Moonshine-mini-distillery Luxstahl. Reviews on the moonshine still mini-distillery Luxstahl 14 l

In the manufacture of alcoholic beverages, the availability of good equipment has always been the key to success and quality. Most moonshinators have improved their units and technology over the years to get a good and safe product. Nowadays, you can buy ready-made designs that have collected all the latest developments in this field and are a true embodiment of engineering. A striking representative of such devices is the moonshine still - the Luxstahl mini-distillery, reviews of which will be considered in this article.

moonshine still - mini-distillery luxstahl reviews

For reference

It is very important to note the fact that this model is made in a strictly defined configuration, although it can be upgraded. However, the unit itself comes with an uncomfortable capacity displacement offered in the assortment. The fact is that the Luxstahl 14 l moonshine is not separately produced. It is sold with a capacity of 12, 20, 30 and 50 liters. Therefore, moonshiners who prefer to cook at home usually order an additional 14 liter tank.

It is sold by the same manufacturer as the unit itself, and it is completely manufactured using original technology. And the Luxstahl 14 l moonshine still appears on sale, reviews of which practically do not differ from products with a different tank volume. At the same time, it is ideal for processing 20 liters of mash and fits very well under the hood on a stove.

moonshine still "Luxstahl"


If a moonshine still is purchased - a Luxstahl 14 l mini-distillery, then it includes a container with the corresponding diameter. However, this moment should be indicated separately when placing an order by writing a letter. On the official website, such an assembly is not sold. Also included in the package:

  • alcohol meter;
  • digital thermometer;
  • book of recipes;
  • three worm clamps;
  • two silicone hoses of 2 meters each;
  • adapter suitable for any cranes;
  • warranty card usage manual.

Additional delivery

If you plan to purchase a full-fledged moonshine still - the Luxstahl 14l mini-distillery, reviews of which often claim that there are a lot of different additives for the product that can create a real distillation column, then you need to pay attention to all kinds of nozzles.

  • Water seal. This device allows you to cook mash directly in the unit's capacity, significantly improving the moonshine still - the Luxstahl mini-distillery. User reviews note the almost complete absence of unpleasant odors. In this case, fermentation can proceed twice as fast, since it is always possible to maintain the required temperature.
  • Sukhoparnik. This nozzle is familiar to many moonshiners. It precipitates all heavy substances and is a kind of filter that weeds out fusel oils. If you add fruits or spices to it, you can give a special smell and taste to the drink.
  • Panchenkov nozzle. This device allows you to get a product of high purification. This is achieved by increasing the mass transfer in the column.
  • Tsarga. When installed, it turns the moonshine into a full distillation column. As a result, you can get a product with a strength of over 90 degrees.
  • A device for continuous monitoring of the fortress. With it, you can monitor the quality of the drink and remove the device from the fire in time.

"Luxstahl" moonshine still reviews

Production material

Even the simplest Luxstahl moonshine is made of stainless steel, 3 mm thick. However, it does not react with the products of production and does not emit harmful substances when heated. It is important to note that the bottom of the tank has three layers and can be used even on induction cookers. Given the quality of the material used, the manufacturer gives a guarantee on his product for ten years.


Very often you can find the Luxstahl moonshine, which is sold at a lower price. However, its quality does not correspond to the specifications declared by the manufacturer. The fact is that this is an ordinary fake, which is used to create other steel and conventional welding. You can recognize such units by the quality of the seams and the performance of small parts. However, the original instruction manual and warranty card are usually missing.

moonshine still "Luxstahl" 14 l


It is immediately worth noting that Luxstahl (moonshine) reviews are very positive. All criticism addressed to him is immediately taken into account by the manufacturer and appropriate adjustments are made to the design.

  • This product is very reliable and made of quality steel.
  • A large assortment of containers with different volumes is suitable for both beginner moonshiners and specialists who receive a large number of products.
  • Due to the design features in the device, you can get drinks based on pure alcohol. It is very convenient in the manufacture of products such as vodka, absinthe, filling or balm.
  • Using a steamer, you can give the drink a specific smell, taste and even color.
  • When using certain nozzles, you can almost completely get rid of the unpleasant specific smell, which often annoys others.
  • When using an electric thermometer, you can control the temperature with high accuracy.
  • The presence of a ten-year warranty already speaks of the quality of the products and the confidence in the manufacturer itself.
  • Given the quality of cleaning and the ability to receive a wide variety of products, this product can be called one of the most economical. Such a product will pay off very quickly, and if you take into account the safety of the final product, then, in comparison with health, its cost is simply ridiculous.
  • Structures of this type do not need complex technical processes. You can completely move away from inverting sugar and even refuse to clean up the mash with bentonite. However, it is worth picking such a recipe so that it ideally fits this equipment, which will help to improve quality and productivity.

moonshine still "Luxstahl" 14 l reviews


Many people like the original Luxstahl (moonshine), reviews of which are almost absent in a negative way. Usually, the statements of specialists are aimed at simply improving the design and making it more convenient. Therefore, the manufacturer is attentive to the statements of its customers and always makes constructive amendments to its products.

moonshine still mini-distillery "Luxstahl" 14 l

User reviews

The people who bought the moonshine still - Luxstahl mini-distillery, leave very different reviews, and very often they are repeated. Therefore, we offer a generalized analysis of statements on the quality and operation of the structure.

  • Most often, the owners of such devices note an almost complete absence of smell. This is very convenient, since the process of moonshining does not attract too much attention.
  • Almost all moonshiners, even with extensive experience and the practice of making apparatuses on their own, claim that they are not going to return to the old methods of producing strong drinks after using this design. They are happy with everything, and they are happy with the result.
  • The convenience of the system is also noted separately. When using a special trolley and cooking mash directly in the capacity of the unit, you can completely get rid of the need to lift weights, which often affect the state of health.
  • Almost all moonshiners note that the finished product is of high quality. It practically does not contain impurities and has a pleasant taste and smell. This for some manufacturers is the main criterion, thanks to which they choose this particular device.

Recommendations of specialists

Professionals recommend purchasing this device to take into account several nuances:

  • To buy a moonshine still - the Luxstahl mini-distillery is immediately at the maximum configuration. Almost all additional details will come in handy at work, and with such an order you can get an additional discount.
  • If a large capacity tank is taken into operation, it will be rational to purchase a special trolley for it. It is convenient to transport a tank with a braga on it, without applying physical effort. You can also buy a ladle, specially designed for a hole in the tank.
  • Home brewing is prohibited by law in some countries. Therefore, before purchasing the device, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the legislation in force in the region.
  • It is best to purchase a unit on the official website. This will avoid fakes and scams on the network. Moreover, this is how the user will receive a real warranty card for ten years from the manufacturer.
  • Some experts recommend immediately purchasing a spare silicone gum, which is used when closing the container. This element can fail very unexpectedly and the availability of a replacement on hand is simply necessary.
  • Experts recommend additionally purchasing a device with which you can check the amount of sugar in Braga. Thanks to him, the master of home brewing will be able to determine exactly when it is possible to start distillation.

moonshine still - mini-distillery "Luxstahl" 14 l reviews


Having familiarized with the material described above, we can conclude that the moonshine still - the mini-distillery Luxstahl has mostly positive reviews. Almost all manufacturers of alcoholic beverages at home praise its design and ease of use. They argue that if you try to cook on it once, you will not want to return to other distillation devices. And rightly so, new technologies must be adopted.


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