How to spend a weekend in the USA

It always seems that others have better: the neighbor’s grass is greener, the car is cooler, the children are smarter, etc. We are accustomed to believing that life in Russia is difficult and joyless. However, a small comparison of the facts will show that not everything is so bad.

How do they work in the USA

The high standard of living in America, which it is customary to envy, has not only a bright festive side. To realize the "American dream" or simply to live worthy, you must be a workaholic.

Having three jobs and practically living on them is normal for Americans. Emigrants at first find it difficult to find good places with high earnings, so they work many hours a day to pay bills.

In America, life is not only comfortable, but also expensive. When a person is forced to leave work for 3-5 months, it is easy for him to slide down to the level of a homeless person.

How to relax

As a rule, people prefer to work, but there are also holidays and weekends in the USA. Everything will depend on the company and staff. For example, Texas law does not specify a specific number of days off; there is only a recommendation for employers to be “within reason." This is beneficial for both the employee and management, because America loves extra paid hours.

parks of america

Americans prefer to relax in the family circle, walking in the parks or sitting in restaurants and cafes. Celebrating national holidays is also customary in the family, with the invitation of guests.

Weekend car trips to the United States are chosen by most citizens, as you can relax in nature or travel a short distance for moderate money.

Official holidays

There are not so many official paid holidays in the USA:

  • Independence Day - July 4. On this day in 1776, the American colonies adopted a declaration of independence from the British king and government, and the name "United" sounded for the first time. The people love this holiday, because on weekends in the USA, fireworks, parades, fairs, outdoor recreation are organized on this occasion.
4th of July
  • Memorial Day for American soldiers who have ever died. Celebrated on the last Monday of May. On this day, flags are lowered until 12 noon, and people honor the dead by visiting memorials and cemeteries.
  • Thanksgiving, which is celebrated every fourth Thursday of November. This holiday is rooted in the distant history, when the first settlers with the help of the Indians received an unprecedented harvest in harsh natural conditions. On this day, prayers of thanks were offered to God at a large table. Now the religious connotation of the holiday has faded, and thanks are expressed to everyone: parents, friends, etc. Gastronomic traditions have been preserved: the obligatory dishes on the table are turkey in cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie as symbols of well-being.
  • Christmas, celebrated on December 25, is the most favorite holiday in the United States. Three days are considered as days off: from December 24 to December 26. Although the symbol of the holiday has Christian roots, representatives of all religious movements celebrate this day with great pleasure. This holiday is considered a family holiday and is similar to the Russian New Year. Families and their friends gather at a richly set table, Christmas trees light up and gifts are given out. Everywhere there is a lot of illumination, Santa Clauses in supermarkets give out gifts to children, mini-plays based on Bible scenes are arranged in squares and schools, and choirs sing Christmas carols.
christmas in america
  • New Year, which is celebrated on January 1. In some companies in the USA, January 2 is considered a public holiday and is also paid. New Year is not as popular as Christmas, 72% of Americans celebrate it.

On other holidays, organizations, at their discretion, can make weekends and paid for their employees.


Holidays also have their own national characteristics. The number of days may depend on the number of years worked in the company, length of service and state laws. In every fifth company vacation is provided at their own expense. In America, a typical situation is when an employee does not take vacations for several years in a row, otherwise one can earn the disapproval of colleagues.

The vacation that the Americans allow themselves lasts about a week. Vacation planning begins long before the holidays. It is customary to spend a weekend in the USA without going abroad. 70% of Americans spend their holidays traveling around the country by car. Visiting national parks, museums, historical sights, people pursue the goal not only to relax, but also to replenish their horizons.


In Russia and in the USA, holidays are different as follows:

  1. The number of official holidays a year for Russians is more and is 14 days, for Americans is half that.
  2. The minimum leave guaranteed to be paid in Russia is 28 calendar days. In America, to get so many days off, you need to work at the company for at least 10 years. And it is completely incomprehensible for Americans to have paid leave of 56 calendar days, which is provided to teachers in our country.
  3. Unlike the Americans, Russians have one of the main holidays of the New Year, which can be celebrated ten days in a row without losing salary.
new Year

As the saying goes: "Everywhere is good, where we are not." Sometimes we need to value what we have, and not look around. As some emigrants joke, it would be ideal to live in America and work in Russia. Each coin has a flip side.


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