An unusual thing is a jar. Do-it-yourself fancy stuff

Needlework is treated differently: someone with a delighted exclamation of “Wow!” freezes when an unusual thing catches his eye, and someone with a slight irony treats homemade things, believing that it is stupid to collect what can be sent to a landfill, bother with thoughts about how to do unusual things with your own hands, spend precious time for all sorts of handmade charms. After all, you can go to the store and buy a factory, thoughtful, design-true thing. It, of course, is so ... But everyone has bought it, and made with their own hands - only you. Therefore, the imagination of needlewomen of all countries does not wander, they come up with new and unusual things for the interior. Yes, such that even the most avid skeptics and opponents of crafts are surprised at the flight of the design thoughts of craftsmen.

unusual thing

Banks: An Unusual Use of Common Things

Glass simpletons - cans are in every home. In the nomination "unusual thing" in their original form they do not participate. But their functions, especially kitchen ones, are inexhaustible: they are a container of everything, everything, everything depends on the imagination of their owners. They are poured into them, imposed, poured and even planted. Banks are so simple that you want to create something beautiful on their transparent sides. And it would seem that nothing new in the field of "unusual things with your own hands" for the popular glass containers can not be offered. As the unforgettable Winnie the Pooh used to say, it’s true that the prototype of a can is a pot, “here’s the pot is empty, it’s a simple object, it’s nowhere ...”, and so on ... But, the imagination of needleworkers of all countries does not wander off, they invent unusual things. For the interior, such notions are indispensable. Therefore, we discard thoughts about the direct purpose of cans and consider a series of transformations of these utensils Cinderella into wonderful princesses.

Jar full of fireflies

do-it-yourself unusual things

In the afternoon, a banal can, but then night falls, and fireflies appear in it. Such an unusual thing is done very simply: you only need fluorescent paint. The jar is covered with paint from the inside and allowed to dry. Such jars can be used as nightlights, or you can decorate an outdoor party with them. It seems that guests will appreciate such an unusual use of ordinary things.


unusual use of ordinary things

Once upon a time, finding a jar of a beautiful shape was problematic: it so happened that before there was a single (rather boring) container approved by GOST. And if the household turned out to be a jar with a screw cap, then it was cherished like the apple of an eye. Now the times are different: every self-respecting food industry is trying to develop containers of an exclusive, recognizable form. So the field for can decoration is endless, and it’s exciting to do unusual things from cans with your own hands. These non-standard cans with lids on the thread served as the basis for the manufacture of plafonds.

Memories in the Bank

unusual things for the interior

An alternative to framed photographs is a photo in a bank. It is done elementarily: a photograph is inserted into the jar, preferably black and white, the main thing is that it be of the appropriate size: it rests against the walls of the vessel against the edges. Then, vegetable oil is carefully poured inside, clog the jar with a lid and put in a prominent place.

unusual use of ordinary things

Clean, warm sand, the sea, the sound of the surf - it would be nice to keep this in mind. A piece of the beach can be taken home in the bank, in order to pick it up on a cold winter evening and feel the blow of the brackish breeze and the gentle warmth of the sun.

Sharpener for pencil

unusual use of ordinary things

Pencil sharpening is a fascinating activity for children, but eliminating the consequences of this activity is a real test for adults. After all, standard sharpeners are easy to open, and it is so difficult to remove chips from the carpet. It turns out that the can not only can be a kitchen tank, it copes with the role of an office gadget and is a wonderful solution to the problem of collecting chips.

Organizer Banks

unusual use of ordinary things

Banks as organizers are not a new idea: bulk and liquid products in kitchens were stored like this all the time. But creatively thinking can owners each time find new options for things that can be stored in them. This glass dish has long crossed the threshold of the kitchen and has firmly established itself as caskets, cups for pencils and flower pots throughout the entire area of ​​human housing. In the photo at the top of the section, a nice and quite functional organizer for small sewing supplies. The following photo is an example of a very creative use of cans as an organizer for twine.

unusual use of ordinary things

Unusual thing. One would like to exclaim: "Everything ingenious is simple!". Nothing superfluous, a minimum of improvised means and materials, but the twine, which, as usual, imagines itself to be a descendant of the Gordian knot, thanks to this design, is called to order and has become quiet.

unusual use of ordinary things

And another example of can organizers. This time it's candy canes. Simple and tasteful. Which taste do you like better: lemon or raspberry? If lemon - open a jar with a lion. To make such organizers that are pretty in terms of interior decoration and practical in terms of storing sweets, you need a little: toy figures, a tube of glue and acrylic paint. Well and, naturally, suitable banks.


Glass containers, called in everyday life a jar, with its minimalistic design and laconic form, can rightfully be considered the Muse of Creativity. I would like to dedicate verses with a high beginning to her: "Oh, Bank!" No, it’s better not poetry, it’s better to go to the kitchen right now, rummage through the bins, find a can and create your own miracle.


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