Tomato Olya F1

Olya tomatoes, having a beautiful name, look no less beautiful both on the garden bed, and on your table or on the counter. This is a high-yielding, determinant plant. The Olya tomato variety has good resistance to viral diseases.

Tomato Olya forms three brushes at once, which grow and ripen at the same time. Such brushes can form up to fifteen with a culture height of 1 meter 20 centimeters. Being a hybrid plant, tomato Olya F1 is one of the achievements represented by domestic selection.

These tomatoes do not need to be planted, they are early ripening and high-yielding. After complete germination, the fruits begin to ripen in a hundred to two hundred days. Not bad tomato Olya sets fruit at low temperature and the same lighting. Its fruits have a rounded shape. They are bright red and shiny, slightly ribbed, with excellent taste.

Tomato Olya - the value of a hybrid

  • It has high productivity.
  • It tolerates heat well.
  • It is cold resistant.
  • Resistant to low light.


Tomatoes of this type are usually grown in two shoots. They reach a height of one and a half meters. The stepson needs to be run from under the first brush. Leaving all the flowers on the central shoots, only two hands leave on the stepson. After that, cut off the top and two sheets.

The cut point is immediately treated with activated charcoal dust. Olya tomato is planted according to the scheme 50x50cm. Then it turns out a larger number of fruits, but somewhat smaller.

Tomato Olya - maloroslik

As it was written above, superdeterminant tomatoes are distinguished by limited growth. Having formed several brushes on the central shoot, they are crowned. To get an early crop, all stepsons are removed and placed five plants per square meter. This approach allows Olya to bring up to ten kilograms of tomato per square meter.

If seedlings are not enough, then the plants are formed in three shoots. Then you can get from Olya and up to fifteen kilograms of fruit per square meter.


For seedlings, one part of peat is used with two parts of greenhouse land and one part of sawdust. Pre-sawdust is brewed with boiling water, and then, twice, brought to a boil with a urea solution. A liter of boiling water is a tablespoon of urea. Tomatoes are known to like loose soil. They are also favorably attached to sawdust. In one bucket of such a mixture, you must also add crushed egg shells, about two handfuls.

Half a liter of ash and a few tablespoons (2,3) of double superphosphate are also added. Instead of ash, potassium sulfate in the same amount is suitable. After thorough mixing, in a soil prepared in this way, a hot solution of potassium permanganate is poured. Now you need to close it tightly and leave it until it cools completely. For sowing seeds, the container is filled with soil to half.

Tomato Olya requires backlighting. That is, daylight increases artificially to 14 hours. Tall tomatoes dive twice. In this case, the second pick is made after the first 21 days later, when the seedlings will have three true leaves. Thus, its (seedling) overgrowth slows down. Watering is initially carried out on the fourth day after emergence.

How to water:

  • up to three leaves - on the edge of the nursery, one, two teaspoons.
  • up to six - from 15 ml. (tbsp) up to 100 ml. (half a glass).

In order to increase immunity, Epin is sprayed seven days later. Ten days later, the first top dressing is done after the first pick.

Seedlings of Olya at the first opportunity (temperature outside the window up to 10˚) are briefly taken out to the glazed balcony. At the same time, seedlings do not like direct sunlight. It’s good for Olya that the light was scattered, there was a lot of air and heat.


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