Emelya cucumber - a great choice for covered ground

Every year, with the advent of spring, summer residents crowd in stores of garden products. They stand at the seed racks, sort out the bags, carefully read the annotations. Communicating quietly among themselves, share experiences and seek out the best seeds of carrots, onions, tomatoes and other crops.

Thinking about buying cucumbers for a greenhouse, you should pay attention to the variety Emelya. It was bred specifically for cultivation in closed ground and positively established itself among summer residents.

The main characteristics of the variety

Despite the focus on greenhouses and hotbeds, Emelya cucumber is quite cold-resistant. It can safely survive the daily temperature drops and continue to bear fruit without loss of yield. This property is important, especially considering the frequent frosts in central Russia in late spring - early summer.

emelya cucumber

Breeders prepared the variety to meet some diseases. Among them:

  • olive spotting;
  • cucumber mosaic.

Emelya cucumber perfectly resists them, but is exposed to powdery mildew and root rot. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out appropriate preventive measures.

For a successful fruit set, pollination is not required. This makes the variety ideal for cultivation in greenhouses. Due to the properties of the ovary, the fruits have no seeds. This should be taken into account for those summer residents who hope to receive offspring from the variety.

Plant description

Emelya cucumber belongs to those varieties whose main lash grows continuously. The plant can bear fruit both on it and by using side shoots. On each short internode, up to 10 fruits can be set.

The plant is characterized by medium ripening. Fruiting usually begins between 40th and 45th days from the date of emergence of seedlings.

Fruits with a thin skin, bright green color. They have a cylindrical shape and characteristic large tubercles with spines. The best tastes are achieved with a length of up to 15 cm. Outgrowing, they retain juiciness and taste.

Emelya cucumbers: reviews

Summer residents confirm the high yield of the variety and its cold resistance. Cucumber Emelya perfectly acclimatized not only in greenhouses and greenhouses, but also on the balconies of citizens.

emelya cucumbers reviews

Many positively note that the variety does not require any special care. The plant is simple and unpretentious. But there is a need for his mandatory garter on the trellis. Due to the fact that it refers to a fairly tall.

Of the negative sides of the variety, the plant is affected by powdery mildew.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25853/

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