Does a working pensioner in Russia receive a pension?

Does a working pensioner receive a pension? This question is asked by many citizens of our state. Of course, if a person has reached a certain age and has sufficient experience to go on a well-deserved rest, then a pension is compulsory. In addition, if desired, a citizen can continue to work further at the enterprise. In this case, the pensioner will receive not only a well-deserved payment, but also wages. You will learn more about this topic from this article.

Small introduction

working pensioner

Does a working pensioner receive a pension? This is one of the main issues of interest to those people who officially work in enterprises and are planning to retire, while continuing to work further. In this case, the answer will be yes. Nevertheless, an increase in pensions for working pensioners should not be expected in the near future.

But why do older people continue to work further? This is due to the fact that pensions in our country are small, and therefore people who have gone on a well-deserved rest find some kind of side job in order to have an additional source of income. In addition, Russian legislation does not prohibit retirees from officially working and receiving a pension. This must be remembered.

Profitable or not?

woman aged and working

If a citizen receives a pension and works, then in this way he improves his material well-being. It is for this purpose that people continue to work further.

Nevertheless, since 2016, the indexation of pensions for working pensioners has not been carried out. This is due to the fact that working pensioners also receive wages. Accordingly, pensions are not their sole source of income.

Here I would also like to note that if a person refuses to accrue a pension after her appointment and continues to work, then, accordingly, the amount of payments will then increase significantly. But most citizens prefer to receive a pension after its appointment. This is quite reasonable.

In addition

working pension

Does a working pensioner in Russia receive a pension, and will it be paid to older working people in the future? This issue is currently very relevant. This is due to the fact that back in 2015, deputies proposed reducing pension payments to those working citizens whose annual income exceeds one million rubles. Nevertheless, this issue has remained pending.

Currently, the abolition of pensions to working citizens is not expected. Although it is possible that this issue will be reviewed again next year.

By seniority

Will working military pensioners receive a pension? Here it is immediately necessary to say that the latter have the right to a fixed payment upon reaching the age of 45 years. Even if the soldier continues to work further, he will still receive a state type pension.

Like all other citizens, the military is charged an insurance pension upon reaching retirement age, but only when the required number of points is accumulated. This must be remembered.

It should also be said that military pensions are indexed at the beginning of April each year. Nevertheless, in 2018, the growth of pensions of working military pensioners was suspended. Therefore, the amount of state payment will remain at the same level.


retired man

Does a working pensioner receive a pension and will this payment be increased next year? The answer to this question will be mixed. Every citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached retirement age and has the necessary length of service to accrue this payment receives a pension. But it is very difficult to say whether the fixed pension will be increased for working pensioners. Previously, it was generally planned to reduce the payment of pensions to those people who officially work and get paid. Thus, it was planned to reduce the expenses of the Pension Fund on the transfer of pensions to working citizens. But at present, all working pensioners continue to receive a pension. True, this payment has not been indexed since 2016.

Will working pensioners receive an increase in their pension if they stop working? Of course, these citizens will be recalculated payments. In addition, the pension of non-working pensioners is subject to annual indexation. Thus, the state ensures that older people live with dignity.

Current situation

retired woman looking for work

Is it possible for a pensioner to work and receive a pension? Yes, this is not prohibited by modern laws. Moreover, many retirees themselves seek to work longer and not stay at home without a certain occupation. In addition, older people tend to work not only because of money, but also in order to be in society and communicate with people.

Currently, the situation is such that young people do not want to become teachers, doctors, nurses or paramedics due to the fact that the work of these workers is not highly paid. Therefore, in medical and educational institutions there are so many age workers who have long been retired, but continue to work. For the latter, this is a worthy increase in their pension in the form of stable earnings.

Nevertheless, I would like to say here that despite the fact that people of the older generation continue to work, many employers are interested in having younger employees at the enterprises, rather than age subordinates. Therefore, retirees who resigned from their former place of work, finding a part-time job is not so simple. This must be taken into account.

Is an increase expected?

Pensions are indexed at the beginning of February of each year. Nevertheless, so far only the older unemployed citizens can expect an increase in these payments. If people work and receive a pension, then for them so far no increase in pensions is expected. Nevertheless, this issue is controversial, and at the beginning of next year everything can change.

For information

older people at work

Does a working pensioner receive a pension in Russia ? The answer in this case will be positive. But despite the fact that the indexation of pensions for working citizens has not yet been suspended, in the future the government promises to recalculate payments and increase pensions for those who have already worked on well-deserved rest.

I would also like to say that in the past year, retired women received the possibility of a pension supplement if their children were born before 1990 and 1991, and even later than this period of time. To do this, the latter had to apply with a written statement and a package of documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to recalculate a stable payment. You can do this at any time through the MFC or the State Services portal.

Nevertheless, women who retired in 2015 already receive a fixed amount of payments and do not need to recalculate the pension due to the presence of children, since they are paid based on pension points. This is a must know.

Is it worth it to work in retirement?

woman looking at receipts

To work after going on a well-deserved rest or not is everyone decides for himself. Will working pensioners get indexation of pensions this year? Of course not. Because the indexation of pensions is carried out at the beginning of the fiscal year. Nevertheless, in 2019, everything can change.

If a person works and receives a pension, then he has a fairly good average income, and most often you do not have to think about whether to work or not.

The increase in pension most often excites those age citizens who have not worked for a long time, but live only on their well-deserved payment from the state. Their pension income will be indexed next year in the same way as before.


Many working retirees are afraid that the state will prohibit working after reaching a certain age. Nevertheless, so far this is only the senseless unrest of most people. Pensioners by age, like able-bodied citizens, have the right to work. There is nothing illegal here.

Nevertheless, will pensioners be able to work and receive a pension in the future? Or will they only need to work informally? People who take a well-deserved rest decide for themselves whether to continue working or not. Many pensioners prefer to work officially, hoping that in the future their pension will increase slightly due to insurance contributions to the Pension Fund.

Some citizens of the older generation do not want to be officially employed in enterprises and work without registration. For private companies, this is very beneficial.

For power structures

Currently, police officers are entitled to a long service pension if their work experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is at least 20 years. Nevertheless, the State Duma is now considering the issue of increasing the length of service to 25 years.

Do working pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive a pension? This question worries precisely those police officers who are already going to take a well-deserved rest after long service and go to work in another organization. The answer in this case will be positive. Nevertheless, the budget for next year does not mention indexation of pensions for working pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Therefore, payments will remain the same.


Here I would like to say once again that working pensioners in no case lose their pension, even though they continue to work. You need to know this.

Nevertheless, working pensioners lose their indexation of pensions. Therefore, their payments remain the same. But despite the fact that the government had previously planned to reduce the payment of pensions to working citizens of an older generation with incomes of more than one million rubles a year, this proposal of the deputies was not formally executed.

Thus, many people work and receive a pension, and increase their level of well-being.


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