Why does the garlic rot in the garden? 7 reasons for the problem

Garlic is the most popular vegetable that can be found in absolutely every suburban area. It is in demand not only among gardeners, but also among gourmets. Only he can complement the dish with sharp notes. But before you harvest, you should properly and responsibly treat planting and growing. Only at first glance does the vegetable seem harmless and unpretentious. In fact, the opposite is true. Let us examine a common question about why garlic decays on a garden bed. We will establish why this is happening and how to avoid the problem.

Why it rots

A problem can arise due to many factors. These include:

  • low-quality planting material;
  • poorly selected landing site;
  • constantly wet soil;
  • unfavorable proximity to some vegetable crops;
  • garlic was originally planted incorrectly.

why does the garlic rot in the garden

And this is only part of the main reasons that answer the question of why garlic decays in the garden. Let's consider each reason separately.

How to choose seed

For such a responsible matter, peeled cloves are taken. It is best if you choose varietal garlic for planting. A modern assortment can provide more than 20 types of this wonderful vegetable. Every year the list of seeds is only replenished. You can buy them at any store where you buy other vegetables.

Remember that varietal garlic is difficult to find in the store. And no one will guarantee that you get exactly that. It is better to take garlic from friends or neighbors in the country. In extreme cases, you can go to the market, taking with you a connoisseur who will help you make your choice. If you still decide to purchase garlic on your own, then look at its external qualities:

  1. On cloves there should be no traces of rot and stains from pests.
  2. It is not recommended to plant garlic of foreign origin at our latitudes. He will not give a good harvest.
  3. Cracks and cuts on teeth are not allowed.
  4. Look carefully at the bottom. If there are small cracks on it, then this indicates that the garlic was attacked by a tick.
  5. Before disembarking, ensure that all cloves retain protective flakes.

why does garlic turn yellow and rot in the garden

You will need the same tips for choosing a bow. He is chosen in the same way. If the seed was initially selected to be of poor quality, then you should not be surprised why onions and garlic rot on the garden.

Where to plant

The choice of a landing site should be approached responsibly. Vegetable loves fertile soil. It would be better if cucumbers, beans, peas or zucchini grew on it. It is not recommended to plant garlic after onions and potatoes. If your land is infertile, then this can be fixed with the following drugs:

  • superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • humus;
  • urea.

The more fertile your land will be, the more crop you can harvest from one square meter of beds. You need to be prepared for the fact that garlic can begin to deteriorate.

7 main reasons

To find out why garlic decays on a bed, you need to understand why this can happen. We will talk about seven main reasons:

Reason 1. Lack of nitrogen. The lack of this substance in the earth prevents the plant from developing and growing well.

Reason 2. Strong drying of the topsoil. After prolonged rains and watering, crusts form that prevent the ingress of oxygen to the roots of garlic. Because of this, many gardeners have a question, why does garlic rot in the garden. You probably already guessed what to do: it is worth loosening the soil after each watering.

why does garlic rot in the garden what to do

Reason 3. The soil is too acidic. If garlic is planted on such a land, then it will not only rot - it will also begin to turn yellow. In this case, a whole range of procedures is carried out, which is aimed at deoxidation of the soil.

Reason 4. At the initial stage of vegetable growth, it is worth abundantly and often watering.

Reason 5. Pests. If insects have chosen your garlic, then be prepared for yellowing leaves. The most terrible of them are nematodes. First, they affect the fruit, and then go on to the stems and leaves.

Reason 6. Diseases contribute to the formation of rot and yellowness. The most common disease is called fusariosis.

Reason 7. At the final stage of garlic growth, yellowing of the leaves may occur. This is considered the safest reason. All juices from the leaves go into the development and growth of the head of garlic.

We examined why garlic rots in the garden. How to fight and care for the plant, we will tell further.

Keep garlic

To prevent all unpleasant consequences, garlic must be carefully looked after. This complex includes:

why does garlic rot in the garden how to fight

  1. Insulation of the garden, if you plant a vegetable in the winter.
  2. In spring and summer, do not forget to fertilize the garlic. To do this, use ammofoska or nitrophoska in the amount of 20 grams per square meter of beds.
  3. Loosen and weed the soil from weeds.
  4. Time to remove the arrows. Do it in June.
  5. It is necessary to collect the ripened crop when the leaves and stem are completely dry and laid down.
  6. After you have dug out the vegetable from the garden, it must be dried.
  7. Garlic is stored in a wicker form. Such garlic is used by many as an edible decoration of the kitchen.

why does the onion and garlic rot in the garden

Now that we know why garlic turns yellow and rots in the garden, we can adjust the care of it.


Do not forget that garlic requires constant attention and care. As soon as you forget about him, he will immediately begin to hurt. In order not to return to the question of why garlic decays in the garden, familiarize yourself with the causes and prevent them beforehand, until the situation worsens.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25766/

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