March 27: this day in history

March 27 ... Is it possible that one of your friends celebrates his birth on this day? And maybe this date is something else significant? Or does one of the celebrities celebrate his anniversary? You will learn about all this by reading this article.

March 27th. It's your birthday

A person born on this day will go through life as a triumphant who does not know defeats and problems. In his character traits there are such qualities as determination, diligence and determination. Zodiac sign March 27 - Aries. It is on this day that Mars has a strong influence. It gives the person who was born into the world energy that will help overcome the negative character traits inherent in all Aries.

March 27 sign

Name day of this day

The holiday of March 27 is also for those people who celebrate their name day on this day. This: Michael, Rostislav, Benedict, Lydia. Let us dwell on these names.

Michael is a name that has Jewish roots. Literally translated, it means "who is like a god" or "who is like a god." Michael constantly acts as a fighter for justice, all the time trying to eradicate the shortcomings that he sees among others. Its distinguishing feature is excessive generosity in everything and a gallant attitude towards women.

Rostislav is a name that has ancient Slavic roots and translates as “growing glory”. Rostislav has a very difficult relationship with women. But if he is already dating a girl, then his intentions are always serious. In family life, Rostislav manifests himself as a loving, faithful husband and caring father.

Benedict translated from Latin means "blessed." A person with this name is often gifted with talent, in some cases from birth. Benedict usually achieves great success in his professional activities, as he is distinguished by diligence and hard work.

Lydia is a feminine name that came from the ancient Greek word, translated meaning "resident of Lydia." So once called a country located in Asia. Lydia is very choosy in choosing a life partner and often, when making decisions on this issue, he listens to the views of relatives and friends. But if she got married, she becomes a real mistress and the keeper of the hearth.

holiday March 27

Professional holidays celebrated on this day

1. March 27 - Day of the Internal Troops.

Workers of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday on this day. It was established in 1996 by Presidential Decree, although the Internal Troops were formed more than 200 years ago. On this day, March 27, 1811, Alexander I signed a decree on the creation of internal guard battalions in the cities.

The military personnel of these troops provide public order and security for the population. They guard the peace of civilians, often risking their lives. On this day, awards and incentives are solemnly presented to particularly distinguished officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and honor the memory of the deceased comrades who performed their military duty.

March 27 is the day of internal troops

2. Theater Day is an international holiday.

The official holiday of March 27 in all parts of the globe is celebrated by theater workers. The main initiators of the approval of this holiday were the delegates of the IX Congress of MIT at UNESCO in 1961. Theater Day is a professional holiday for all actors, directors, producers and many other workers in this field. Various celebrations, theater festivals, as well as the premieres of new performances take place on this day.

March 27th

Folk calendar

According to the Orthodox calendar, on March 27, in honor of the Monk Venedict of Nursia, they call Venediktov Day. On this day, it is customary for people to take all the cattle to the yard, thoroughly clean it and read conspiracies against a bad word.

March 27th birthday

Events marking this day

Every day in the history of our country, some important events take place. March 27 was no exception.

What made this day famous in Russia:

• 1793 - Right-Bank Ukraine is included in the Russian Empire.

• 1854 - the beginning of the Crimean War.

• 1878 - the peasant Fedor Blinov filed a patent application for the first crawler tractor in the world invented by him.

• 1898 - Russia signed an agreement to lease Port Arthur and Dalniy from China for a period of twenty five years.

• 1920 - Denikin with his troops retreats to the Crimea.

• 1953 - an amnesty for political prisoners is announced, sentences of less than five years are annulled.

• 1978 - Mstislav Rostropovich expelled from the Union of Composers of the USSR.

• 2008 - launch of the Cosmos-3M launch vehicle.

What March 27 events took place in the world:

• 1512 - a researcher from Spain, Juan Ponce de Leon, discovered Florida.

• 1855 - kerosene is patented in the USA.

• 1860 - American M. L. Byrne received a patent for a corkscrew.

• 1893 - the world's first telephone company, Alexander Bell, began its work.

• 1928 - the first soccer postage stamp in the world was printed in Holland.

• 1944 - fascists in Kaunas executed about two thousand Jews.

• 1964 - an earthquake occurred in Alaska, which killed 118 people.

• 1977 - A plane crash occurred in the Canary Islands, killing 583 people.

• 1999 - NATO military operation against Yugoslavia was carried out.

March 27th. Birthday of famous people

This day is famous for the birth of many famous people. Among them:

• Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslav III Vsevolodovich.

• Soviet artist and director Alexander Dunaev.

• Soviet actor Alexei Zharkov.

• American filmmaker Quentin Tarantino.

• Russian actress and pop singer Alika Smekhova.

• Singer Mariah Carey.

• Russian actor Alexei Zubkov.

• Theater and film actress Olga Zeiger.

• Pop singer Polina Gagarina.


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