Raspberry tree: reviews, description, productivity and care

Raspberry tree is the standard form of ordinary raspberries. It got its name due to its resemblance to a tree acquired in the process of pruning. What are the main varieties of standard raspberries and what kind of crop can you get from them?

History of occurrence

Ordinary raspberries bear fruit once a year, in the summer. At a time when crops were ripening on last year’s stems, young ones were growing around. Harvest on them will be next year.

raspberry tree reviews

Not so long ago, repairing varieties of raspberries became popular. They bear fruit all summer and autumn. But the fruits ripen on more than one stem. In spring, they are formed on last year's shoots, and towards the end of summer, on young ones that appeared in the spring.

If you cut off last year's shoots from autumn or early spring, then the entire crop will form on the young. The fruits will begin to ripen a little earlier, there will be more.

One of the disadvantages of this kind of varieties is the thickening of raspberry plantings. By the middle of summer, young lashes grow, last year's weaves intertwine with them, and all fall to the ground together. The standard varieties of raspberries are largely free from these shortcomings. The stems are strong, they can hold the crop and the mass of leaves. Although tying on the trellis does not hurt them. Root shoots are destroyed soon after its appearance.

In fact, a raspberry tree is a representative of a new generation of this plant. So called varieties of intensive type with long strong stems.

One of the progenitors of many varieties of intensive type is the variety Glen Ampl (Scotland). 3.5 kg of fruits from the bush gives this red raspberry tree. Gardeners say that about 20 kg of fruits are harvested per hectare from industrial plantings.

The subsequent varieties were Glen Fine with an extended fruiting period, Glen Lyon early. The fruits of the Magna variety are larger than those of Glen Ampl. Now there are many promising varieties of raspberry wood, including repair ones.

The color of the berries is distinguished by the raspberry tree Gold. Customer reviews say they are tasty and fragrant.

Standard varieties of Russian selection

In the last decades of the last century, standard varieties of Russian selection were created. This is Tarusa, Fortress, Monica, Tale. Varieties of Tarusa and Krepysh are similar to each other in external data. Slightly different in the appearance of the leaves and roots. Experts believe that it makes no sense to grow both varieties. Raspberry tree Krepysh reviews are advised to grow gardeners involved in the reproduction and sale of bushes, and for those who grow berries - Tarusu.

raspberry tarusa raspberry tree reviews

The stem of Tarusa differs from many others in the absence of thorns. Brown colour. The height of the shoots is about 2 m. The leaves are large, with noticeable veins. Young stems are covered with a wax coating. The fruits are oblong, oval, red, the weight of one can reach 12 g. They taste sweet, delicate, with a pleasant taste and aroma.

Raspberry sellers often announce a yield of up to 15 kg per bush. But experienced gardeners who are engaged in the cultivation of these varieties, argue that it is real, with good care, to collect from the bush up to 4 kg of berries. An error can occur when estimating the number of ripening berries. If you multiply the average weight of one fruit by the approximate number of ovaries, this figure will be inaccurate. Indeed, most often a significant number of them do not ripen, dries in the absence of moisture, or has a weight significantly less than average.

Frost resistance of raspberry tree

Varieties Tarusa and Krepysh can withstand frosts up to 30 degrees. But when growing, you need to focus on 25 degrees of frost. It matters the presence of snow and drafts.

Pruning raspberry raspberries

To form raspberries of this kind in the shape of a tree, you need to trim the stems in two stages. The first time the tops of young shoots pinch in early summer. At the same time, they should grow to not less than 1 m 20 cm. Tear up to 10 cm, which stops the growth and causes the formation of side literals. By the fall of their formed about ten. Each length is from 40 to 90 cm.

raspberry tree grade reviews

In the spring of next year, the old stem is cut, and the side shoots are shortened so that their length is about 40 cm. Up to 2 dozen berries are formed and ripen on these laterals.

This method increases the yield of raspberries. But if the first pinching is done late, the side branches will not have time to ripen and freeze.

Propagation of standard raspberries

Raspberry tree propagates in two ways:

  • root cuttings;
  • root shoot.

Here the difference between the varieties is manifested. To determine the grade of raspberry tree, reviews are advised to carefully look at the root. Tarusa usually forms a small number of cuttings. Its root is quite thin. At Krepysh, he is much larger, in shape - slipping. From it you can get a lot more planting material.

Raspberry Krepysh (raspberry tree) reviews are advised to propagate by shoots from the roots. No need to cut it around the bush in the summer.

The resulting sprouts are scooped up with a shovel along with part of the root. Planted in a permanent place. Regularly water the bushes, especially if they are not mulled.

Reproduction by root processes

A little harder to breed Tarusa (raspberry tree). Reviews are advised to do this by root cuttings. First they dig a bush, choose roots with buds and cut the cuttings out of them.

