Empowerment is an empowerment

There are concepts that are difficult to describe by themselves. They get real concrete meaning in a practical field of application. This is the concept of "authority." This is a term that abstractly describes what, in concrete examples, becomes real harsh practice. Let's get it right.

The meaning of the word "authority"

authority is

If you delve into the dictionaries, we will find there a completely understandable explanation. For example, a power is a right granted to another person. Or the power that one third is vested with. That is, we are dealing with the phenomenon when people transfer their capabilities to someone who, in their common opinion, is worth it. In addition, since this third one is vested with power, it is understood that he has the opportunity to put it into practice. The description was complicated. See: we have citizens, people, organizations, and so on. Each of them has rights, can participate in the adoption of power decisions, only he does not use these “privileges”. Don't want to? Rather, it is not possible. So, for example, for the realization of state power , many conditions are needed: strength, means, management mechanisms. But according to the Constitution, this is the right of the people! How to implement it? Special bodies are being created that receive state powers. They carry out in practice what the people should do according to the basic law.

Example 1: Litigation

To better understand the meaning of the term in question, let's look at specific examples. Imagine that a lawsuit is in progress . As a rule, two parties take part in it. Let it be a citizen and organization. So, the last one to represent? Usually - a lawyer, director, representative of the administration. In order to prove his right to speak on behalf of the organization, a person submits a power of attorney to the court confirming his authority. This is a document of a special form issued, most often, for one process. It turns out that in this case the authority is the empowerment of the whole organization on behalf of which the specialist acts. This should not be considered a special privilege. A representative is endowed not only and not so much with rights as with the responsibilities of the organization in this situation. And he acts on the basis of his interests
firms, taking into account all the negative consequences that the process can bring to it.

meaning of the word authority

Example 2: elections

There is another way to understand what empowerment is. This is due to the need to remember what elections are in essence. When there is a vote, for example, for deputies of a local assembly, each citizen expresses his confidence in a certain person. Counted the votes, brought the winners and so on. But in fact, we are not choosing deputies. People, as the Constitutional people, give their authority in resolving local or state issues to specific individuals. It turns out that the deputy who won the election received power from the mass of the people who were for him. Now he has the right to speak on their behalf. Everything that he will do as a deputy, he will do on behalf of his electorate.

state powers


Analyzing the meaning of the concept of “authority”, in addition to the will, you come to the conclusion that this is not a comic issue at all. Since power is transferred to a specific person (body), responsibility is transferred along with it. Whether it is a private lawsuit or a plebiscite, everyone who is a source of authority (citizen) must consciously approach the choice of whom he gives them. That is, double-edged responsibility. If you trust a non-professional lawyer, you will receive a fine or time limit. And if the people speak out for a false leader, then they can destroy the state with their own hands (ballots), start a war, and so on. Conclusion: you need to think who we are empowering.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25858/

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