The wise and beautiful quotes of Marquez

Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a famous Colombian writer, Nobel Prize winner. His works are known all over the world, the famous novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is considered the pearl of his work. Gabriel García Márquez quotes are distinguished by worldly wisdom and penetration of lines.

About love

Marques's quotes about love are especially beautiful. It’s hard to pick up words about this wonderful feeling so that they don’t seem pompous or too sentimental. But at the same time I want to show people that this is a special and wonderful feeling that needs to be valued and protected. In García Márquez’s quotes about love, one can see how reverently the writer felt about this feeling.

If you meet your true love, then it will not go away from you - not in a week, not in a month, not in a year.

This quotation of Marquez is worth learning to those who constantly control their half, fearing that she will leave. If there are real feelings between you, then over time they do not pass, but only become stronger. Your half will always be there and support you, and trust and understanding will reign in your relations.

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.

This quote of Marquez can be explained as follows: when you truly love a person, you do not just love him as a person, you understand that it is thanks to him that you want to become better.

couple in love

About people

Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote about ordinary people who were happy and sad, lonely and wanted to be happy. After all, each person wants simple happiness, so that everything with his loved ones is good, and next to him is someone who always supports him.

It is a great success in life to find such a person that it is pleasant to watch, interesting to listen to, enthusiastically tell, not painfully silent, sincerely laugh, remember with enthusiasm and look forward to the next meeting.

Most people are afraid of old age, believing that their heart is becoming more callous, and they will no longer be able to experience the same vivid emotions as in their youth. But if a person tries to find joy in little things, help other people and admire his beloved, then his heart will not lose the ability to perceive the world as in the years of youth. This is also stated in this quote by Marquez:

People are just as wrong in thinking that when they grow old they stop loving: on the contrary, they grow old because they stop loving.

A person can feel old if he ceases to be interested in the new, ceases to admire the world around him and love. But that person who with care and respect for his feelings and the feelings of other people, has retained his curiosity, always remains young.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

About life

Philosophical thoughts about life - one of the favorite topics of most writers. Even if this is a novel, all the same, the characters communicate not only about a wonderful feeling, but also about some everyday things. Some people live more memories and thoughts about the past, not trying to do something in the present. But thereby they miss all the most interesting things in life. This is stated in the next quote by Gabriel Marquez.

The only way to live on is to not let memories torment yourself.

You need to live using the opportunities that every new day provides. After all, every moment is unique, so try to spend with your loved ones, make people happy, so that there are more happy moments in your memories.

Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered.

This does not mean that you just need to do what to have fun, but also to help other people and take care of the world around us.

beautiful landscape

About trust

A very important thing in a relationship is trust. But at the same time, it is very fragile and must be treated with care. It also happens that people sometimes do not justify trust, and then a person ceases to trust others. But because of this, he cannot open up to the rest, talk about his feelings, and therefore people do not become close. It is important to be able to trust loved ones, but this does not mean that you need to tell everyone about your feelings.

There will always be people who hurt you. You need to continue to trust people, just be a little more careful.

A person cannot know who will justify his trust and who will not. But one does not have to assume that all people are the same and that everyone will act just like the others. It is not at all necessary to immediately start trusting a person: by observing him, you will be able to understand whether he deserves your trust. This feeling is the basis for creating close and strong relationships.

Colombian writer

About smile

How often can you see a passerby smile? For some reason, most people believe that you need to smile and enjoy only on very significant occasions. But you can enjoy even the most mundane things. After all, a smile is a decoration of a person.

Never stop smiling - someone might fall in love with your smile.

As a gloomy and serious person always transforms, he only has to smile. After all, people are much more pleasant to communicate with someone who is friendly. Perhaps your smile may cause someone to be in a good mood. A smile is like a little sun that illuminates not only you, but also gives a good mood to others.


About friendship

It is a great success to find a friend - a person who will always support, with whom you can communicate on a variety of topics. Even if friends do not have the opportunity to communicate every day, they will always be able to understand each other and will accept a person with all its advantages and disadvantages.

A true friend is one who will hold your hand and feel your heart.

A true friend can understand you without words. Indeed, it is sometimes difficult to express your feelings and emotions with words, but for a loved one it will not be difficult to understand a friend without words. If you are lucky to meet a real friend you need to enjoy this and appreciate.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez sought in his works to show people the value of human relationships. After all, people take love and friendship for granted, without thinking about the fact that they need to be valued and cherished. The Colombian writer taught that you need to enjoy the most mundane things and be thankful for loved ones.

A person should strive to use the capabilities of each new day to make the world better. A person must learn to appreciate the present - this is wisdom that people need to understand. Quotes and aphorisms of Marquez are a real treasure, because only a few phrases fit everyday wisdom. Despite philosophical reflections, they talk about things that are understandable to every person.


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