The cultivation of cuttings is carried out in a mixture of peat with coarse sand. When the shoots appear, the cuttings are transplanted into another dish. The following spring they are planted in the ground.

It is possible to stimulate the appearance of shoots by cutting the stem of a raspberry tree.

Landing and care

Reviews of gardeners indicate that it is not difficult to grow this type of raspberry.

Of great importance is the quality of the soil. It must be fertile. To improve the quality of the soil make humus, compost. If it is too acidic, slaked lime is added. In loose soil, raspberry roots will be easier to multiply, releasing shoots.

raspberry tree gold reviews

Where is the best raspberry of Tarusa (raspberry tree)? Reviews of gardeners suggest that the place for planting is looking for a sunny place, but in some cases it grows well in partial shade. This can save from drought if it is not possible to irrigate the plantations. Berries may be less sweet, but larger. Often a raspberry tree is planted on the border of the garden on the south side. But in a thick shadow, the fruits will be acidic, and the plants will be weak. At the same time, the raspberry root shoot can interfere with tree care.

Groundwater should not come close to the surface of the soil. This can cause root rot. If there are no such sites, you can plant bushes on high ridges.

Before planting pits or trenches at the bottom, lay layers of peat, humus, sawdust, compost, pouring them with earth.

The stem is cut by 40 cm, a bush is planted in the ground. The remains of the stem are cut off after new stems reach 25 cm.

Growing Features

When raspberries are formed by double pruning, each bush becomes branched. It looks beautiful, but they take up a lot of space. Therefore, the distance between the bushes in the row should be about 1.5 m, and the rows themselves should be at least 2 m away. Up to 8 lateral shoots are left on each stem for fruiting.

raspberry tree planting and care reviews

Reviews of the raspberry tree indicate that its stem is strong, it does not fall to the ground, but can bend due to the heaviness of leaves and fruits. Therefore, it can be fixed by tying each bush to a separate support. To do this, they need to drive a wooden stake near them and tie a bush to it. Trellis can be used.

Raspberry root is superficial. Therefore, the plant can not get its own water in a drought. It needs to be compensated by irrigation, which is carried out as necessary. It is especially important to provide the plant with a sufficient amount of moisture when the fruits are formed and ripen.

Top dressing

Fertilize under the raspberry tree in the spring. Use wood ash. Then you need to water the earth around. Before the raspberries bloom, and during the ripening of the fruit make a solution of mullein. Nitrogen fertilizers are added to enhance growth, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are added during the formation of fruits.

So that moisture evaporates less, it is good to mulch the soil with humus. Reviews about the raspberry tree gardeners with experience advise to fertilize raspberries before mulching, laying out the granules of chicken droppings between the rows. This improves the yield and condition of the bushes.

raspberry tree robust reviews

To make the bush look like a tree, you need to periodically remove the root growth around it. This should be done at a depth of about 7 cm. They leave it only if it is going to be used for reproduction.


The fruits of the raspberry tree are widely used. They contain vitamin C, other beneficial substances. In cosmetology, an extract obtained from raspberries is used.

raspberry tree red reviews

Berries are used to make delicious jam. They do not lose their healing properties even after treatment. In summer you need to eat as many fresh berries as possible. Reviews of the raspberry tree indicate that the fruits of the Tarusa and Krepysh varieties do not crumple during transportation. To do this, they must be carefully placed in plastic boxes so that they do not squeeze. You can freeze them, use dried ones. To do this, you can use the fruits, dried by the sun with insufficient moisture. Collect them with twigs, dry. Stacked in banks. In winter, pour boiling water or add to regular tea.

Reviews of the raspberry tree suggest that in winter, with the help of their fruits, colds are treated. Raspberry leaves are also used for this purpose. With their help, some intestinal diseases are treated. From the tops of the branches in the spring you can get a delicious and healthy spring tea with the aroma of raspberries.

Diseases and pests of standard raspberries

Varieties of standard raspberries do not have sufficient resistance to diseases, in particular fungal. Therefore, they must be periodically treated with copper-containing preparations and fungicides.

In early spring, treated with a weak solution of Bordeaux fluid. In summer, they use Skor or Phytosporin, a biological agent for combating fungal diseases.

The main pest of raspberry tree is raspberry beetle. It damages the leaves and berries of the plant. Outwardly, a raspberry beetle looks like a gray small weevil. Length - about 6 millimeters. The larvae of this beetle breed in the soil. If the earth under the bush is periodically loosened, part of the larvae will disappear. But this is not enough to fight insects. In spring, during leaf blooming and budding, the bushes are treated with insecticides.

Sometimes bright spots appear on the leaves of a raspberry tree. They signal uncomfortable conditions. The growing location may be too dark or very humid.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25852/

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