How to plant garlic in accordance with all the rules

How to plant garlic? Indeed, many fans of this culture often plant it, regardless of how and where the site is located. We are talking about winter garlic, which is usually planted before frosts, at the end of autumn. It’s time to part with such a habit, since such planting dates do not allow garlic to grow fully.

In this case, the root system does not develop powerful; accordingly, there is no high-quality supply of nutrients and water. How to plant garlic so that it is not predictably weak by spring? Early matured or even overripe it will subsequently be poorly preserved. What to do? The way out is to plant garlic in a timely manner! This should be addressed not in late autumn, but at the beginning of it.

Teeth should be selected without the slightest sign of diseases such as white rot, fusarium. Even one tooth with suspicious specks can infect all the others, and those should be rejected. Not suitable for planting and teeth from decayed onions. They should be plump, without dents.

The bulbs will be larger, the larger the teeth. Their outer shell should not be scraped off. Otherwise, you weaken the defense mechanisms. A bulb grown from such a bare tooth will also be unsuitable for long-term storage.

How to plant garlic in accordance with all the rules? Begin with prevention. Namely: Before planting, the teeth are etched with a potassium permanganate solution. To prepare the 0.1% solution we need, 1 g of the substance should be dissolved in a liter of water. You need to pickle for about half an hour or forty minutes. For this purpose, a 3% suspension of baseazole is also suitable.

After the grooves fall asleep with sand, they are slightly watered with a manganese solution of the same concentration. Continuing the topic of how to plant garlic correctly, we recall the crop rotation. Garlic is not planted after onions or garlic planted earlier in this place. The beds previously occupied by parsnips, beets and carrots are also unsuitable. However, garlic feels good and grows well after peppers, tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers, early-ripened white cabbage and cauliflower.

How to plant garlic in a large area? The beds will be right to place from north to south, making rows along them at a distance of about forty centimeters. Between plants there should be about 10 cm with a planting depth also 10 cm. Before placing garlic, if the soil is dry, it is necessary to water the grooves abundantly. Remember that beds need to be mulched with sand or humus, if it is depleted of soil. How to plant garlic if the plot is small? You can drop it next to strawberries. Such cultures are perfectly compatible with each other. Landing should be prepared in two weeks.

Choose for landing should be a flat place without the presence of slopes and depressions. Also, the site should not be flooded with groundwater and floods. The ground in preparation for planting should be dug to a depth of 20 cm. All stones must be selected and removed. Humus or compost is introduced for two years. Calculation - half a bucket per 1 mΒ².

Lime and ash introduced into the soil will bring good benefits, but manure during digging is contraindicated. The crop will be good on humus enriched sandy loam soils, light loamy soils. Planting garlic on peat bogs will have to take considerable care, compacting the soil. To protect against spring flooding, beds of sufficient height are created.

Do not be upset if the early planted crop begins to germinate and green tender leaves appear. On the autumn table, such vitamins will be very useful with minimal harm to garlic from such a cut. To protect against rodents, the landing must be protected with needles or spruce branches. For the same purpose, poisoned bait can be placed under the spruce branch.

Arriving at the site in winter, insulate the landing. Just toss snowball at her. Such insulation will be especially effective in winters with little snow and with strong winds.


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