressure injection systems.


There are two ways to calculate the volume of paints and varnishes: using a special table or by applying geometric formulas. In both cases, it will be necessary to make accurate measurements of the products.

pipe painting area table

If there is a table of the area of ​​painting of pipes, you just need to find a position in it with the same dimensional indicators as those obtained when measuring, and see the flow of paint or primer. Calculation using formulas is a more complicated, but no less effective way. To determine the painting area of ​​pipes of a certain shape and section, the corresponding formulas are applied.

Cylindrical tubes

To make calculations, it is necessary to know the length of the pipe and its outer radius. Length is measured in meters and radius is in millimeters. The following formula is used:

S = 2 x π * R x L, where:

  • S is the area of ​​the pipe for painting;
  • π is the number pi equal to 3.14;
  • R is the radius;
  • L is the length.

For example, with a pipe length of 10 m and a diameter of 60 mm, its surface area will be 1.88 square meters. meter.

According to the same formula, the area of ​​painting of sewer pipes is calculated. The only difference between these designs are large sizes. For example, the diameter of sewer wells can be 70-200 cm. In such cases, the standard height of these products is 90 cm.

steel pipe painting area

Area of ​​painting pipe profile

To determine the value of interest, you need to know:

  • the height of one side of the pipe (N);
  • the height of the other side (W);
  • length (L).

Calculations are made according to the following formula: S = 2 x H x L + 2 x W x L. For example, with a product length of 10 m and a side height of 10 and 5 cm, the surface area to be painted will be 3 square meters. meters.

Painting area of ​​steel cone-shaped pipe

For truncated cone pipes, the following parameters are measured:

  • length (L);
  • smaller circle diameter (R1);
  • diameter of a larger circle (R2).

To determine the color of the pipes, the formula S = 2 x π x R1 x L + π x (R1 x R1 + R2 x R2) is used. For example, if the length of the structure will be 10 m, and the radii are 3 and 6 cm, then the total area will be about 2 meters.

Corrugated pipes

In such products, it is most difficult to accurately calculate their surface area, because they can be extended in length. For the convenience of calculations, it is recommended that all values ​​obtained during measurements be made in writing in the form of a table.

So, you need to set the following parameters:

  • rounding radius (A);
  • projection of flat parts on the length and diameter (B, D);
  • corrugation pitch (C);
  • the angle of inclination of a flat area (E);
  • corrugated part height (F);
  • product draw line (G).

For a specific example, consider how the calculations are carried out. For example, the value of A is 3 mm. To determine the size of the rounded part, the formula 2 x π x A is used. Thus, 18.84 mm is obtained. The value of D must be doubled, let it be equal to 20 mm. Taking into account the above data, it is possible to determine the length of the corrugation in the extended form - 38.84 mm.

Having removed the angle of inclination, we calculate the value of E. This indicator will be equal to twice the diameter, that is, 12 mm.

Suppose that the length of the product is 10 m. To calculate the number of folds, divide the length by a step and get 866 pieces. Next, you need to determine the length of the corrugated pipe in a stretched state. With a diameter of, for example, 52 mm, the total area of ​​the structure will be 54.92 square meters. meter.

The choice of paints and varnishes

pipe profile area

Different types of paints are used for painting pipes:

  • Acrylic enamel, which contains organic solvents, providing a strong and durable glossy coating.
  • Alkyd enamel is on sale in a huge range of colors. Such paints are also characterized by strength, form a reliable layer that does not crack and does not wear out.
  • Waterborne dispersion paints. The advantages of such compositions include the ability to quickly dry out and the absence of an unpleasant odor. The disadvantages are poor resistance to abrasion and water. Before using water-dispersion-based paints, the pipes must be coated with a primer.
  • Oil paint. It is rarely used for painting pipes. Available in a small range of colors. Before painting metal surfaces, including pipes, it is necessary to apply a primer, which can provide a strong connection with the paint. An oil-based paint composition is applied to the dried primer in at least two layers.

When choosing the type of paint for painting pipes, it is necessary, first of all, to focus on their purpose and operating conditions, since such factors as temperature, humidity, the risk of mechanical damage, etc., will depend on the durability of the paint coating and the term service pipes themselves.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25740/

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