Technogenesis, meteorite or witchcraft? What is the reason for the failure in Yamal?

This sometimes happens on our planet that you cannot write in any science fiction novel. Explanations immediately arise, based not so much on facts as on the fantasies of the authors. Such incredible cases include failure in Yamal. The pit is really impressive. Photos of her circled all the information resources of the planet. And theories of all kinds of specialists (in quotation marks and without them) are simply astounding by the sophistication and scope of imagination. Interesting? Let's figure it out if we can.

Incredible find

failure in Yamal

A hundred-meter pit was spotted by chance. Ask: "How is this, not a hole in a pea, but a huge failure?" In Yamal, the places are deserted. This education was not formed in the village. Therefore, they did not see him immediately. The failure on the Yamal Peninsula is located approximately thirty kilometers from the Bovanenkovo ​​field. Helicopter pilots, traveling on their business, noticed this strange phenomenon. According to their perplexed stories, the funnel turned out to be so huge that you can get into it by helicopter, but not just one. In addition, soil emissions are clearly visible along its edges. Otherwise, the origin of this cavity could be explained by natural causes. The fact is that failures in the earth on the Yamal Peninsula sometimes appear. They are known as karst funnels. There are simply many cavities in the earth. Sometimes a thin layer of soil collapses into that. Dips appear in the ground. You will not surprise anyone in Yamal. But this case turned out to be special.

Cosmic theory

Some researchers immediately rejected the natural origin of this phenomenon.

failures in the earth on the Yamal Peninsula
According to their theory, the failure on the Yamal Peninsula can be only cosmic in nature. No, nobody talks seriously about aliens. Talk about the fall of a meteorite. For example, Ivan Nesterov, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences and professor, adheres to the hypothesis of the fall of a space object consisting of ice. According to him, he did not burn out in the atmosphere. The collision was tough and violent, accompanied by an explosion, due to which such an interesting failure was formed. In Yamal (photo - in the article) many people were interested in the walls of the recess. They are almost sheer. It seems that they were burned out by a laser. Researchers were even more interested in what is at the bottom of a strange pit. It turned out that the failure on the Yamal Peninsula is filled with water.

failure on Yamal photo

Maybe there is a river?

Such opinions were expressed by local residents. There is nothing unnatural in this. In the depths of the peninsula, as elsewhere, there is groundwater. They can form underground lakes and rivers. However, the same I. Nesterov is inclined to explain the origin of the water in the funnel from his point of view. He is sure that these are the remains of an ice meteorite. The friction against the air and the subsequent explosion caused the ice to melt. Cosmic water formed. She splashes at the bottom of a deep hole, waiting for her explorers. In addition, the explosion warmed permafrost. Water is now flowing down from a three hundred meter stratum, gurgling in the depths of education, exciting the imagination of researchers.

The arguments against the space version

Opponents of the theory of I. Nesterov give their reasons. According to their theory, a meteorite of this size could not fall unnoticed. Nearby there is a small village (about fifteen kilometers).

depth of the funnel on the Yamal
Local residents should have heard the echoes of the explosion. However, they did not notice anything like that. In addition, the state of the planet is monitored by special instruments. Magnetograms would necessarily show a foreign disturbance. This fact has not been recorded.

Maybe a man-made disaster?

Some experts believe that the funnel can be explained by human activity. The fact is that gas production produces an incredible amount of liquid waste. The process technology is such that everything superfluous is pumped into the underground voids. This fluid spreads over them randomly. It turned out that she found a "thin spot" and burst out. It could be like an underground explosion. That is, the liquid pushed through the walls of the natural reservoir, causing a failure. Scientists suggest that this is not an isolated phenomenon. There is a need to study it, since it can be repeated. But in what place is still unknown. It is undesirable for drilling waste to cause a community failure, for example. Such a case will be accompanied by casualties among the population.

Yamal Peninsula funnel

Discrepancies in gas-drilling theory

Of course, the funnel glorified the Yamal Peninsula throughout the world. But, on the other hand, the riddle requires a solution. So far, none of the existing theories has been able to explain all aspects of the phenomenon. So, it is not clear why the soil has traces of melting. This requires very high temperatures (of the order of six hundred degrees). Space theory, of course, suggests this. But it is not confirmed by eyewitness accounts. But the natural cannot explain where such heat in permafrost came from. In the meantime, scientists think and make assumptions, bloggers compete in putting forward incredible theories.

Bit of fiction

Surely one of the most incredible ideas is one that suggests the existence of climate weapons. The fact is that the depth of the funnel on the Yamal Peninsula is amazing. This is just a giant treasure! But there is another β€œsuspicious” factor. Namely, the time of its appearance. It is believed that it was formed in May-June 2014. This was the height of the Ukrainian internal war. It is clear that events could intertwine in sore minds. The most daring suggested that in such a terrible way, those who support Ukraine tried to scare the leader of the Russian Federation. More precisely, they demonstrated the effect of climate weapons. Just imagine what could have happened if such an apparatus existed if it had been used not in a sparsely populated area, but in a megalopolis? The theory, by the way, is considered fantastic and causes laughter among serious specialists.


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