Combined heating boilers (firewood + electricity): features and characteristics

Now almost every country house is equipped with an autonomous heating system. And it does not matter whether it is a summer cottage or a multi-story cottage, the principle of operation and the arrangement of boilers installed in these rooms remains unchanged. However, recently many owners prefer not classic gas, but combined heaters. Their main advantage is that in the absence of one source of energy, they may well supply heat and heat water to others. One of the varieties of these devices are heating boilers combined "firewood + electricity". We’ll talk about them today.

heating boilers combined firewood electricity


As you know, combined heaters have the ability to work with two sources of energy. Most often it is firewood and gas (in some cases, oil products). However, besides this, there are heating boilers combined "firewood + electricity". In the absence of coal and gas, they can function normally from electrical energy. Thus, combined firewood + electricity heating boilers can operate both on solid fuel (chopped firewood, coal, pellets or wood shavings), and from an alternating voltage system of 220-240 V.

Why are such devices in great demand in the Russian market? The answer is very simple. The fact is that not every suburban village today is connected to a centralized gas supply system. Therefore, the only way out in this situation is the installation of solid fuel or electric heating systems.

Design features

In fact, combined electric and wood-fired heating boilers differ from their traditional counterparts only in the presence of an additionally built-in heating element, i.e. a tubular electric heater. This element is installed in the tank of the heat exchanger of the heater.

combined boilers heating wood electricity

As for the rest of the construction details, the combined boilers have a rather primitive design, more similar to simple wood-based counterparts. A special firebox is placed in the lower part of the boiler, where chopped firewood or pellets are periodically loaded. In addition, heating boilers combined "firewood + electricity" have the ability to convert energy into heat due to the combustion of peat, coal or wood shavings.

Operating principle

The operation algorithm of this boiler is quite simple, as is its design. If we consider how heating boilers combined "firewood + electricity" work on electricity, then the main heating mechanism here will be a tubular electric heater (TEN), which heats a special spiral when it absorbs electric current. And she, in turn, transfers heat to the liquid in the heat exchanger. Thus, hot water under the influence of a circulation pump enters the heating system and goes along the upper and lower circuits in a closed circle.

combined electric heating boilers

If it is firewood, then the flame from them heats the heat exchanger with the liquid, and it, as in the first case, circulates in a circle around the heating system.


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