Pooja Hook Training is a Great Way to Raise Your Navi Skill

Despite the fact that outwardly Pudge can be called without a doubt the most awkward and fat hero of DOTA, in reality he is one of the most necessary and at the same time complex characters to date. At the same time, the main difficulty in playing for this character is to throw a hook, as a result of which many who like to play for him are interested in hook training.

Why is the hook so important?

training hook

The hook is not just an option on how to compensate for the lack of mobility of this character, it is also an extremely important tactical element that can instantly change the outcome of a battle. In particular, training a hook allows you to learn how to instantly pull a specific hero to the place you need, implementing the plan of your team and dooming it to victory.

The hook is an absolutely universal ability that can be actively used both to protect one's own and to attack the enemy. At the same time, if any training of a hook doesnโ€™t help Pooju begin to effectively gank opponents, then in a team the competent use of this ability can radically change the outcome of the battle.

pooj hook workout game


Thus, when it comes to using a hook as an attacking ability, pulling a certain hero into a group of allies almost always ends up immediately neutralizing it, which is already an important advantage for your team, which can attack in 5 vs 4. This is not to mention about how much you can change the outcome of the battle if you pull out a key character from the enemy team with a hook. However, this is only one side of the coin.


Also, hook training will be useful for those people who want to learn how to save their allies. The timely pulling of an allied hero from under the gang of the enemy team is equal to the complete failure of the gang, and this is a serious loss of enemy time at a time when the allied heroes are engaged in active farming and development, or even try to hold a countergang.

It is for this reason that the hook is a universal and so important skill, and the training of the Pooja hook is the main element of learning the game for this character.

Puja Workout by Navi

hook puja training

The Navi team, which is today one of the most successful in the CIS and the world, has released its own game. Hook training from Navi is a flash game with pretty nice graphics, in which each player can practice independently without any helpers. Due to the fact that the game features an extremely simple and understandable setting, even those who only recently got acquainted with the world of DOTA and began to learn how to play for this character can learn in this way.

The training of the Pooja hook is carried out according to a rather simple scheme - mobs appear that are somewhat similar in appearance to the hero himself and are controlled exclusively by artificial intelligence. These mobs move and periodically stop, so the player can easily train to throw a hook in any conditions.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that mobs move quite spontaneously and can constantly change their trajectories, due to which Pudge's hook training becomes as close as possible to the realities of DOTA. It is for this reason that we can say with full confidence that such a training is really necessary and on its basis each DOTA player can almost perfectly master the game of Pooja by simply shifting the acquired skills to individual situations in different games.


pudge hook training

It is immediately clear that the development was carried out by real experts who know the features and subtleties of the game for the character, since it has everything that a player may need to fully master the features of the game for this hero. There are no extra elements that could simply embellish the gameplay, but at the same time distract the player from directly performing the necessary actions, for which many especially like the Pooj Hook training. The game is just a game simulator for Pudge and initially is not a means of entertainment, although it may well become one for those who like to play DOTA.

Of particular note is the fact that, to get closer to the realities of the game for Pudge, the developers also introduced the ability to activate other active skills of the hero. Thus, it is possible to include poisonous smoke, the action of which in this case is only visual and is designed specifically to feel the approximate reality of what is happening and hone the combinations, and after being attracted, it can turn on an ult, which in most cases is a logical continuation of the combination.

Points system

Navi hook training

In order to check how effective the hook training is, there is a points system that allows the user to determine the maximum degree of ownership of this character. Thus, points are earned depending on how quickly the hero hooks the appearing mobs (reaction), how far are the goals that he attracts (calculation), and whether he uses special combinations (skill). Thus, according to developers from Navi, the ideal combination of Pooja is Hook + Root + Dismember.

In addition to everything else, a separate game mode is also provided that allows you to test the ability to hook invisibles, which is especially relevant for insurance against the gangs of yourself and your allies online.

Thus, initially the player learns the basics of the game for Pooja, and over time gradually masters the increasingly complex features of the game for this character. In addition, the acquired skills will help when playing for other characters, such as, for example, Mirana.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2584/

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