Wilhelm Gauf: life and work

Compared to other storytellers, William Hauf and his works are not very well known to us. Of course, this does not apply to his masterpieces of literature for the smallest - Dwarf Nose and Little Flour. A more sophisticated reader will probably recall the Caliph Stork and Frozen. Wilhelm Gauf, in addition, managed to write a historical novel “Liechtenstein” (for which he was compared with Walter Scott), created satirical works, short stories, poems, etc.

wilhelm gauf

early years

Of course, the first thing that catches your eye with a cursory acquaintance with the biography of this German writer is its brevity. Wilhelm Gauf lived a full 24 years, although his life was quite happy, without excessive love torment and participation in duels.

A storyteller was born in 1802. The boy’s first life test was the death of his father, who was imprisoned on an unfair charge of preparing a mutiny. It is believed that this stroke of biography will subsequently be reflected in the fairy tale “Little Muk”. Wilhelm Gauf after what happened moved to his grandfather's house. There the boy was first educated - in the old library among dozens of shelving.

Studying at the University

He studied the future storyteller at the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy. Naturally, the young man did not seek to become a pastor. He did not differ in particular humility, but always was in his soul a bully, a rebel. He even organized the order of “torchbearers”, put on some extravagant red pants and did not fail to repaint the feet of St. George (that is, his statues). The reason why William Hauf chose this particular area of ​​study was as old as poverty - poverty. A full education in the family of the future writer could allow only one child. It turned out to be not William, but his older brother. And only study at the theological faculty in those days suggested a scholarship.

wilhelm gauf tales

As a writer

Leaving the alma mater, the young man became a tutor in one of the houses. Visiting Paris, Brussels, Bremen - these and other trips Wilhelm Gauf managed to make. Tales, which he composed especially for the children of Baroness von Högel, made the writer believe in himself and issue the Almanac ... in 1826.

However, the debut in the art of speech was not a collection of fairy tales. Prior to this, the novel "Man from the Moon" was published, and this attempt at writing, I must admit, caused a little scandal. The fact is that Wilhelm Gauf published his book under the name of a fiction writer popular at that time, whose prose served as an example of tasteless literature. However, it was popular, which means that when readers saw a familiar name on the cover, they did not hesitate to buy “Man from the Moon”. And what was the public’s indignation when she discovered not a familiar reading, but an ironic parody of him! Gauf was exposed, he was ordered to pay a fine. So what, but he became a real celebrity!

After the publication of two "Almanacs ..." (the third saw the light after the death of the writer), Wilhelm Gauf continues to work. He creates poems, short stories, becomes the editor of the Morning Leaf and ... marries a cousin whom he has long loved.

cold heart wilhelm gauf

"Almanac of fairy tales"

Alas, when the young man was just starting to take shape, cruel fate decided to send typhoid fever to him - that is how Wilhelm Gauf ended his journey. Fairy tales form the basis of his creative heritage, and therefore they should be analyzed first. They differ in a complex plot, and the motives of the characters' behavior can be revealed in another novel. So, the story in Frozen unexpectedly breaks off in order to continue after another story.

Another feature of Gauf's fabulous prose is its stylistic design. Readers are most likely aware that initially the writer was guided by oriental traditions (like "A Thousand and One Nights"), but then began to use European folklore. Meanwhile, despite the enormous role of science fiction in the genre of fairy tales, Gauf sought to make it more realistic, which coincided with the creative searches of his older contemporary - Hoffmann. He is inferior to the creator of the Golden Pot and Tiny Tsachez in depth of imagination, however, it turns out to be much better to build an elegant openwork thread of the narrative.

little flour wilhelm gauf

"The moral of this fable is this ..."

Along with the artistic features of Gauf's tales, one cannot but note their great educational significance. One of the main messages of his prose - the need for tolerance of other people, even if they seem funny or strange. Any rudeness addressed to them is fraught with consequences. It is not in vain that all the misadventures of the protagonist from Dwarf Nose happened when he insulted a witch. However, having been in the shoes of a freak himself, the boy managed to become better, more benevolent. Another important message lies in the fairy tale "Frozen." Although the Glass Man gifted Peter Munch with virtually inexhaustible wealth, the latter did not bring joy. “Happiness is not in money” - Gauf informed the somewhat erased truth in its original art form.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2582/

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