Museum "Memory", Volgograd: address, opening hours, exhibitions, excursions and reviews

The Great Patriotic War affected almost every family in our country, because almost all men of military age went to the front. Many did not return home, and those who survived forever remembered these terrible battles, hunger, ruin, and the death of comrades. The Pamyat Museum in Volgograd is a place that reminds the younger generation of this terrible war. Everyone who visits there will be able to see many objects preserved from those terrible years, as well as feel the echoes of wartime.

Excursion into the historical past

During World War II, fierce battles were fought in Volgograd. The city was almost completely destroyed, but soldiers and residents fought to the last. They had no time to think about themselves. They fought for every house, for every piece of land, and in the end they won! In Volgograd today you can see buildings that remind people of this terrible war, of heroes who were ready to give their lives for a peaceful sky above the heads of future generations. On the square of the Fallen Fighters, for example, is the building of the former department store, in the basement of which is now the museum "Memory". This place has a rich history, because it was there in 1943 that the German Field Marshal Paulus was taken prisoner along with other important representatives of the German command. This event influenced the entire course of the war, since from that moment the Red Army took the initiative in its hands.

Museum "Memory": address and impressions of the visit

The Pamyat Museum is located in Volgograd at the address: Square of the Fallen Fighters, building 2. We opened it in 2012. Going down to the basement, you can first of all see photos of the beautiful and well-groomed Stalingrad (as Volgograd used to be called) before the war. In addition, the museum presents clippings from Soviet newspapers, which contain articles about the prosperous life of the city and about the largest department store in Stalingrad. Thus, visitors to the Pamyat museum in Volgograd can imagine what was the peaceful life of the inhabitants of our country, and then see eerie photographs, mock-ups and artifacts showing how horrible this terrible war brought into human existence. After all, the whole way of life turned over in an instant.

In the museum "Memory"

Documents and Expositions

In the museum you can see small scenes from military life. For example, the ward of a German hospital, which was based in this department store. Nearby are medical instruments, as well as a basin stained with blood. Everything looks very natural. There is a feeling that for a while you are moving into the past. You can also see the personal belongings of German soldiers: a toothbrush, comb, razor, brush, binoculars, flasks and much more. An interesting exhibit is a sitz bath, which belonged to German officers. Seeing her, we can conclude that they could not do without comfort, because even in terrible military conditions they wanted to relax and bathe.

One of the most memorable exhibits is “Christmas in the Stalingrad Cauldron”. It is a table with refreshments and a decorated Christmas tree, however, in all this, a deep hopelessness is felt. Celebrating the holiday, the Germans already knew that they were doomed. They tried to somehow brighten up their situation: they made toys, garlands and Christmas trees from improvised materials, but, being surrounded, they realized that retribution would soon overtake them.

The museum presents letters from German soldiers, but there are also exhibits dedicated to our soldiers. For example, weapons of the Red Army, communications, and much more.

Weapons on the stand

There are also paintings dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War, which, according to visitors, hurt the living. In addition, you can see the equipment of those years: a motorcycle and a car.

Stalingrad Central Department Store

The Stalingrad Central Department Store was one of the most beautiful in the USSR. In the museum you can see photos of the central department store of Stalingrad before the war, and then see the layout of the store after the end of hostilities. As a result of constant bombing and shelling, the building was badly damaged.

TSUM building after the war

In 1949, the department store was restored, but in subsequent years it was badly damaged and almost lost its former appearance. In the place where the central entrance used to be, various buildings appeared, so now you can’t enter the building there. The department store no longer trades, but it is a very important and valuable historical object.

Mode of operation and cost

Opening hours of the Pamyat Museum in Volgograd: all days except Monday. Opening hours: from 10:00 to 18:00. You can see the exhibits on your own, because everywhere there are explanatory inscriptions. The ticket costs 100 rubles, and children under 16 visit the museum for free. Those who wish can buy a ticket for an excursion and walk around the museum with a guide, but it will cost a little more.

Visitors reviews

On the Internet you can read numerous reviews about the museum "Memory" in Volgograd. Most visitors agree that, having been in this place, you begin to relate to the war in a different way. Photographs and expositions presented at the Pamyat Museum in Volgograd make you think about the horror of the war years, the feat of our entire people. This museum cannot be attributed to places for entertainment. This dark basement is more suitable for reflection, it gives completely new emotions, helps to feel a surge of patriotism. According to visitors, the guides are well aware of their work and tell in great detail about the history of Volgograd, answer all questions of interest.

Museum exhibition

The Pamyat Museum in Volgograd, the photo of which you can see in this article, leaves a lasting impression on visitors. It should be noted that it often hosts various exhibitions.

Soldiers carry the wounded


Many visitors believe that the Pamyat Museum in Volgograd is the most important and interesting in the city. True, the entrance to it is not visible, so many tourists can miss it and not see very interesting exhibits and historical documents that help to understand and comprehend a very important period in the history of our country. If you are in Volgograd, you will certainly visit the Square of the Fallen Fighters, look at the legendary department store and drop in a museum that keeps in itself the memory of a terrible war.


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