Bereginya is ... Slavic symbols and charms

Our ancestors believed that the whole space surrounding them was inhabited by spirits and mythical creatures. Among these entities were both evil and good. Bereginya belongs to the first category. This is a rather abstract, but extremely positive image.

Goddess or mermaid?

Legends of the Beregin have been formed by our ancestors since time immemorial. According to most experts, initially this name denoted a deity whose main function was to protect all living things. Bereginya is the personification of all the good and positive forces of nature. It is believed that this goddess protected travelers from the machinations of evil creatures in the thickets of forests and swamps, and also sent rains on time to sown fields.

Bereginya is

Bereginya is a good deity for all who honor the traditions of their ancestors and respect nature. But even it can be angered if it is irrational to use natural resources, pollute water bodies and destroy forests. In some legends and tales, Beregini are natural spirits that live in water bodies. Occasionally they go ashore, usually in the dark. There they swing on the branches of trees and comb their long hair.

Images of Beregin-mermaids in folk tales

Beregina doll
Beregina, as the goddess of fertility, is the embodiment of natural forces and female wisdom. Our ancestors believed that this deity always evaluates a person by his spiritual qualities, purity of heart and thoughts. Good people should not be afraid of meeting with Beregina. But those who do not respect nature or have forgotten the traditions of their ancestors, the goddess could be severely punished.

A slightly different image of Beregini is described in some separate legends. In a number of folk tales this name is used to mean water spirits. Beregini in these legends appears before the observer in the images of young, perfectly built women. They go out at night on the banks of ponds and have fun. Beregini cannot move far from the water, as they will die if their hair dries. Beauties play with each other, sing songs in magical voices, weave wreaths of flowers and hunt down lonely travelers.

Beware should beware of young men. Despite the fact that Bereginya is always a good and harmless spirit, having played out, she can lure the young man she likes into the pool of the lake and destroy and tickle. It is believed that water spirits are afraid of wormwood, just throw it in their direction in order to break the spell.

Sometimes Beregin was accused of minor harm to humanity. Our ancestors believed that water virgins can steal needlework from women, break fishing nets, and ruin dams or millstones. Of course, all these tricks were carried out for fun, and not by malicious intent.

Origin of Beregin

There are several versions of how Beregini appeared. According to the most romantic of them, pure girls who died before marriage became good spirits. Often Beregin are portrayed with beautiful but sad faces. Such images become the reason for the belief that these creatures are the degenerated souls of girls who committed suicide or were subjected to violence.

Bereginya preserved

According to another version, Bereginya is the spirit of a wise woman with a kind heart, the strongest witch of her kind.

What does Bereginya look like?

Our ancestors believed that Bereginya had very long hair of a light or greenish shade. In front of people, this deity arose in the image of a beautiful green-eyed woman with perfect facial features and body proportions. Mermaid coasts were often presented to travelers in a naked form, but sometimes they could be clothed in lower shirts. Their hair is often decorated with flowers. Bereginya (as the personification of natural forces) can be depicted in rich folk clothes. Sometimes the hair of the goddess is braided in thick and long braids, the color of ripe ears of wheat.

Meaning of the word berezhina

Deity symbols

It is worth noting that Bereginya belongs to the lower pantheon of Slavic gods. Our ancestors perceived her, rather, as a mythical assistant and protector. Moreover, the image of this creature remains quite abstract, without pronounced individual characteristics.

Beregina woman

There is also a Slavic symbol. Bereginya is a rune symbolizing fate itself and rock. Often, this sign is considered a reminder that higher forces can both give life to a person and take it away.

Each Bereginya has a magic crest. To them, she combs her long hair. With this item, the spirit can flood any place. Favorite tree Beregin is considered a birch - a symbol of Russian land. In folklore, water virgins are often described, swinging on the branches of weeping willows growing near the water.

Bereginya - folk doll

In some regions of our country, the folk doll Bereginya is also known. This is a powerful amulet, not a children's toy. Our ancestors revered their women as guardians of the hearth, caring mothers and wise wives. The collective image of the doll included all the best qualities of female nature.

Folk doll Berezhina

Most often, such a charm was placed opposite the front door. Its main function was to protect the home from evil spirits and people with evil intentions. And the doll Bereginya was supposed to meet and attract the good and long-awaited guests into the house. In some regions, this amulet, on the contrary, was considered personal. Such dolls were hidden from prying eyes and only occasionally taken out, being alone to thank or ask for something.

Like all other Slavic charms, the experienced craftswoman had to make Bereginyu doll in compliance with many rules and rituals. Today, only a few possess this knowledge. Nevertheless, we are ready to tell you the general rules for creating our own defender.

Amulet manufacturing workshop

To work on any amulet, you should proceed alone, with a calm mood and pure thoughts. Prepare all the necessary materials in advance. The main rule is that Bereginya doll should be made without a single stitch with a needle. For work, you will need flaps of natural fabric in white and red, threads in tone, you can use lace and ribbons of suitable shades. If possible, take a little birch bark for the base of the body of the future doll.

Slavic symbol

Start by making a frame. For him, it is necessary to curl up a birch bark or cloth. If your doll is fully textile, bend the twisted flap in half and use the thread to highlight the head on the body. When using a birch bark tube as a basis, textile convolutions-hands and head are separately tied to it.

Bereginya - a charm that does not have a face. But for the manufacture of the head it is fundamentally important to use white fabric.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the doll’s outfit, it is important to shape her figure. In Slavic traditions Bereginya always had a magnificent breast. This part of the body is also made of a fabric roller pulled by threads.

The next step is doll clothes. From the flaps of fabric you have to make a skirt, shirt and apron. Remember that you cannot use a needle, all elements should be fastened only with the help of threads. Do not forget to make a hat. To attract wealth and prosperity to the house, you can additionally fix a bag with grain and a coin on the body of Beregini.

Is there a place for Beregin in the modern world?

Most modern people consider the traditions of our distant ancestors hopelessly outdated and irrelevant in the modern world. Many do not even know the meaning of the word Bereginya, and in vain. After all, just like this deity should be a real woman. We are talking about a good housewife, mother and wife. Over the course of her life, every member of the fair sex plays many roles: from daughter to grandmother. At each age, one should strive to cultivate in oneself and show only the best qualities of character. Woman-Bereginya will always be happy and will be able to build a strong and friendly family.


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