Biography, creativity and the best books of Andrei Belyanin

The creativity of Andrei Belyanin, who works in the genre of humorous fantasy, has long been known to the Russian reader and managed to fall in love with him. We will talk about the life and work of this writer in this article.


Born in January 1967. The birthplace of Andrei Belyanin is Astrakhan. His mother was a medical worker, his father was a simple worker. He graduated from an eight-year school in his hometown and entered the painting and pedagogical department of the Art College named after Vlasova. Already in his fourth year, Belyanin was carried away by poetry.

Andrei Belyanin

After graduating from college, the writer went to serve at the call of a border guard at the border with Turkey. In the army, Andrei Olegovich continued to engage in poetry. Many of the poems of this period were included in the collection “The Shepherd of the Bears”.

After the service, he lived alternately in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but did not stay in any of the cities. He worked as a teacher, was deputy chairman of the Writers' Union of Russia, published a newspaper, and headed a literary studio. As a result, he returned to Astrakhan, where he lives to this day. In their small homeland, Belyanin was assigned the rank of Yesaul in the local Cossack army. In his free time he is engaged in ceramics and painting.

Creativity and awards

Member of the Writers' Union since 1994. By this moment, Belyanin had written three poetry collections and two tales: “Order of the Porcelain Knights” and “Red and Striped”.

According to the title of his book “The Sword Without a Name”, the Alpha Book Publishing House established a prize for young authors. Twice awarded with a diploma of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for “creating a positive image of the police” Andrei Belyanin (“The Secret Investigation of Tsar Gorokh”, character - Nikita Ivashov).

In 2009, he received a medal named after N.V. Gogol. In 2013, he became a science fiction writer of the year (Roscon festival).

“My wife is a witch”

The first book of dilogy was published in 1999 and bore the same name as the entire series. The second book of the cycle is called "Sister from the Underworld."

Dilogy of Andrei Belyanin tells about the adventures of the protagonist - the poet Sergei Gnedin - and his wife, Natalia, the librarian and part-time witch. In the first book, fate brings the couple to the Middle Ages, where the poet will find the disappeared spouse. In the second, they are sent to the magical City, where Natalia’s sister threw a magic amulet.

"Sword Without a Name"

Belyan Andrei books

In 1997, Andrei Belyanin began writing this work. “Sword Without a Name” is the first book of the cycle; its name gave the name not only to the entire series, but also to a literary prize for aspiring science fiction writers.

The cycle tells about the adventures of the main character Andrei, who fell into a parallel world, arranged in the image of the Middle Ages. It is here that the character finds his love and vocation. However, the native world calls back, and Lord Skiminok (this title was awarded to the main character for his exploits) has to travel more than once, torn between reality and a parallel universe. About what ended the story of Andrew, is described in the next two books of the trilogy: "The Ferocious Landgrave" and "The Age of St. Skiminok."

"Jack Crazy King"

The first book of the trilogy of the same name was published in 1999. This is not the first work that Andrei Belyanin wrote. The books of this series, however, stand out from the rest of their unique heroes. This is a prince, and not a simple one, but nicknamed the Madman, and for good reason. This crazy hero in the company of no less expressive friends gets from one story to another. Their relentless struggle with evil and evil spirits invariably ends in victory.

Books, like all the writer's creations, with the exception of poems, are saturated with humor, optimism and an indomitable faith in a brighter future.

"The Secret Investigation of King Peas"

Andrei Belyanin sword

Today it is the longest cycle, including nine books. And, judging by the end of the last novel, Andrei Belyanin is not going to stop there. Tsar Gorokh, Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal and other fairy-tale characters led by the main character Nikita Ivashov are so loved by readers that every new story about secret detectives is received with incredible enthusiasm.

The main character, a police lieutenant, accidentally falls into a fabulous Russia since the time of Tsar Gorokh. And not just anyhow, but in the cellar to Baba Yaga herself, a sweet old woman with a dark past. Contrary to expectations, a policeman is in demand in those ancient times. From this moment, the adventures of Nikita Ivashov and his task force as part of Baba Yaga and the village booby Mitenka begin.

Do not forget this series and periodically writes new stories Andrei Belyanin. “The Black Sword of King Koshchei” is the latest novel to date. This time, the task force will face not only the eternal enemy Koschey, but also a much more dangerous opponent - the Serpent Gorynych, whose skin cannot be pierced by any weapons.

Baghdad Thief

Andrei Belyanin black sword

The trilogy is devoted to descriptions of the adventures of the famous Baghdad thief. However, the hero is far from being described in oriental tales. And all the fault is the excessive love of Khayyam ibn Omar for strong drinks. And now the drunken genie fulfills the main desire of the writer Hack and a fighter for justice - to find him a worthy successor. It turns out to be the blue-eyed Muscovite of our time with the noble name Obolensky. From now on, the one who proclaims that everything is calm in Baghdad will be so wrong.

Oriental flavor in combination with Russian humor - this is what the cycle about the Baghdad thief is. Not to mention the wonderful authorial stylizations of the characters and descriptions of the terrain.


Andrey Belyanin king peas

This time, Belyanin Andrey moved away from typical positive characters in the role of the main characters. The books of the series are not dedicated to the prince, not to the knight, and not to the policeman. This time, the half-troll named Aargh is in the spotlight. However, this big man with a silly face and unimaginable muscles is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Although he himself stubbornly pretends to be a stupid barbarian, incapable of anything but physical labor in all its manifestations. And the work of Aargh is also not so hot - he is a simple mercenary. For what they paid, then do it.

Nevertheless, the books about the adventures of this outstanding character are read in one breath, full of humor and positive. Moreover, as in any fairy tale, good, even with the face of a troll, always defeats evil.

Professional Werewolf

Andrei Belyanin the secret investigation of the king of peas

This cycle was written with Galina Cherna. Nevertheless, he is very similar to all the books of Andrei Belyanin with humor and memorable characters.

At the center of the story is Alina, a young girl accidentally bitten by a werewolf. The special task force, consisting of Alex Orlov and the talking cat, managed in time and destroyed the monster. However, now the girl must inevitably turn into a monster herself. The special task force could not leave Alina in trouble, so she was immediately included in the squad to find a cure. Now the heroes have to visit many parallel worlds and different eras to achieve their goal.


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