Children's benefits in Belarus. The amount of child benefits

Every woman who has become a mother has the right to receive social assistance from the state. This is guaranteed by a number of legislative acts. So, at the state level it is established that mothers should receive child benefits for a child associated with their temporary disability. Payments are also provided to those families in which foster children are brought up.

Help required

Children's benefits in Belarus
Each woman can apply for a series of benefits. They are entitled to a special payment for registering up to 12 weeks of gestation. True, it is issued after the birth of the baby. In addition, the state provides other types of assistance.

The amount of child allowances is tied to the budget for a living wage (BPM) established in the country. Given the fact that its level is constantly increasing, and the size of the payment is regularly increasing.

At the birth of the first child, the family receives from the state an amount equal to 10 BPM. And when the second and each subsequent baby is born, already 14 BPM are paid.

Moms also receive child benefits in Belarus to care for their children until they reach the age of 3. Their size is set depending on the average monthly wage in the country. 35% of this amount is paid for the first child, 40% for the second and each of the subsequent ones.

Important Nuances

Since 2015, families who simultaneously bring up children under the age of 3 years and from 3 to 18 years old are entitled to special surcharges. In this case, 50% of the size of the largest BPM for the previous 2 quarters is paid to the older child. At the beginning of 2015, almost 700 tr were supposed to be paid for the second child, and by the end the help amounted to more than 750 tr

The right to payment is retained for six months, starting from the moment it becomes possible to receive the specified benefit. That is, if at the beginning of 2015 the family had 2 or more children, while one of them was less than 3 years old, and the other from 3 to 18, then you can apply for the appointment of this assistance until the end of June 2015. In this case, the allowance will be charged starting in January.

You can get help only for 1 child. Even if the family has 2 babies under 3 years old and 3 children aged 3 to 18, then the specified allowance will be charged only for 1 child. The procedure for paying benefits for babies before the age of three does not change.

Payments for disabled children

The amount of child benefits
Special child benefits in Belarus are for children whose opportunities are limited. To care for a disabled child, a person who performs this work is paid 1 BMP until his ward becomes an adult. If a child is infected with HIV, the family receives 0.5 BMP.

Also in Belarus, a childcare allowance is provided, whose capabilities are limited. It is paid up to 3 years in the amount of 45% of the average monthly wage in the country.

If the family lives in a territory recognized as contaminated with radionuclides, it receives 150% of the allowance for a child under 3 years of age.

Installed Sizes

In Belarus, it’s easy to find out what size of children's allowances. After all, their value is the same for all categories of citizens. Payments are tied to the size of the subsistence level.

So, each family receives child allowance until they reach the age of 3. It is set depending on the average wage in the country, and since August 2015 a little more than 2.3 million have been paid for the first child, 2.6 million for the second and next, and 3 million for the disabled child. These amounts are determined as 35, 40 and 45% of the average monthly salary in the country, respectively.

Payments at birth of a third child
In Belarus, they pay not only a monthly allowance. Each mother is paid sick leave, the right to which arises in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. It lasts 126 days, and in the case of complicated birth or the birth of 2 or more children - 140 days. During this period, a woman receives 100% of her average earnings over the past 6 months. This payment cannot be less than 50% of the established BMP. That is, in the fall of 2015, a woman should receive at least 784 thousand for each month.

One-time payments

Social protection is manifested not only in the regular accrual of benefits. Each family in which the child is born is also entitled to certain payments, accrued only once.

If a woman is registered before 12 weeks, then after giving birth she may receive special assistance, the size of which is 1 BMP. For its registration in most hospitals, you need to go to a gynecologist. This doctor must issue a certificate to the woman in labor. They pay this help along with the allowance due when the child appears.

As mentioned above, at the birth of 1 child, the family receives 10 BMP. In the fall of 2015, this amount was just over 15 million Belarusian rubles. But when 2 children are born, it increases to 14 infantry fighting vehicles. About 22 million are actually given to families. Payments at the birth of a third child are no different.

But when the twins appear, the state partially compensates for the costs - a little more than 3 million is allocated for each of them.

Special cases

Social protection
Separately, Belarus identifies some categories of people and families who need additional help. So, expecting to receive 0.5 BMP can family of a soldier who is on military service. Also, such social protection is provided in cases where one of the parents is disabled (he must have 1 or 2 groups).

Some groups of people also rely on additional benefits for children who are already more than 3 years old. For maintenance of a child who is disabled or HIV-infected, give 0.7 BPM until reaching adulthood.

Required documents

In order for the child benefits and due payments to be processed without problems, mothers must provide a number of documents. The list of all papers will not differ (regardless of where you submit them - to the accounting department of the company where you work, or to social security). It is necessary to provide:

- woman's passport;

- birth certificate of all her children (copies are taken from them, which are certified by the seal “copy is correct” and signed by the accountant);

- a certificate of the appearance of the child, which is issued by the registry office;

- a document confirming registration up to 12 weeks;

- a certificate of family composition from the Housekeeping Department.

