What is the difference between mind and mind? Key differences and features

There comes a period in a person’s life when he is interested in how the mind differs from the mind. Are these concepts connected with feelings and emotions, how to control them then? Initially, it is necessary to understand what functions the mind and mind perform in order to subsequently realize the difference between them.

The location of the mind, mind and senses

It is assumed that feelings occupy the lowest position in this system. They are easily influenced by the mind, which controls them. Mind can be above the mind, since it is he who is responsible for the thoughts of man about something beautiful, sublime. The soul closes this sequence, being, in some sense, the highest degree of manifestations of the mind.

A similar view of things in the minds of many people is different, so it is important to understand how the mind differs from the mind in order to mark their location in the hierarchy.

The main functions of the senses

Sensory functions

Feelings and emotions are somewhat different concepts. Feelings help people perceive the world around, and emotions serve as a response. Not for nothing that the first concept is divided into five groups. This is the sense of smell, touch, taste, eyesight and hearing.

It is fair to say that the main function of the senses is to provide information about the surrounding reality.

This whole plane is controlled by the mind, which already gives orders on what to do next. Information obtained through the senses immediately goes there. In short, the difference between the mind and the mind, the difference in the perception of such information. Reason may not respond to it at all.

Mind functions

Mind functions

The mind not only receives complete information about the world around it, it is also able to reject or accept it as necessary.

As a rule, he perceives pleasant things like food, sleep, alcohol. But that which is disgusting to the mind (for example, proper nutrition), it will not take into account. It is important that this is precisely his work that speaks of distorted perception, which is now considered the norm.

Additional functions of the mind, which were previously considered basic, are to feel, desire and reflect. Today we can say that the mind works only according to one system, which constantly assumes something to desire and want.

Functions and tasks of the mind

Mind functions

What is the difference between mind and reason? Really only in perception? No, not only, because the mind performs extensive functions that confirm the difference from the mind.

The mind is considered the most subtle embodiment of human consciousness, more subtle than feelings or the mind. Like the latter, the mind rejects all that is unfavorable and accepts only the useful. But the bottom line is that with such parameters different values ​​of things are measured. For example, the mind will reject tasteless food, and accept only delicacies, and the mind will reject useless work that does not lead to career growth for a number of reasons. He will perceive only that in the future promises a quiet life without need.

What is the difference between mind and mind?

What is the difference between mind and mind?

The main difference is that the mind works in a high plane, where it rejects bad ideas, accepting good ones. To do this, he collects a lot of information, structures it, subsequently derives the reasons why it is bad or good.

The mind is not guided by long thoughts of harm and benefit, it simply echoes "do" or "do not."

For example, a child who has reached puberty. A lot of emotions are raging in him, he also feels a lot around him, and his mind tells him to try everything. He begins to oppose the will of rational people, believing that empty desires will lead him to something.

Perhaps this is the only thing the child is not mistaken, because after a while he realizes that everything was done in a strange way, wrong and unethical. During this period, the mind itself takes up the matter.

An unreasonable person will always go about what he wants without drawing any conclusions from the consequences obtained at the end.

The human species is called “reasonable man” in order to be guided by it. The mind, sometimes creates many false needs, lowers a person to the level of an animal. That is the difference between the mind and the mind.

For this reason, in life it is necessary to combine both concepts correctly. People falsely believe that feelings drive some people. They are just led by the mind, but the mind is absent in this system.

Controlling feelings and emotions

How should a person control his feelings? He is unlikely to be able to make them subject, because they do not work according to his will, but only because they simply exist. It is necessary to work primarily with the mind, nourish it with useful information, delight beautiful music, and let it communicate with intelligent people so that it can develop.

In the end, he will take over the sensitive mind, will not let him make the poor man smoke, drink, be lazy. The mind will become much stronger, so it will be able to work at its full potential.

This phenomenon is called human will, which implies that the mind controls all the desires of the mind.

But a complete rejection of the sensory activities of the mind is also not good. Sometimes you can give rest and reason.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25824/

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