Home boiler: how to make the right choice?

In many cases, a boiler is the only way to heat a private house. The choice of this important device for some causes difficulties, since various models are presented on the market, which differ not only in price, but also in the type of fuel, power and principle of operation.

Before proceeding with the selection of the boiler, it is necessary to decide whether you want to receive only room heating, or else hot water. In the second case, you need to opt for a double-circuit boiler, thanks to which you can heat the house and have constantly hot water. Please note that Cooper boilers are represented by different models operating on different types of fuel.

Classification of boilers by fuel type

In most cases, the type of fuel is one of the decisive factors of choice. Depending on the fuel used, boilers are divided into:

  • gas;
  • electric;
  • solid fuel;
  • diesel.

Solid fuel boilers are called heating appliances that run on solid fuel, namely, wood, coal, coke and so on. The source of energy for diesel boilers is diesel fuel. Gas boilers run on natural gas, while electric boilers run on electricity.

Which boiler to choose?

In houses connected to the gas main, gas boilers are used. They have high power, and therefore they heat large areas without problems. Their main disadvantage is obtaining permits in different instances, as well as equipment of the room in which the boiler is located.

Electric boilers for basic heating are used only in small rooms. More often they are an additional or backup type of heating. This is due to the fact that the energy consumption of such boilers is quite high, but the efficiency is low. The main advantage of such devices are compact sizes. In addition, the operation of the device does not need constant supervision.

Solid fuel boilers are quite popular due to their high power. The fuel used for them is wood, coal, fuel briquettes, coke and so on. They easily heat large rooms, but require constant attention to themselves. At certain intervals, it is necessary to load fuel. An indisputable advantage is complete autonomy.

Diesel boilers running on diesel fuel are comparable in power to gas ones. But they are more expensive to maintain, but still diesel fuel will cost less than electricity. In addition, these types of boilers are also autonomous.

When choosing a boiler, consider the area of ​​the room and the required power, the possibility of installation and other important nuances.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25773/

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