Iodine as a fertilizer for plants: features of application, feeding rules and effectiveness

There are many different ways to improve the condition of vegetable, berry, indoor plants. For example, iodine as a fertilizer for plants is best used to feed strawberries, eggplant, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and also indoor flowers to get a good result. Each type of plant has its own little secrets on the use of iodine. Top dressing is carried out by spraying the ground part or under the root.

Trace properties

Most plants do not need iodine feed, but enrichment of the soil with iodine will positively affect plants:

  • the number of flowers will increase;
  • the leaves will acquire a rich dark color;
  • crop quality will improve.

iodine as a fertilizer for plants
Iodine as a fertilizer for plants will perfectly cope with various harmful microorganisms. When this trace element enters the soil, the nitrogen metabolic process intensifies, which contributes to faster growth and maturation of plants. The iodine solution perfectly fights rot and prevents the development of various bacterial diseases.

The composition of fruits and vegetables, which during the ripening process was fed with iodine, contains an increased content of this trace element. Thus, feeding with iodine not only helps the plant to grow and bear fruit faster, but also significantly increases the benefits of the fruits to the human body. The benefits of iodine for plants, animals and people have been repeatedly proven by scientists, the main thing is to adhere to the dosage. If you exceed the maximum allowable amount of this trace element, it can become toxic and unsafe for living organisms.

Tomato Processing

Feeding with iodine is effectively used to increase tomato productivity. This trace element will help to destroy a large number of harmful microorganisms and fungi both in the soil and on the surface. Lack of iodine slows down the process of their maturation. This trace element will perfectly cope with the first signs of late blight.

iodine for plants as fertilizer for tomato
To prepare an iodine solution for the purpose of feeding tomato seedlings, you need only one drop of a microelement per three liters of water. This solution will significantly accelerate growth and strengthen young plants. The effect will be noticeable after a short period of time. A few weeks before transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, it is recommended to water it again with the same solution once every seven days. Adult plants also need iodine nutrition, for this they dissolve three drops of iodine in ten liters of water. Each bush must be watered with 0.5 L of solution, then the whole plant should be shed with clean water. As a fertilizer for tomato, iodine for plants is best used from May to June.

How to determine the lack of iodine in tomatoes?

The fact that this microelement is necessary for seedlings can be judged by the appearance of the plant. Characteristic features are:

  • pale appearance of the plant;
  • flaccid leaflets;
  • thin stems;
  • spots on the leaves.

Seedlings are constantly sick, root rot appears, brown spotting. If you do not take measures, then the immunity of tomatoes will decrease, and they will be even more susceptible to infection by various diseases. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to water each bush of tomatoes with iodine top dressing. Next, you should observe the plant for several days. If no improvement is observed, then another chemical pest control agent will be needed.

Cucumber Processing

For cucumbers, iodine is more important than for tomato. The problem is that cucumbers are often affected by powdery mildew. To protect them, use the following solution: ten drops of iodine are diluted in one liter of milk of 0% fat and nine liters of water are added. The resulting solution is sprayed with cucumbers every ten days throughout July. After this manipulation, the leaves and soil should be wet.

iodine for plants as a fertilizer for cucumbers
Iodine for plants as a fertilizer for cucumbers can also be used for seedlings. To do this, dissolve one tablespoon of urea in ten liters of water, and then add five drops of the trace element and 200 ml of milk, mix everything thoroughly and begin processing.

Feeding Eggplant and Peppers

It is best to feed peppers at the seedling stage. Plants that have received the necessary trace elements at the initial stage of development form a strong root system and are able to adapt to the negative effects of the environment.

iodine for plants as a fertilizer for pepper
Top dressing can be carried out only when at least two leaves appear. To prepare the fertilizer, you need two drops of a trace element and one liter of water. Iodine for plants as a fertilizer for pepper will increase the number of flowers, which means that productivity will increase.

Cabbage processing

To form the correct shape of heads of cabbage and increase their density, it should be fed with iodine.

iodine as a fertilizer for plants reviews
In addition, this trace element increases the shelf life of late varieties of cabbage. To prepare the solution, you need 2.5 ml of iodine and ten liters of water.

Spring processing of berries

Iodine as a fertilizer for plants is perfect for protecting strawberries and strawberries from sulfur rot and weevil beetle. To prepare the solution, ten drops of the trace element must be dissolved in ten liters of water. Spraying is necessary once every ten days for one month. If iodine is used as a top dressing, then the yield will increase, and also the plants will come back to life faster after the winter period.

The use of iodine in the care of indoor plants

Proper watering plays a significant role in the care of indoor flowers. The main thing is to adhere to the measure, since excess or lack of water can cause rot in the roots of plants. As a prophylaxis of fungal diseases, iodine can be used as a fertilizer for indoor plants; for this, dilute 20 ml of a trace element in seven liters of water. When additional peroxide is added, a mixture will be obtained that watered flowers affected by late blight. Iodine is considered an excellent helper for gardeners, as it is a plant growth stimulator. The solution should be poured over the walls of the container in which the flower grows, very carefully so as not to burn the roots. This feeding is preferred by geranium, after it it blooms profusely. Processing is carried out once every ten days.

iodine as a fertilizer for indoor plants
Iodine for plants, as a fertilizer for flowers, takes part in the synthesis of proteins and amino acids, and in addition, it is an antiseptic and antifungal agent. Excess of it can cause giant plant growth and stain flowers in unpleasant yellowish tones.

Features of use

How exactly iodine affects development, growth, fruiting and flowering is not fully known. Scientists believe that he takes part in the regulation of the functioning of enzyme systems, and thus improves the metabolism of plants. Iodine as a fertilizer for plants, of course, is useful, and few today doubt it.

iodine for plants as a fertilizer for flowers
Nevertheless, the possibility of adverse effects in cases of improper dosage should not be overlooked. A huge number of products are presented on the market, which include this trace element. Their use prevents leaf yellowing, and also contributes to abundant flowering and fruiting. In addition, iodine can lubricate the wounds of plants for the purpose of disinfection and speedy healing.


Summer residents, gardeners, flower growers use iodine as a fertilizer for plants. Customer reviews come down to the following:

  • Iodine helps to cope with diseases of flowers and tomatoes. After processing the bushes, the tomatoes acquired a healthy appearance and began to grow better. The drooping, yellowing leaves of the tradescantia came to life and acquired a rich green color.
  • Feeding with the addition of iodine helped to cope with diseases that affect indoor flowers.
  • Iodine is a universal fertilizer that should be used for both indoor plants and vegetable crops, observing the correct dosage. Such top dressing is a very useful remedy.

When working with this microelement, it is necessary to maintain the correct proportions, and then the flowers will bring joy to the green leaves and saturated buds, and a plentiful and healthy crop will be your pride.


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