Where did Harry Potter study? Hogwarts faculties

Harry Potter is a wizard boy whose world was invented by the English writer Joan Rowling. She created the whole Universe where magicians and sorcerers, unicorns, centaurs, dragons, giants, trolls, goblins, vampires, elves and other fantastic creatures live. But if you forget about magic, then the magical world is very similar to the usual one: there are its own rules and laws that are guarded by the Ministry, patients are treated in a hospital, and children go to school. Where did Harry Potter go to school? Faculties and his school will be described in detail in the article.

Hogwarts School

harry potter faculties

In the UK, there is a school created four thousand years ago by four powerful wizards to teach witchcraft to children who possess magical powers. Powerful magicians - Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Candida Ravenclaw and Penelope Hufflepuff - disagreed on who to invite to school and how to conduct training. Therefore, they created four different faculties and called them by their proper names. For each, those children were selected whose personal qualities were most valued. Over time, the important business of selection was delegated to the Magic Hat: the student put it on his head, and the Hat solemnly proclaimed which faculty he would study in for the next seven years. But, it turns out, the student might not agree with the choice. For example, the “boy who survived” was admitted to Slytherin’s faculty upon admission, but he refused to study there, and as a result was enrolled in Gryffindor.

We have already figured out where Harry Potter studied. Hogwarts faculties are described below.


harry potter hogwarts faculties description

Those students who possess such traits as courage, courage, nobility and honor study here. The talisman of Gryffindor is a lion, the colors of the banner are red and gold, the element is fire. The dean of the "home" (in the English version) is Minerva McGonagall, who also holds the position of deputy director and teaches transfiguration. She is very strict, but fair. Local ghost - Almost Headless Nick.

The entrance to the living room of Gryffindor is guarded by a portrait of the Fat Lady, who needs a password to get inside. This is where Harry Potter studied. The Hogwarts faculties described in the article compete among themselves for the right to own the School Cup, and the “boy who survived” together with his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger helped classmates win the Cup every year.

Although in general Gryffindors are positive characters, but, like ordinary girls and boys, they quarrel, envy, gossip and fall in love. Nevertheless, they were all proud that their classmate was the famous Harry Potter. The Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw faculties also favored Harry, but the Slytherins hated him and tried their best to hurt him.


harry potter faculties

His students are the smartest at school, have a good sense of humor and creativity. The talisman of the "house" is an eagle, the colors are blue, cyan and turquoise, the element is air. The faculty is headed by shorty professor Filius Flitwick, who teaches spells at Hogwarts. Ghost - Gray Lady, during her lifetime - Elena Kogtevran, daughter of the founder of the faculty.

The door to the living room of the "house" is guarded by an eagle, which makes a riddle and passes inside only after the correct answer.

In the seventh book, Harry Potter enters the Ravenclaw lounge. The faculties differ from each other, so it was very interesting for the hero to look around. He noted comfort, soft chairs, a ceiling in the form of a starry sky, a statue of the founder in full growth and a stunning view from the tower window to the lake.


harry potter hogwarts faculties

The Magic Hat selects the most hardworking, patient, persistent, honest and kind students to this faculty. The dean of "home" is the pink-cheeked professor of herology Pomona Stel. She is very friendly with Minerva McGonagall. More than once she showed courage and determination, not inferior to the Gryffindors. The colors of Hufflepuff are yellow and brown, the talisman is a badger, the elements are earth. The local ghost is the good-natured Fat Monk.

The living room of the faculty is not far from the kitchen, the entrance to it is round, resembles a passage to a badger hole. To get inside, you need to knock on one of the covers of the barrels that are nearby. If you choose the wrong cover or knock on it incorrectly, the intruder will receive a good portion of vinegar in the face. Harry Potter never came here. The faculties of Ravenclaw and Slytherin, however, he attended.


harry potter faculties photo

His students are distinguished by cunning, thirst for power, determination, resourcefulness, intelligence and sarcasticity. The dean was first potion professor Severus Snape, followed by Horace Slughorn. The native colors are green and silver, the talisman is a snake, the elements are water, the ghost is Bloody Baron, whom even the local poltergeist Peeves was afraid of.

Slytherin’s drawing room is located in a dungeon under the lake, the walls here are made of wild stone, slightly damp, green lamps illuminate the room, the entrance is masked: if you give the correct password, it opens.

Now you know in what environment Harry Potter studied. The faculties, photos of which are in the article, are described in detail above.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25816/

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