Breathtaking game Torchlight. Walkthrough, description, quests

2010 has been pretty positive for computer games. But he distinguished himself in that the world saw the long-awaited Torchlight, the passage of which was a real pleasure. Each gamer in this glorious world can feel like a hero, he is given the opportunity to travel and participate in battles. In addition, savvy will be useful to him, since only the most intelligent ones will be able to get unique armor for their character in quests. The editor in the game allows you to create your own creations, which certainly will be individual. But the most important thing is that you can get a beast for yourself, carefully raise it, feed it well, and then in battles it will become an excellent assistant and a lightning arrow that brings death to enemies.

So, let's get started with Torchlight. Passage begins in the town of Twilight. It was this place that was once loved by miners; it was always distinguished by an abundance of dungeons and adits. However, if previously a magical mineral called Amber was mined in them, now now hordes of monsters are breaking out of them every night. No one knows where such a curse fell on a small town, and who initiated the horror. Only one thing is clear - the life of the Twilight population is at stake, and its existence as a mining town is at stake.

Torchlight walkthrough

This is the basis of the plot of the game Torchlight, the passage of which will begin with the fact that you will need to go down to the ill-fated catacombs, where the real evil lurks. You will not see sunlight, only crimson torches will illuminate your path. The character has to survive not only battles with monsters, but also real betrayal. In total, three different heroes are presented in "Torchlight", the passage of each of which will be different, since they all have different unique abilities. All turns and small paths in the dungeons conceal the enemy. And each step of the character will be accompanied by a battle to the death. Together with any defeated enemy, the hero receives a reward in the form of experience and armor with weapons. In addition, he has the opportunity to find ancient scrolls and receive magic amulets, powerful and giving omnipotence. However, the presence of all these useful things does not mean that the gamer will be able to use them wisely.

Torchlight quest completion

Let's look at one more thing Torchlight has - completing quests. All previous projects of developers were distinguished by the abundance of this element. Games attracted the user not only because they had good graphics or an exciting plot, but also due to logical riddles. Entire forum threads were created directly for Torchlight, fans shared their experiences with each other, prompted those who were stuck at a certain point. And each guessed quest gives the character armor or weapons, which gives him an undeniable advantage over enemies.

walkthrough torchlight

The passage of the game Torchlight is as exciting as the world created here with its charms and horrors. You can not call it complex, however, it does not differ in simplicity either. Millions of fans have already been able to solve the mystery of the catacombs, and this provided that the creators of Torchlight did not advertise it in any way. And does that project, to the creation of which the developers of the legendary Diablo had a hand, need advertising?


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