True, for the social security certificate you will need a certificate confirming that you are on leave to care for the baby. She is taken in the human resources department of the company where you work. By the way, the same certificate must be provided to the child’s dad at work in order to be eligible for a tax deduction.

The procedure for obtaining documents

Child benefits for a child
When a baby is born in a maternity hospital, the midwife issues a certificate stating the date and exact time of birth of the baby, its gender, information about who received the woman from the woman. The document is certified by the seal of the hospital and the signature of the midwife.

This certificate is the basis for obtaining a birth certificate at the registry office. Also, for this you will need passports and birth certificates of both parents (except when the mother is single), a document confirming the marriage. Of course, newly made parents may not give their birth certificates, but the process of issuing this document for their child may be delayed. This step cannot be skipped, because the payment of social benefits is carried out only after all the documents are completed.

If all papers are provided, then the certificate can be obtained in 2 days. Together with him in the registry office is given a special certificate on the appearance of the child. It is she who needs to be submitted to the accounting department of the company in which the woman works, or to Sobes. In the passports of parents affixed a corresponding note about the child.

Child registration

You can issue child benefits in Belarus only after all the documents have been brought into the appropriate form. For this, it is necessary to register a newborn child at the place of residence of mom or dad.

This can be done by holding a birth certificate and passports of new parents. The housekeeping passport may ask for a marriage certificate. It is also better to take it with you just in case.

To register a child will need to write a statement. In the house management (ZHEU), you can also immediately take a certificate of family composition. It will come in handy for you in order to draw up child benefits in Belarus.

Help registration procedure

There are several nuances that you need to know about in order to reduce time. Thus, the prepared and collected documents necessary for assigning benefits can be attributed to the accounting department for work to the woman who gave birth, if she works in an organization in which the number of employees exceeds 15 people. If the number of people in the company is less than the specified, then the certificate is borne by the husband. At the same time, the same condition must be observed there. The same is done if a woman is unemployed and is not registered at the Employment Center.

If the child is a full-time student of a secondary school, university or vocational school, then the certificates are referred to the accounting department of the educational institution. An application for child support is also written there.

In families in which the woman is unemployed, and the husband is a full-time student, the certificate refers to the place of study of the newly made father.

Submission of documents to SOBES

registration of child benefits
If your family does not fall under any of the above cases, then the documents are submitted to the social security service. So, documents must be included in the social security tax in order to receive the appropriate benefits for those women who work in a company with less than 15 employees, while:

- the husband is employed in a company where there are also less than 15 employees;

- the husband has an open IP.

Documents include unemployed women, whose husband works in a company with less than 15 employees or is an individual entrepreneur.

Unemployed single mothers, women who are:

- individual entrepreneurs;

- private notaries;

- members of the farm;

- creative workers;

- persons who carry out craft activities without registering IP in the manner prescribed by law;

- persons who work under a contract and provide services or create intellectual property objects.

It should be understood that the amount of assistance, with the exception of maternity leave, does not depend on where exactly you issued it. Please note that child benefits up to 1.5 years are paid only in Russia, and in Belarus, assistance is accrued until the child is 3 years old.

Help Payment Procedure

Many people want to know when to expect money, the accrual of which is guaranteed by the state. As a rule, the allowance, which is paid for registration up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, is given on the next wage day after you enter the relevant documents in the accounting department.

Also, on a fixed day, salary payments will also pay you a benefit calculated up to 3 years. But they begin to pay it only from the moment the right to receive it appears. It occurs after the end of the hospital, associated with childbirth.

In the social security charge the due payments are also calculated on a certain fixed day.

From maternity to maternity

Monthly allowance
Residents of Belarus who decide to give birth to children with a small age difference may lose a little in money. Of course, the payments at the birth of the third child (as well as all the other babies) remain with them, but they noticeably lose when accruing sick leave related to pregnancy and childbirth. They are credited with only 0.5 BPM. An exception is when a woman can go to work six months before the expected date of the start of the next maternity leave.

If the difference between the children is about 3 years, then the woman can refuse the specified allowance. However, she can apply for assistance for 2 children in the amount established by law (0.5 BPM). In case of refusal to pay the sick leave due during pregnancy and childbirth, she has the right to pay childcare benefits until he reaches the age of three.

But in each case it is necessary to consider separately. It should be remembered that assistance for 2 children who are older than 3 years old is also not charged while the woman is on sick leave issued in connection with childbirth. The right to it arises at the same time as for help in caring for the baby until he reaches the age of 3 years.


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